/USIC/ United States is Collapsing General

Americans are rushing the Canadian border, the CBSA is overwhelmed with the incidents, they organize into groups of hundreds and make a mad dash for the border, many get arrested but some make it through. Those that do buy medicine in bulk to bring back to their homeland. Like a penguin returning with a fish, the mutt is all smiles with her bag of medicine.

Skyrocketing prices in USA for medicine.

Just post the instore medicine prices and there will be an end to the horror.

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The mutt pays 700% markups for simple OTC pain pedication

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People with diabetes are gross.

The only way to get healthcare in the united states is through a life of crime.

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All american adults are diabetics.

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It costs 950k to give birth to a mutt, a major contributing factor to the population decline among the Americans

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Surgery prices are astronomical.
The mutt loves to pay their medical doms

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Yes, indeed. We need instore pharmaceutical prices.

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now this is some premium cope right here leaflet

canada is a shithole
imagine falling from being a first world nation and a shining beacon of liberty and prosperity to being what you are today

is it better to have had greatness and lost it, or to have never had it to begin with?

>t. 300$ month paycheck
I just want some instore medicine prices.

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Imagine being beaten militarily by Canadians and living in a 2nd world-tier "nation."

dunno man, 98% Croatians in Croatia while its 56% Americans in the US...

seems to me like we're doing just fine

Just leave third worlder, noone cares about you.

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She could just put the cheeseburger down and eat a salad instead.

>Canada is a shithole
>US is a shithole
Pretty much just makes Croatia stale bird shit lapped up by a dog at this point.

Its type 1 diabetes bro, geneticml.
Type 2 is for chunkies.
The democrsts want to give free health xare to illegals, while the mutt suffers.

tresiba is sold in pharmacy for fifteen to twenty dollars more than the msrp.
not a big deal
levemir has a $200 markup. lol
basalgar is $250 - so 100 cheaper than msrp

idk but i bet most insurance plans cover diabetic meds

>muh insurance pays for it
Who pays insurance ?

>United States is Collapsing
Tell us something we don't already know, you Leaf you.

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>Tell us something we don't already know, you Leaf you.
U dont have to pay ur med doms so much

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Wow, don’t waste my tax dollars on that nerd shit, just bomb more third world goatfuckers and give more handouts to Jews, niggers, and megacorps.

Post the in pharmacy prices and put an end to the horror.

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>be super sized burger
>have the diabeetus
>mfw the choice has to be made, an uber eats x-large pepperoni pizza or muh insulin
>gas up the F150 and head due north
>asylum claim at border denied because my "mutt" skin is not dewhited enough
>drive through Aboville, Little Chingchong, and Poo Station to insulin store
>wtf is a loonie? My American currency is better than gold syrupnigger!
>pull the hockey jersey up over Pierre's head and beat him into a coma
>diversity means a death sentence to native norteamericanos
>my last meal on death row, I order pizza for old times sake
>mfw Canadian Prison Pie only comes with pineapple topping

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That's only because Americans are so unhealthy.

At least anorexia isn't a thing.

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Its deeper than that

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Why don’t they just move there?

We have tough immigration laws.
Enough excuses
I need instore pharma prices

Big pharma is trying to shut me down, starting to notice vans following me.

What makes you think a country is collapsing just because some faggots on a bus wanted some cheap fag medicine? Build a wall and tap heads with your right to bear arms.

>oh wait

Stay safe user

Not the worst problem to have, 100% of your population is getting cucked by a cuck
What percentage of Americans are getting cucked by big pharma? It's not the worst problem to have, because its not the hardest to solve. We just chose to handle mexicans first as a country.

Mutts are dying in droves from lack of medicine
Just post the in pharma prices
Enough excuses

33% of mutts suffer from diabetes.


Leaf, as an American, someone that lives here. I can assure you, no one important died. Go take a French lesson pal.

not including other pharma health issues.
Professional estimates range in the 87-94% range of people being cucked by pharma doms in muttland

I just need in pharma prices and there will be an end to the horror.

How does it feel to be the champion of something that has become so extreme, by purely being insignificant to the majority of Americans?

Canada is so cucked all you can do is hop on Jow Forums and flex about pharma? K bud

Now if enough Amerimutts do this the whole pharma ecosystem Canadians are enjoying is going to collapse.

Please, no more excuses. Just post the in pharma prices

How does it feel to be the champion of something that has become so extreme, by purely being insignificant to the majority of Americans?

Canada is so cucked all you can do is hop on Jow Forums and flex about pharma? K bud

33% of americans can go ahead and die off. I don't care, I'm ready to watch California drift into the Ocean. What percentage is fat illegals engorged on our country of excess? No one cares.

