Objectively why is child labor "bad"?

Objectively why is child labor "bad"?

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Looking back at my shitty childhood in "public school" I would've been a lot more happy and productive working in a mine or some shit.

Perhaps it is better. Logically if you were mine owner monopoly man you would have to implement some type of education type component to your program because if you didn’t, they would hurt productivity.

because the jews would exploit it and the gays would blackmail the kids for sex

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oh yea also the single moms would spousify their sons and make them get a job instead of the lazy cunts getting a job and then they will bitch and nag the child to work harder so they can get more money so they can buy their purses etc just like a husband

Because of (((them))).

children wouldn't be equal partners in an employment relationship and can't legally sign contracts.

It's not. I grew up farming tobacco after school and on weekends and I'm glad for it. Every kid should do hard work and learn to earn their money.

It stunts the mental and physical development of children and lowers the ability to gain an education for the vast majority of working poor. In the short term, it may boost productivity and profits, but in the long term it leads to a dysgenic effect on the workforce with lower quality workers and a less educated population. It can also lead to many chronic diseases related to being physically or mentally overworked in early childhood.

It’s just an arbitrary standard desu. If it were up to the commies, no one would enter the job market until they were 30 years old with a PhD.
Realistically, some people (for example, niggers) will never have much more than a minimum wage job. What’s the point in promising them free college when all the free school in the world isn’t going to give them the ability to even speak English fluently?
They should be able to find jobs directly after elementary school if standardized testing can prove that further education is a waste of time and resources.

Forgot to add that it also depresses wages and has the potential to raise unemployment among the rest of the populace.

it isn't
child exploitation is bad
plenty of kids help out parents on farms or with business
rounding up orphans to work in a sweatshop is chink tier though. not nigger tier, because niggers don't work.

Can't be more dysgenic than the modern welfare state.

>Had school
>Had a weekend
Pussy faggot.

>straya cunt not shitposting just... being plainly, objectively right
clown world

Its only bad if they aren't going to school/getting a basic 8th grade education.

The only other issue is if employers decide to pay lower wages for children in unskilled professions and then almost exclusively hire children. This will mean that adult workers would have to either accept the lower paygrade too or risk losing their jobs to kids.

This literally happened around the turn of the century.

Maintain wages and get the kids to school, and they should be fine working.

thats a you problem.

Because labor is shit generally.

Because it turns boys into men and that's bad. Now forget you asked this question and go play some video games.

Lol the evil jews and theyr anti child labour shilling amirite

Maybe if they weren't under overwhelmingly harsh conditions it'd be a good development activity.

if you weren't tortured as a child you are literally a cuck

Parents/businesses that voluntarily purchase the parents child should be allowed to do whatever they want with their property, including rape, torture, slavery or whatnot
If you have any objections to this you are fundamentally opposed to the core capitalist values that define the west

not wrong

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I had my first job when I was 12 while all the other kids did drugs and turned into lazy stoners. Does that count as child labor? Now I live in a gated community and make good money while all those other high school friends are either divorced, miserable, drug addicts, struggling because from an early age they believed in socialism instead of capitalism.

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Kids helping out with bullshit tasks in between playing is fine. Forcing them to work 12 hour shifts at the assembly line is slavery.
Nothing forms a child's mind more than being able to explore and play. If you take that away from them you will be making adults that can't think for themselves.. But then again, maybe that's what you would prefer, Schlomo?

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If you stick with it and aren't mangled you get an awesome jump start on life
>Great- Grandfather is West Virginian
>Runs away from home and joins Standard Oil Co at 10 y.o.
>starts on as a "gopher", a runner or powder monkey type job
>quickly rises through the ranks
>Sent to executive position exploring Venezuelan oil resources at 25 y.o.
>fights stinky indios innajungle
>comes back, assigned to New York City, reporting to a Rockefeller
>retires with so many shares in his company that I inherited a goodly amount in what became Exxon

Most Americans shouldn't even bother with school beyond 8th grade. High school is four years of meaningless education if you aren't going to college, and most students would be better served working and saving up for their own lives instead of wasting 8+ hours/day to get told whitey bad and the structure of a cell

Meant to post this

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Children are supposed to be developing mentally and socially at that age, not working. I don't know if there are any statistics available, but I would imagine that they end up being pretty messed up as adults on average.

I live in one of the richest neighborhoods on the east coast. I also have worked about 3 years in the last 12. How does that make you feel. I also own 3 cars

That's psychological incest.

well, I'm happy for you. I live on the west coast. On PCH if you know what I mean. Feels good.

>at any age
anyways its better to educate the children, it pays off in the long run

this desu
at least i would have learned something


>It stunts the mental and physical development of children

Child labor is typically drudge work that normally adults do. Kids being made to work like adults without adult bodies can damage their growth, and the drudge work means their accelerated state of learning and absorbing knowledge in general is wasted.
And only an idiot would put a child with undeveloped decision-making sections of their brains in a job that required them to think and have to make decisions, so drudge work is all child laborers do.