> quick dry cement isn't a thing. > cement doesn't cause chemical burns > concrete doesn't cause chemical burns > sugar could be used as a ghetto set retarder but it wouldn't matter. even if we go along with the obviously BS theory they poured cement into their cups, it would still take hours for it to set. > cement mixed with a ton of water/liquid doesn't look like that > cement mixed with a ton of water/liquid doesn't fly through the air like that
If you think there was cement in those milkshakes, you are having delusions and you should seek professional/medical help.
Anyone who bought that has obviously never done any work with their hands before.
Josiah Stewart
You’ve never mixed concrete nigger
Matthew Thompson
Cement absolutely does cause chemical burns t. Concrete man
Leo Flores
antifa are a bunch of fags but the right is really playing this up for PR points no doubt about it
the interview on tucker was kind of hilarious because gay asian jew was really putting on a show acting like he had severe neurological damage... or he might just be a retarded mongoloid.. not like there isn't an abundance of those walkin around