Could it finally be happening?

I figured I'd hold onto this to see what happens July 2nd, and sure enough Pence goes into DefCon1 and a Russian sub studying the bottom of the ocean mysteriously get damaged. Then we'll know why "in a few weeks". Perfectly matches up with what this user said back in June.

Attached: ayys.jpg (1024x349, 45K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: itmightbehappening.png (485x123, 6K)

How about you take your meds and go to sleep?

Rolling for nuclear war of the worlds

Attached: 1562004658958.png (535x262, 121K)

we are on to something here: a

Remember: if ayys we activate dotr.

i'll start reading

I'm interested. I encourage other lurkers to say hey and donate a bump.

Attached: 1551115419660.jpg (610x410, 127K)
