>name one single successful black country
Name one single successful black country
Niggers are subhuman
Fight me, nigger
>a shithole more uncivilized than the Congo
ancient egpyt before it was arabized
I hear Ethiopia is doing alright.
the race war will not be fought with guns but with FISTS prepare yourself
Probably any of the countries that connect to the Mediterranean
Imagine being this stupid
The only respectable answer ITT
Sweden is doing pretty good
I hear Gabon is doing good. Also Rwanda is apparently doing OK now. Nigeria is on track to become a decent country and a regional power. Apparently Namibia isn't all that bad plus a bunch of small island nations are doing pretty good due to tourism and whatnot.
Sure nobody would want to live in Africa but Africa today is maybe 70 years behind 1st World, whereas it was 1000 years behind just 50 years ago.
Angola, Kenya, Tanzania, Somaliland, Ethiopia.
If you take a quick peek at the catalog, you'll see that the every 1 in 5 threads are about Black people. But not just that, Black people (especially, Black men) are discussed in nearly EVERY thread, even in threads that has nothing to do with Black people in any way. It's clear as a crystal that Jow Forums is obsessed with Black people.
But there's more. What about BLACKED, Interracial couples and threads admiring Black males? white boys are TRIGGERED AS FUCK in those threads. Why? If Black males are bunch of violent dumb savages, who is inferior to white man, then there's nothing to get triggered about, right? But why do white bois get triggered? It is because they see Black males as a very serious threat. They get angry at BLACKED threads because there's possibility of their white female relatives, friends, girlfriends can be stolen by a Black man. Deep down they see Black males as more alpha and masculine than the white males, thus the obsession. See, everyone laughs at AMWF threads, but BMWF threads has a completely different athmosphere. Dozens of white bois frantically flipping out, projecting, writing their insecurities.
Jow Forums is afraid of BLACK man.
>ancient egypt
based kike
>but Africa today is maybe 70 years behind 1st World,
No its 6000 years behind the first world.
So all the guns and ammo are gonna magically disappear or what?
Splain. I have 30k rounds of seven different calibers and reloading equipment
Will that all just fall apart when the race war pops off?
Will I go to my gun safe and find nothing in there?
Lol why would that be the case?
Also blacks have significantly higher obesity rates, shorter on average.
There are some sub saharan countries with higher HDI and Gdp per capita than Ukraine.
They commit 99% of the sliding
Okay man. Heres your (You). You feel better now, you achieved something. You got your little dopamine rush now?
>falling for obvious bait
also, is that a bull barrel? notice any benefit from it?
Gabon, isnt that some kind of monkey?
one word constitutes an entire fucking paragraph on blacked, who has the insecurity again
Based and very true. We're the humanitarian super power and definite proof that blacks can run a civilization.
one word constitutes an entire fucking paragraph on blacked, who has the insecurities.
Blacked threads can be funny to read through though, the headbutting is worth a laugh sometimes
it really isn't. it's not all Zimbabwe and Congo down there.
yeah but those are tiny island nations like Mauritius. it's like saying Asia is the best continent because Abu Dhabi, Brunei and Singapore top all sorts of HDI charts.
Shut up nigger you still have literal tribal animals living in the outskirts of your nations yet want to talk about being developed.
kek nice one Shlomo.
When it comes to black African countries, Botswana is top tier and so is Nambia and Gabon. Some parts are Nigeria are well developed. These are all countries that have a chance to actually improve.
South Africa is still at the top but it'll continue to get worse at an accelerating pace.
When your country puts a robot on mars or makes booster rockets that land themselves hit me up.
Botswana has a zoofrican tier rape rate.
India is almost black country and if you ignore our toiletory problems we're doing pretty aight
>When your country puts a robot on mars or makes booster rockets that land themselves hit me up.
why would we waste our time doing that?
Nominal GDP: $830
Thought they'd be less poor, but it looks like crime is way down. Good for them.
There is none. All wealth was brought in by whites. Blacks riding the momentum since then. They alone cannot maintain a functioning modern civilization with things like fresh water supply, electricity, healthcare, working transport lines
name one single successful black country:
A fricking leaf
They were meds though, not black
>posts a picture about cherrypicking
>posts cherrypicked images
Most undesired race
this. Negusa Negast!
also ethiopian =/= negroid
pic related
woops wrong one
>why would we waste our time doing that?
You're right. Wouldn't wanna interrupt your arts and crafts mud hut making session. I hear you're on year 6508 and going strong
>makes booster rockets that land themselves
Isn't he South African?
nah alot of eritreans and some horners are just striaght arabs I mean on 23 and me they clumped me up with the horner people and sudan and egpyt
>black country
>Pic shows white couple