The Kings have returned, bow down white boi!

The Kings have returned, bow down white boi!

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I only see 4 animals in that pic

Kangz. They were Kangz, aight?

cant wait.

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Lion meet your food.

fucking niggers steal everything

Why is it retards compare niggers to lions constantly when, before white colonials with firearms showed up, niggers were eaten by lions like rabbits

Dey wuz Kangs!

Wuzzers gonna Wus



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Did they died?

At least Simba isn't being played by a literal murderer this time around

Kangs and Kodos

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Based Med

racist invaders and the kike slave traders

when will people have enough of the kike bullshit? should be very close

Niggers like stealing so much they probably stole the idea to steal things from someone

Why are lions ok but that based chink art exhibition that did this with gorillas was racist af?

Y'all niggas racizt n shieeeet

Who would have known? The lions in the lion kings were black all along.. Hm..
I guess Pocahontas is gonna be transgender

For all you haters let me explain, black men are lions. Think about it, lions are the niggers of the animal kingdom. Lions-lay around all day having the lioness provide for you. Nigger-lay around all day having a woman provide for you. Lions are provided with food, niggers are provided with Xbox live subscriptions and dirt weed.

Wow. Niggers are useless.

Cause like Africa n shit

Their understanding of pre-colonial Africa is Disney's fucking Lion King.
They think people were living in harmony with nature. Not raiding neighbouring tribes to kill all the males and kidnap and rape all the females.
The chances of dying violently before the Europeans arrived was like being on the front lines of a war.
Not to mention you'd die of some bullshit disease before the white man's medicine fixed it. Even now Africans think that shit is witchcraft.
Boils my blood.

>shows you photos

We WUZ kAnGz !!

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Because niggers are insecure that they look like gorillas. And everyone knows they do just dont like talking about it.

fuck this movie and fuck Disney

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Lion Kangz.
I don’t even hate blacks like most of Jow Forums but they picked the most insufferable niggers imaginable for this shit


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your country worships a bald eagle you idiot


why is that goofy nigger in everything? he peeked on derrick comedy. he is honestly good in 5 minute youtube skits but i cant stand him for any more than that

Underrated FPBP