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Good. You xenophobic fascists are still going to get what's coming to you, though.


remember the movie Elysium? your children will be the ones still on the shithole earth

bastards. italian judiciary has always been a meme.

So Italy wants more niggers? We got you senpai.

We Revolutionary National Socialists understand the evident fact that ALL current politicians and civic institutions are corrupt.

ALL avenues of control have been exhausted. The National Socialist Revolution is the next and only logical step remaining.

>As a man was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg. No chains, no cages. It was obvious that the elephants could, at anytime, break away from their bonds but for some reason, they did not.

>He saw a trainer nearby and asked why these animals just stood there and made no attempt to get away. “Well,” trainer said, “when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that age, it’s enough to hold them. As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away. They believe the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free.”

>The man was amazed. These animals could at any time break free from their bonds but because they believed they couldn’t, they were stuck right where they were.

>Like the elephants, how many of us go through life hanging onto a belief that we cannot do something, simply because we failed at it once before?

>Failure is part of learning; we should never give up the struggle in life.

Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.

Salvini is a literaly kike, of course he wont throw this woman in jail.

good put gas on the fire

open borders for Italy, the migrant ships are stacking up as we speak

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>Lybia and fucking Tunisia (where people go on vacation) are unsafe, therefore Rackete was in full justification of waiting two weeks in front of lampedusa, force a block thre times and crash onto a coast guard boat.

LMAO I fucking can't beleive it, the judiciary has gone all in on this kikery.

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I lost all my respect for Salvini today.
What a colossal piece of shit.

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daily reminder of what white men are capable of.

>According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the gang makes up less than 0.1% of the prison population, but it is responsible for between 18-25% of murders in the federal prison system.

Salvini made all the laws and did the right thing. It's the judge who didn't aplly the law. It's as if you'd crash into the police car and the judge says you are allowed to do it because you had niggers in your car. Utter madness.

Sea Watch 3 NGO sea captain that rescued (trafficked) refugees from Libya to Europe. She was arrested yesterday and apparently released today.

ALL politicians and current institutions act as a tranquilizer on white people as the poison works to kill us.

The ONLY response is to recognize this. To recognize our ability to respond as necessary.

long live the National Socialist Revolution!

Italians were pressured by outside forces to relase her.

I work on an italian ship.

She is going to get lynched. By other women, by men, by coworkers, by family, by everyone.

She is going to have to hide in a little corner and not show her face again because every italian, every institution of the italian nation is about to come down on her 24/7 with full scrutiny and prejudice.

She won't be able to take a taxi without getting shit. It's how italians are.

1. How come judges are allowed to selectively apply the law, surely somebody monitors them

2. Isn't the bigger issue the trafficking and defying the ban on crossing into Italian waters?

Dude. We've been royally fucked since 1945.

Italy sucks kids, might be anti-niggers. But only when the niggers don't come in. If they want to come to this country, they'll get thru no matter how...
Italy is weak, it has always been in the past 2000 years.

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The Italian authorities should check out the boat for illegal drugs and weapons. have to do a thorough job though using plasma cutters and torches to get into those bulkhead to ensure there are no hidden compartments. If they turn up nothing then they can post the boat back to the NGO in conveniently sized pieces


the TEMPORARY custodial measures have been found unnecessary.
The criminal trial is still going strong, she's just gonna be free while she's under it.

>what can I do goyim, the judges are the problem. what can I do goyim, the democrats are the problem. no, wait goyim, there's another "election" in a few years
NO, NEVER! Never will we believe the lies coming from politicians. They are ALL working together. They are ALL traitorous rats

If there ever is a day of the rope tons of judge's will get shot then hanged.

Daily reminder her father is a fucking arms manufacturer

thanks spaghettibro
this makes my day

a self deception is all you have remaining.


+the boat is still impounded

La stanno spedendo in Germania...

This is bullshit she is still awaiting charges.

=she goes to germany and doesn't spend a single day in jail.

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Thank god.

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Not surprising at all

your agent.

>remember the movie
Haha yeah and trump is like totally voldemort right XD

they'll bring them in airplanes. They are already working on changing the seat configuration to fit more.

enough with the self deception.

It seems that violence truly is the only possible way now, every institution has been specifically made to crush resistance, and promote this suicidal Jewish agenda.

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Meine Ehre heißt Treue

>How come judges are allowed to selectively apply the law, surely somebody monitors them

Nooooop. Big nope. Noone fuckin controls them. It s the same here. The judiciary system self regulates itself. Any suggestion to change that is a big nono and is met with autistic screeching. Dare to say ANYTHING about the judges and you are literally called Hitler.

So, will someone step forward then and take justice into their own hands...if you know what I mean.

I feel ya bro. I feel ya.


Is this a pasta?

>monitors them
Yeah, the "Superior Council of Judges"... which is corrupt and left wing as well.
It appears that the italian constitution is the most cucked of all, with the excuse of fascism the commies that took over italy in 1945 made sure to keep the three powers as distant as possible. Meaning Salvini has literally 0% influence in judges whatsoever.
What's more unjust (ironic) is that these judges are willing to literally go against the law that was passed just to save allow niggers to stay.
Recently, a paki that was allowed to stay because "He was gay therefore he'd face persecution" sexually assaulted a little girl.
It's all so tiresome.

