This is how it all started today

This is how it all started today.

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Wait what am I looking at

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>Live Meteors
Connect the dots user. Account for the width of the frequencies.

There was also supposed to be some event with clouds today how they were meant to be higher than usual...How very odd.

How odd, here in the grand ole uk it’s sunny and warm

That signature is consistent with underwater nuke explosion. Putin and Pence headed to bunkers.

Bump. So something came through atmosphere & affected Schumann Resonance? What can do that?


Not sure how it works but underwater nukes detected through meteor detector?
Not sure how strong the resonance is but im sure this doesnt detect it, tho pic related does.

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I have been feeling this creeping, gnawing feeling all week... like something has changed and something else is coming. Do you feel it too? Am I just schitz?

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I know that feel user

Major sighting in China

07/02 first major sighting at 34.326883, 107.159318
7/4 second major sighting at -36.780339, 174.766292
7/5 major disclosure by Brazil (operacio prato data)
7/6 third major sighting at 26.735758, 56.700025
7/9 fourth major sighting and permanent hovering above 31.776713, 35.240997
7/13 major disclosure by US + Israel and military action to 31.776713, 35.240997
7/19 descent
7/20 contact
9/23 commencement

Guys an anal probe just flew over my house!

Attached: 1561251991204.webm (600x250, 3M)

We have a winner.
>"Oy vey! So the Persians DO have nukes!"

if a meteor only causes a small blip that lasts a few seconds, then what the fuck caused that 10+ minute enormous screech at 12:30pm?

did {{{They}}} position another frigate in our atmosphere?

"If you see and hear sometimes a strong continuous signal that runs for more than a minute or so, that is unlikely to be a meteor echo. VHF radio waves are sometimes affected by an unusual form of ionosphere propagation called "Sporadic E". During this event which can last hours or even days, the radio signal originating from the distant station is reflected by the ionosphere and meteor echoes are impossible to be detected. Sporadic E is specific to summer season in Northern Hemisphere."

from their website xd

but what about the schumann resonance

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck! I'm literally flying right now!

Attached: A_Great_Britain_just_flew_over_my_house.jpg (480x480, 30K)

No, you're not being schitz. I'm one of the unfortunate that feel this shit in my body and I am wired...vibrating like a guitar string. I'm just hoping it will all be over soon so it will stop.

ps. do NOT go with them when they come.

Give it to me straight

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Aliens are a big fan of Will Smith and are trying to recreate the movie, trump knows this and it's why he is starting a "military parade" July 4th

Or jews are using aliens as a way to create a world government

friendly reminder that that today we have a total solar eclipse, here in Chile is going to start in 30 min, get ready niggers

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Agreed, all empaths are feeling that guitar string sensation. This one's actually big and has got potential to turn into something. I'm neutral towards the whole thing now. So fed up with gay incorporated, endless clown world, bottomless corruption. Sometimes a hard reboot is all that will fix things. My opinion is fix away. This is a thing we will look back on as the thing that led to the thing that led to The Thing. Screencap this.

Nice chemtrails

A literal non happening.
>inb4 the usual

James woods is the shit. You can tell him I said that too.

Kek. Rolling for it goes down exactly like the movie

What most people don't take into account when they're getting "that feeling" and eventually see no actual happenings in their world is that what they felt could very possibly be ripples from near possibility timelines that are being felt by them in this realm.

>guitar string
Motherfucket ive had a fucking radio station stuck in my head when it should damn well be quiet
Whatever is coming im already feeling I will survive

Be glad it didn't fly straight into your butthole!

its nothing

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Hmmmm, am i experiencing very low level anxiety or a warning that a parallel timeline is collapsing?

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Could be.
I had an acute episode of "that feeling" around spring 2017. It was around that time where I believed that the nukes were supposed to fly. So I attributed my feelings to the very likely collapse of several near possibility timelines.
Glad that we survived.

>I'm neutral towards the whole thing now.
Developing that neutrality is essential. Good job. I do not like how I feel and I do want it to be over, but I will maintain my neutrality. Once you realize that you are not a player in the game it is a simple thing to watch the programming play out until all the players wipe each other out.

>timelines that are being felt by them in this realm.
We did have a timeline shift. I am still working it out but I think I know the exact moment. If you need a bit of help right now work with 369..or the F# cords...D#, C# can help.

I have worked a lot to understand parallel timelines, collapsing timelines, and shifts. It is no easy thing to undo the linear time model banged into your head...but it can be done. What is happening now is just...insane yet true. It is what it is. Can make a lot of people mental, and likely will. That is why we are seeing humans with...ah...lesser intelligence chimp out.

reset...I'm just sitting in the middle watching both sides.

IF you want to ride this out I strongly suggest working with the tesla freqs and no matter what *unless life personally threatened then just shoot them*, stay in a neutral spot do not feed either side with your energy / emotions.

One gets the feeling that moving tanks into DC may not be entirely for a parade. This is not going to be painless.

No, I think it is that this timeline is collapsing..or rather the timeline that was supposed to...was organized to...the one that changed Nov. 8, 2016. We are still entangled.that entanglement is what is coming undone.

Or you just drank too much coffee. Both possibilities seem equally likely.

Yeah, that's it. Thanks.