Im getting baptised in a couple months

Any other user converted to Catholicism?

Seriously the process is a fucking pain. They make you jump through so many hoops...Meanwhile, it takes 10mn to convert to Islam..

But anyway, I'm very happy. Getting baptized at 33.

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joining catholicism right now isn't the best idea unless that based black guy becomes the new pope. good luck to you though.

>joining catholicism right now isn't the best idea
Why? Because it looks bad? Does truth not matter?

the truth matters, but as other anons have said the church is preaching about immigration and all that. if the same thing was going at my church id say the same thing.

I was born into it so baptism was just done without question. Going through the process for confirmation seemed like a lot of bother, but, in retrospect, I think it was probably a good idea to try to make sure we were doing it of our own volition and not just because we thought it was expected of us.

Although I'm pretty sure most people simply couldn't come up with a good reason to say no at that point.

Get the old rite baptism. It has exorcisms done on you. The priest has to do it if you request it.

Is it catholic?

Why it's a meme

It's even more difficult getting confirmed if you have already been baptized at another church, and/or if you have any previous marriages that need to be annulled in the eyes of the Church, etc. Well worth it though. My wife and I have been going every Sunday for a year. Hopefully by next year we will be able to receive communion.
God bless, user.

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Lol just go up and get it they don't check.

Religion doesn't save you, Yeshua does

An exorcism? It's something priests and families do to those who have mental illness but don't enough IQ points to take them to a hospital.

That is a local variation. In Poland the Church is anti-immigration.

God bless user

Yeah just an older ritual, still valid

Just get baptised in a river. You're saved by faith, not works or steps by an institution.
>t. from an Orthodox country

Its not. They don't do anything but traumatize the mentally handicapped.

I questioned whether to get confirmed, but my mother convinced me I would burn in hell if I didn't, so I went ahead with it.

I guess. as I have heard from Americans though they take the popes word very seriously. ive been to Polish masses here but I couldn't tell you what was going on.

> Joining catholics.

When they basically kiss Muhammed's ass.

faith without works is dead

Oh I agree, I just used to be Catholic

My mother never said anything about hell at the time, but later joked about how harsh it was pre Vatican-II. I would have preferred having learned more about what all is in the bible first, and being given to consider if some other denomination or religion entirely is closer to the truth, but I can't say I really regret the decision.

It varies. I don't think the average person takes the pope as too much more than a symbolic head and a guide of sorts. That's my experience, although I know of people that are head over heels for his feel-good pronouncements.

>They make you jump through so many hoops
Man up faggot - it's better than Hellfire.

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>converting to the most violently repressive pedophile worshiping denomination of Christianity in the history of Earth

Enjoy Hell.

Congratulations user I’m really glad to hear the news.
Did you read the rest of the post? That’s not charitable, user.

>reminder for everyone to pray the rosary today.

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You mean the one True Church.

No, Catholicism is revisionist kikery

You mean Baptists?I'm glad I'm Catholic.

I just recently served as a sponsor for a friend who joined. As a cradle Catholic, it was a great experience to relearn my faith. Congrats, user.

Well, the works are what testify the faith basically. God is all-knowing however, so you don't NEED works to prove your faith.

Good for you, user!

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thinking about doing it in the future

What religion are you now, if any?

Congrats on joining a political institution that perverts Christian teachings. Enjoy the system of votes held up by bishops and cardinals, that assures only they’re hand selected will ever be in the position of “divinity” at the top of the pyramid of deceit. Jesus never told peter to crest a line of succession after his death. He told peter to build his church and man decided the rest. There is nothing divine about the pope.


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Lol. Imagine being a heathen and not being born into the one true faith...

Do you ever feel embarrassed by your fedora?

sacrilage to take communion while not in a state if grace.


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Catholicism? You've been so mislead brother.

Yeah but he never said not to do that shit either. Why are nigras so dumb?

Yes actually he was against all of the hierarchal perversion in the Jewish faith. That’s why he went against them and died for it. The Old Testament is irrelevant in Christianity. It’s all the Jews sacrificing animals and cowering before their “god” who chooses them as his people.

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After the baptism, how soon do you get to start cucking yourself to niggers and rapefugees?

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Just a reminder there are glowniggers actively trying to stop anons from being Ethnonationalist Christians and to falsley believe that to be Christian you can't be Ethnonationalist. Don't believe it. Ethnonationalism will keep our countries white, and Traditional Catholicism(FSSP or SSPX) will fight modern degeneracy and keep our women in line. They fear Ethnonationalism + Trad Cath because it creates the best world.

why does Jesus always look like hes strung out on heroin?

I can definitely see the usefulness of religion in that regard. Good luck, user.

P.S. fuck captcha

Congrats, user. I returned to our mother church a few years ago and it's been the best decision of my life so far. Welcome home and God bless. AMDG.

Yeah, it’s the most catholic baptism there is. Look it up. Much more catholic than the crappy, neutered Novus Ordo baptismal ritual.

They say he was the last of the great popes. Probably wont be another one like him in the modern age.

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John Paul II.'s heresy enabled the modern day Church to fall so far from Grace

JP2 was good but he wasn't great

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JPII wasn't really that good. Pius X was the last great Pope.
Benedict XVI was better than JPII.