Is Rand Paul going to become Vice President?

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He's better off as a senator

no Tucker Carlson

Do we have any examples of Pence influencing Trump?

This feels like it would be a waste of Paulian blood.

Pence got a letter at HW's funeral. Remember?

No I don't. Did Trump get one?


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Soo... what are you getting at here?
Is Pence a demon?

is that Bill Murray???

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What are the ramifications for the GOP if this is true? Wasn't Pence some kind of olive branch to the boomercons?

It means that RINOs and Neocons are fucked.

quick rundown on your thinking please

And Pence's motive was to replace Trump as POTUS in case some bad stuff was recorded?

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Paul-Carlson ticket wins 2024 election and 2028 election.

Tucker runs for president in 2032, finally succeeds in making America great again, is elected by a landslide in 2038

digits confirm.

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And Pence wore a wire? Wonder what was talked about.

Pence was part of crossfire hurricane the whole time

>crossfire hurricane
Shit. I really liked the guy. Shame he has to hang too.

>Pence wore a wire
>we've known about it for 4 years
>Trump does something about it finally before he leaves
>too bad that "something" is giving pence immunity

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Did McBrain order it from the grave?