What's Jow Forums's opinion of her?
What's Jow Forums's opinion of her?
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she makes me embarrassed to be Puerto Rican
Her lips would 100% feel amazing around my 2 inch cock.
she hit the wall and got replaced
I want to cum on her legs
I want feet pics
Send it to Canada and have them set it adrift
This, can some one shoop this with her face?
Thank you in advance.
>Jow Forumsacks couldn't prove her wrong so they decided to force her into a meme
pathethic. The same thing christcucks did with Richard Dawkins.
Absolutely love her. Every single time she opens her dumb, brown mouth, a white person is set on the path of righteousness. Keep the cameras on her 24/7.
want to knock her up and make her my housewife
Will wash out of politics by 2024.
Dumb as rocks... literally..
Oh and a cunt
less than 56%
Refreshing to see someone my own age getting media attention but other than that I hate her.
She's a lying, exaggerating, ignorant, arrogant, crybaby bitch of a Liberal with absolutely no sense of what the real world is like.
>>Will wash out of politics by 2024.
Fuck.. by 2020. They'll put her on "The View" .. just watch. Liberals are fucking insane..
Very cute, would breed.
The dumbest bitch ever elected.
smart, funny, easy on the eyes, successful, ambitious, incredible smile. she's perfect.
Degenerate with doe eyes
Her butthole is big
I thought that my sister wast the stupidest woman ever born but OC is elevated to Queen. Honestly, Bedouin bath in toilets. Water is very valuable to many peoples. These illegals are filthy, disease plagued, mentally challenged and despite the conditions they came from, they now have indoor plumbing, food, shelter, safety, medical care, etc. OC wants us to take them to a Hilton. Loco
>easy on the eyes
she's like an adorable puppy playing in the sandbox of politics, dumb as a brick but fun to watch.
lolno faggot
Dawkins made himself a meme by setting aside science for his political agenda
She's a lot like Trudeau and the latest Pope if you think about it. Young, dumb, and full of cum.
She's nearly a genius... at middle school level
>couldn't prove her wrong
she's making 2020 easy.
will drive dem voters to vote trump. most american leftists are closer to trump on most positions then her.
Useful idiot for the right. Ruinous for the left. Useless for the people who voted for her.
I’ve never listened to Adriana Grande but it’s a shame her concert got shot up.
I fucking hate this modern trend of making everyone's name an acronym, all you need to say is "Cortez", we all know who you are referring to, why would I ever say someone's full name?
based and inchpilled
Typical moron who appeals to the lowest common denominator, George Lopez fans in our country.
White hating brown twat...
Nice tits, shame about her face.
who the fuck make these memes
She's like if Richard Spencer was dumb, brown, and an SJW.
post feet
needs to be oppressed
shes unclear on the meaning
A political snake.
A complete,brainless,fraud. She's manufactured and manipulated and does'nt even choose her own clothes !
Inexperienced and obnoxious
literally only in politics because she thought it would get her twitter followers
Entitled yuppie trapped in a brown persons body. I also grew up in Yorktown Heights, she's not unique among the Millennials from that area. They all have the same "gimme gimme mommy daddy" mentality that all started with the Furby doll. That's where it all went wrong. She ate Wackys at Dante's deli, shopped at the Jefferson Valley Mall, watched Food Emporium and Walmart/Caldor/Jamesway sink into the boggy marshes it was built on next to Burger King, shopped at Turcos etc etc etc. That entire town is nothing but Guidos, Micks and Kikes. He brain got jewed, and hard.
Nice rack, acceptable face. Would bone.
Irl tripfag
She triggers the boomers, rightards and kikes so she's okay in my book.
why the fuck do people think this literal goblina is attractive
they dont
what is a shill
CIA nigger
I can link you to literally thousands of archived posts which disagree.
that's "weird" Mr. Raandy?
where is your "that's weird" when parents are dressing their little boys in drag and having them dance at strip clubs for men
or having their kid take hormone blockers so they can transition to female
or having their penis cut off so the parents can tell all their liberal cock sucking friends how progressive they are for letting their son cut off his dick
WHOA though, a kid making fun of AoC propaganda photo ops! Now THAT'S what's WEIRD
Shes a beaner dog that should he killed.
yes lots of autists on here
doesnt make anybody think shes hot
>tfw she will never shrink you to 1cm tall, pick you up, put you in her diaper and take her afternoon dump on your tiny body crushing you to death with her stinky puerto rican poo
Feels bad man
Apart from the people who do?
What kind of weird cope is this.
I like her, nigger those that hate her are delusional as fuck. Look at the republicans and actually vomit.
She’s retarded, but honest about her being retarded. You gonna respect that!
>Apart from the people who do?
calling them people is being generous