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We fucking failed again. Salvini is a complete clown and nothing he says matter. We're still a bunch of cucks as usual, and she knew nothing would have happened to her, it was all a big fucking fraud from the start. I wouldn't be surprised if the ship gets liberated again and we end up keeping all the rapefugees on top of that. Either we fucking revolt and tear up the place like the yellow vests did or we'll forever be the clowns of Europe, there's no other choice but violence now.

Also, fucking lòl at Salvini trying to damage control saying she'll be expelled or whatever, how stupid does he think we are? The cunt captain wasn't gonna stay here either way, dumb fuck. Seriously I can't fucking believe this shit. And if it wasn't enough, (((they)) set up a bunch of crowdfunding campaigns for this bitch, she'll go back to Germany as a hero and with a ton of money in the bank.

she is a public target now


Yeap i can see this happening.Same thing happened here with Siemens CEO
>accused of money laudering, keeping double books, bribing politicians, defrauding the state for billions of euros over the last 15 years
>no bail is needed
>escapes to Germany
>10 years later and the Krauts deny extradition

based and berlusconipilled

she is banned from Italy effective immediately
which was the alternative to her getting 20 years filtrated air in a prison in Rome
will only be a matter of time for her to show up at some Italian harbor again
just wait for it
can't fix stupid

>1. How come judges are allowed to selectively apply the law, surely somebody monitors them

that's where you're wrong.
since the judiciary branch is "independent", they are their own watchmen.
massive scandals are erupting about the neverending spiral of corruption among the judges, yet nobody can lift a finger. maybe our president of republic, but he is part of the gang.

In this nation? Lol. To put things into perspective, I told a nigger trying to peddle his shit at a university library to fuck off and when he got aggressive towards me everyone turned their heads and pretended nothing was happening out of dear. This is a nation of effeminate pussies that will never stand up for themselves at risk even at the risk of going extinct.

Can confirm. We have long since realized that the only way forward is through violent revolt.

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>political will to uphold the law
It's always about this. She would have been made an example of, but lobbing groups by the money lenders voices are louder.

Italy desperately needs a Machiavellian leader. It's unironically a matter of survival.

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>having an axe wound between your legs
>getting massive privileges

this is the world we live in.

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it's the core message of what Revolutionary National Socialists believe.

I'm the source of it. For future reference pic related.

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What about her fucking boat?

And what are you prepared to do for the survival of your people? Shitpost on Jow Forums?

I have a cut on the middle finger knuckle lmao. Very close.

please read and save this image

>t. milanese/bolognese
Solo lì.

For ita anons: Alessandra Valla (judge who didn't confirm the arrest) is from the leftist magistratura democratica, same as Palamara. LMAO

second in command. well done

The ship is not going anywhere, it's impounded. The captain allegedly still faces criminal trial, but this could take months and it will probably go nowhere, as these things usually do.

All I'm gonna say frens.


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I'm 20 years old, still going thru uni. Who knows, maybe I'll create a party in the future?

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What else can you do except vote and vocally complain? Some of us actually have lives and families worth living for

Kys, nigger

Don't play losing games. You'll either lose, or become them.

In minecraft of course.

I'll keep you in mind and hope to fight side by side with you one day

Why does nothing badass and based EVER FUCKING HAPPEN?

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Ok, digits will tell me to do
dubs: party foundation
trips: luca traini
quads: armed revolution
nothing: hang myself

We're letting human traffickers off easy now. Good.

You're retarded

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she will be escorted out of the country to her safeplace germany, and when she will arrive with sea watch 3 the next time, with 54 niggers on board, you can't do shit either. if it worked once, why wouldn't it work the second time?

You can't win against this.

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your country is a honk one

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you already are brother. Every day you exist as a white person you fight alongside me. I'm honored, strengthened and humbled by your words.

how much this post paid you? 0.05C?

you have 30 seconds to explain what's wrong with socialism.

recognize who you are genetically and exist ..read this message again

So she can basically go back to her human trafficking hobby?

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I really hope for an Anglo-American alliance some day, after we unkike our nations

Socialism is NOT National Socialism you moron

Don't do it user, the dark times shall pass

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one of our countries is determined on destroying europe and its not mine

Get dabbed on Jow Forums. Will you ever stop losing?

include *national (ethnic) and the caveat that it is *revolutionary (in that it doesn't currently exist in totality)

that's exactly what will happen
there is no justice for average human being in europe
funny that these people want talk to the rest of the world about human rights

Pick one, and only one
>But muh real socialism has never been tried. It has to be X-socialism
Kys and your offspring

90+ years Germany and Europe have been paying development aid to Africa, and not much was achieved. They still have 7-9 children and settle in inhospitable deserts. At one point one has to realize that Africa can't be helped.
They will gobble up the whole continent like the locust they are. Fuck niggers

Salvini isn't the Judikative

The alliance is along ethnic lines not national because contemporary nations have long since lost their identity. I'm European but neither Anglo nor American nationally.

The EU has kangaroo courts? You don't say!


Communism ≠ socialism retard. Under certain circumstances, some socialization is perfectly fine.

>National socialism isn't socialism
Yes. It is

Thanks bros, godspeed

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>Italy's Interior Minister Matteo Salvini made it clear immediately:
>Captain Rackete should not be allowed to stay in Italy. Salvini wants to deport her and the process is already prepared. His justification: She constitutes a threat to national security.

Salvini is going to get btfo on this too. Fucking spaghetti eaters...

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