Go take a shower, your keyboard needs a break.

>pharma doms pay more for advertising than R&D
>oyy veyy mutts pay 1600% markups for better drugs
Canada just refuses to be cucked by your pharma doms

>this same poster will defend the invasion of the beans

In muttland, illegals get free healthcare while the native mutt must risk arrestand injury running into canada for some medicine


Now lets see the chart for comparing milk and chicken prices, Leaf. Not all Amerifats need anti-depressants or diabeetus meds.

>100 million americans currently living with diabetes
You need insulin like you need water

>Canada is a shit hole

>mark up
>over the counter
For the country with great healthcare it
sure seems that you have never been to a hospital.

I know youre upset you couldnt afford your mental health meds today user, but if you could post the in pharma prices , us canadians are more than willing to send aid packages

canada IS a shithole since the 90s
the only reason you are even remotely relevant in the world is that American Awesomeness elevates you to north mexico status through osmosis of American basedness

Looks like this mutt managed to have his happy pills today
>sideeffects include delusion

haha I thought you were just an incel poo on cheap canadian hate pills rageposting because mum and dad are upset you're too dumb for med school
hah I was wrong
haha op is a vietgook
your cousin makes tire sandals and is paid in rice balls

after 30 posts Ho Chi Syrup has left the thread
how much insulin can you fit in a rickshaw faggot?

It would be so easy to fix this if only you mutts actually adhered to the principle of a free fucking market.
Just read this study.

No more banter, i just need in pharma prices.

But then they wouldnt be cucked by their pharma doms
Mutts love to pay their pharma doms

This is why you have to take care of youre own health not depend on (((institutions))) to take care of you

Or just you know... free market instead of getting gouged by your pharma doms

Type-1 here. I can get novolin(nph and r) at walmart for about $25/vial. Very affordable with a $30 box of syringes(these can be hard to buy at my age).
Glucose testing supplies are actually more costly.
Yes, nph and r are old type insulins, but they work well enough for type-1 diabetics. The newer insulins aren't worth the extra $200+/vial. Maintaining bolus with r and n isn't hard.

As an aside, type-1 diabetics are never fat. Insulin is a performance-enhancing drug that amps up metabolism. It's nearly impossible for us to be fat. We're the opposite of type-2 fatasses.

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Loss lead items designed to bring in mutts to buy cheetos and funyons at walmart are not acceptable. I need in pharma prices of 5-10 common perscription drugs.

It's to offset your hordes of mapleniggers who come here so they can pay to get quality treatment rather than die waiting 7 years to see if they qualify for necessary care in Canada that's being given to your Chink and Muslim populations. Fair is fair.

>we pay 1600% markups so canadians can come down and pay the same markups
That makes no sense Cleetus

I will impregnate leaf whores

>No more banter
Just Post Pic of Wrist, Ngyen Duk, and There Will Be An End to the Bantz

I've considered doing that before.


which one?
Type I, which is reversble
Type II, which is genetic?

I just need in pharma prices Johnny
Post in pharma prices and there will be an end to the horror.
Its a sad state of affairs. I hope mutts break free from the chains of the insulin/cialis mafia.

Its the opposite
Type 1 is genetic
Type 2 is obesity.

Lolol, damn fine you're solving it too. Resign yourself, kid. It's over.

Oh. I guess is mixed them up.

But im guessing type 2. Obesity rates in USA are astronomical.

Type-1 isn't just genetic. It can also be triggers by allergies or vaccines.

Allergies fall under genetics though, vaccines I dont know so I cant opinionate on, but i do know that you guys over pay for medicine by astronomical porportions. You need fo break free, and start by posting in pharma prices.

We subsidize other countries though. If the global prices equalized, we'd end up paying far less, but you guys and Euros and other would end up paying more.
The best thing that could happen is opening up markets though. Allow people to buy medicine globally from trusted sellers. Allow rating sites so people can be made aware of frauds, etc. The online drug market used to work like this and very well, until governments started busting the sites up. You could buy top-quality LSD, meth, MDMA, ketamine, RCs, etc and leave feedback and ratings. There were even some subreddits dedicated to sources(the one good thing that ever came out of reddit). But thanks to faggot law and gov, those subs had to be taken down.

The problem with the market is it's regulated up the ass and the big boys can afford to get by the regulations and screw over customers, using the law to their advantage because they can hire huge law firms to work out the math for them.

>the rest of the world doesnt cuck to them so we have to
Nah man, just open interstate markets for insurance and let us ship you drugs