Does Jow Forums know about the buried cities?

Does Jow Forums know about the buried cities?

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no. qrd where are these and how old

We don’t have many of them here in the USA. But in euroland new development goes on top of old development in some places. So you get stuff like entirely underground cities.

rome, idk how old. they were used by early christians at one point so over a thousand years minimum.

tens of thousands of people live in the aqueducts of las vegas. they have electricity and dwellings and everything down there.

Basically what the other user said. I also heard that roughly 300 years ago there was a massive mudslide that covered most cities.

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This is being done to old and historical places?

This is one of the craziest things I’ve ever seen. Everything is a lie.

We don't talk about the under towns. Or the immigrants wouldn't come. Then how would we feed them. So hush.

i know and it was the jews

tunnel jews
old news

What do you think it's down there, user?

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Looks like the leftovers of a once gigantic designated shitting street

I guess it wasn't mud that covered that one...

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There is a book by a Russian historian that makes the case that all of history is made up. That certain events and eras were made up and a timeline was created to make history seem longer. It’s easy really, if civilization collapses there are no schools and people become retards. Then civilization restarts from zero. I don’t know what is down there but I think the flood happened and all the mud sunk the buildings. I think the flood happened more recently than we are told.

fictitious and homosexual.
i can tell by the pixels.

I crave for more knowledge. Name of historian/book?

Interesting... Makes sense, though. What's the book called? Do you remember?

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This one might be it?

this is neato keep posting fren

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Thanks user, I'll check it out.

Running out of material here

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Found it


Why would you bury a building? If there was a catastrophic event that buried everything it just makes more sense to build on top.

Do you know we raised street level to install a sewer system 200 years ago?

>cities raise street level to install large sewage systems
No you're right, clearly it was a worldwide mudslide. That's a feasible thing.

Based and mud pilled

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Thats just a sewage installment.

So that's the one, nice.


What is this, the internet mud defence force?

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Dumping my mudders

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thanks anons!

I had to solve 30 captchas to post this wtf

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>too stupid to know that Roman buildings, bridges, roads and even aqueducts are still used.
Whoa, my own ignorance and stupidity means the world is a lie!

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Underground bases ?

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I work in construction and have done construction in New York city before. There was no flood of mud that killed humanity. The conspiracy is so retarded it's like saying air isn't real. Thing is old buildings usually from 100 years back aren't worth repairing and they sink into the ground. So they're built on top of. Very interesting that New York city is built on layers of old stuff. There is a layer of trash under the place. Than below that a layer of corpses from hundreds of years ago. But yes there are buildings that are buried. Some are sinking now as we speak. Its easier to just build over shit rather than break it down. Ain't no one hiring people for 80 an hour to to do that shit so they'll just build over.

Its like in Demolition Man

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We literally have the same things in parts of florida due to areas being swallowed by earthquakes.

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If it was just for sewage they would have removed the doors and windows and filled in the cavities with bricks.

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They raised the whole of Chicago 15 feet, but most cities opted to just raise their streets. Everyone thinks the sanitation movement was boring, but it really transformed all the cities around the world to stop the cholera outbreaks.
All these are to make room for sewers
This ones the only one that’s weird

Show flag

I'll dump the rest as well

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lo del drenaje tiene mais sentido estupinho

>hey durgheshar, hand me a sledge hammer
>why jangkaromeer?
>i'm going to mount the scaffolding into the 800 year old pillars we're currently digging up

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The pic in OP is just old basement architecture under big old buildings . . I use to work at a restaurant that was previously occupied by jewelers and they had their vaults in them . I've been in them , just a dirt floor and bricks , goes on for a block . Thats what they looked like .
Thats one too .

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I recently visited my mom's old university and since then they've dug out an old roman road and brought it back up stone by stone exactly how they found it.
You can still see the markings of the carts

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Old sewer again

Every city had underground streets. Backstage for the actors. Now it's tunnels.

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Really tough read by the way. It’s presented like a thesis paper, and extremely dense. I’ve read the first volume of like 7. It is very compelling, worth the read

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they did this so the lower part acted as a natural reversehoven so they could store food on the lower part of the house

Old sewer

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This ones funny. Theres a story about it. City commission needed a new road and got so fucking lazy they tore down the buildings in a abandoned project and built over them and put asphalt. You can still enter those buildings. There is asphalt that leaked through the ceilings. The debris on the ground is from when they were torn down.

I honestly prefer that you believe the mud theory because I love the pictures from these threads

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Wait, what? Really?
Is it like some hobo city or some shit? I've never heard about this one before. I'm intrigued. Any videos/articles/anything on it?

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hi masoniggers

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this looks like subway construction. Is this the new flat earth meme?

poltards believe in everything

Well it’s not for a subway. The officials called s hump cut where they made the street level less steep but they don’t acknowledge the windows and decorative arches etc being exposed by the work. This is Pittsburg. They lie to our faces.

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Street level got raised. The cities aren’t sinking

They did this in Galveston texas after a deadly hurricane. When they rebuilt they built everything elevated on stilts and slowly backfilled the city and built a sea wall. The incredible part of this is what a massive undertaking something like this is. When its mentioned around here it's like oh yeah they raised the city 20ft, then brought in billions of yards of soil.

Not raised what part of “hump cut” makes you think raised?

Cover story

Pittsburgh had a partial flood in the late 1800s and buildings were swamped. So they just left them and built over them. There was 8 inches of rain fall. Rare to get there but it happens. If there is a "mud flood" it happened in random locations and over years dirt moves and buries things. Tons of Roman and greek structures build around dirt areas have been buried over thousands of years worth the erosion and sinking. This fucking shit you're making up about mud flood killing humanity is so stupid I honestly hope someone bricks you man.

100 years of horse shit

Horse shit doesn’t turn into clay and sand.

Previous projects before the hump cut

Cities do sink though. That's not a myth. Soft clay and erosion cause this. But the dumbass is trying to say a massive flood that killed all of humanity caused this shit 200 years ago. Careful they're like flat earthers they argue until Blue in the face.

Citation needed.

Don’t admit that cities actually sink a little bit, or we’ll never hear the end of it. They’re trying to suggest that our current civilization is older than it actually is and will bring up more evidence of this extreme erosion.
It’s common for these cities to have no documentation or historical memory of these massive projects. Really makes you think

There are pictures of the dead bodies and devastation and of the construction. It was one of the deadliest natural disasters to ever happen in the us.

I hear you. I just worked construction in New York and a ton of them ghetto projects sunk badly within 20 years of being built.

Legit heavy rain and dirt eroding stuff and if there is ever mud slides these little places on the lower ends if unkept get covered. But this shit happens within a human life time. These fuckers think like you said were hundreds of years older and such and that stuff is absurdly annoying.

That is the stupidest shit I have ever heard of in my life. Even Alex Jones mocked mud flood believers at one point. Really makes you think?

>This autism
The ground level tends to rise at cities thanks to the accumulation of dust on the roads and horseshit. Also, it was pretty common to build on the ruined foundation of older houses
Pic related is the Király baths in Budapest. It was built by the Turks in the XVI century, notice how the road is higher than the bath and the buildings next to it. 500 years of dust and and other shit.
Also, that street is from the roman era, so the road has been in use for almost a millennia. The original Roman era road was 2-3 meters deeper.

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Based /x/ poster


Yeah, it's easy to find. There's people living in the sewers of the strip in Las Vegas, under NYC, pretty much any major city you'll find homeless living in the sewers.