Lets Make the Flag /our/ Symbol

This will drive the left to burn it in record numbers, screaming about how it is a racist hate symbol, just in time for 2020.

Attached: hate symbol.png (1235x650, 41K)

I concur. We can't turn back the clock, but we can make it move forward. This flag needs to become synonymous with white supremacy, genocide, and violent hatred.

I want to see people threatening normal people who dare to fly the flag. If we can meme this today, we can manufacture thousands and thousands of microhappenings on the fourth.

I want to see niggers chimping out at white families for wearing red white and blue aka supporting slavery and black genocide.

Attached: 1561495801512.png (814x501, 659K)

>our symbol
It is the symbol of America. The left was never a part of America, they already hate the American flag.

Attached: betsy ross.jpg (1920x1080, 72K)

I mean it kinda is already. (((Nike))) took down their American flag shoes.

4th of July is in 2 days.

>niggers attacking houses that put out a flag.

Attached: flag_front_house-e1434500423729.jpg (600x400, 107K)

It is /our/symbol idjit, Jow Forums is an American board..

Attached: E77B3BC3-CF62-4711-99BC-001E49F66860.gif (450x327, 2.68M)

the 50 white stars represent the 50 acres

It is the goal. The boomers and gen x are so god damned complacent. I want white women and their families to be confused and frightened as apes descend on them to beat them and burn/loot their homes because of the flag. I want flags to be burnt in droves to make patriots angry. We have to accelerate faster. The slow boil will kill us all if we don't turn up the heat.

I want niggers attacking random people in public for wearing red white and blue because then we force their owners to side with them. If we can meme the flag as a hate symbol, we can force the dems to recognize it as such.

We need to make the problem so

I thought that the American flag was already a well known symbol for white supremacy!

All we have to do is post some flag memes, the left will irresistibly wright some articles, then FOX will pick it up, then Trump will tweet about.

The burger flag is a too widely used symbol. You'd need to brute force it into being a different symbol with a prolonged massive propaganda campaign and that's not within current capabilities. This OP is sadly a no go.

It's different from the OK sign, which is a widely known symbol but not widely used symbol. Significant difference.


13 = The 13 letters = USA White Power
50 = 50% = our plan is use violence to stop the US from becoming less than 50% white.

Attached: subjugation.jpg (600x426, 34K)

They already do that.



13/14/50/88/311/1337, brother. They'll never catch on to our code

Fuck off Kike, we don't need to justify the liberals claims of America being a racist nation, we're not and they're just delusional professional fake victims.

13% of the population causes 50% of violent crime.

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Attached: klujox9vvsez.png (2000x1053, 14K)

delet this immediately.

Attached: pepe gaint glock.jpg (225x225, 8K)