It was a secret small, small crew sub IN MINECRAFT
The sub lost 14 of its 16 screw IN MINECRAFT
and was almost sunk IN MINECRAFT
There was a fire - but only after it was hit by an enemy weapon IN MINECRAFT
origin of weapon not known. IN MINECRAFT
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On board was an emp generator
ignore slide threads and bump all ww3 threads
its mother fucking happening
I think they were trying to cut the cable to prevent an 'Operation Olympic Games' attack which could potentially cripple Iranian infrastructure.
That would be stupid because electromagnetic energy is dispersed in water
Unless it had a periscope or launcher for it
Is Yossi Cohen ready to die
>I think they were trying to cut the cable to prevent an 'Operation Olympic Games' attack
Is Aviv Kochavi ready to die?
>iran fires torpedoes on russian sub
russia vs iran war when
Its a 16 man sub.
think about this very hard.
Scalar waves are unaffected by matter
Oh god, this cant be real. It is even better than police baton called “argument”, they literally compete to get most ridiculous designation.
>How can I break it down more than that?
The Russians (snowniggers)
were looking to cut the cable (fibre that connects the internet under water)
to stop the US Cyber Command from launching Operation Olympic Gates;
which would cripple Iran's infrastructure.
Americans killed them instead.
>Operation Olympic Gates;
Olympic Games.
All slavshits should fucking kill themselves, they're 100% jew and can't make shit
they are sliding ww3 thread hard
we all know there are serious war games being played.
you don't have 3 ships with "fire" on board them all in a clump.
Same cable Russian used to meddle into the US election or the other one?
lets all guess (((who))) did this.
it happened off coast of ISRAEL
I'm taking an educated guess.
Operation Olympic Games is one of the major strats for the Pentagon.
It would make sense to cut the cable, then the country becomes a giant intranet. It makes sense to me
This is one serious mother fucking map.
I collects old maps btw.
Nice try rabbi. Unfortunately we all can see the nose.
Yeah, but permeability of air is far lower than water
I bet it was that jewish looking shark that did it. the fucking nose on that guy.
*senility is the word you're looking for.