Okay hold the fucking presses. Been reading about these guys, they seem to be THE big bad (I know jews are rats, despicable and their schizophrenia will be their end), but from what I've read on the archives (take everything with a pinch of salt, ofc) these guys orchestrated the French Revolution because their order was outlawed in France, and used the masons as their tool, prolly Weishaupt was a jesuit as well.
Like, what's their fucking endgame? The current pope is one of them as you may know, so it seems that's one of the reasons as to why globohomo is still strong. Why do they do it? What about the other orders (Dominicans, Carmelits, etc) are they shitty as well? Please give me a massive redpill on Jewsuits and their actions, are the guys from SMOM jewsuit too?
the jesuits were probably created by crypto jews. Jesuit society was created in spain 50 years after jews were forced to either convert to catholocism or leave the country
Look up Southern Israelite and watch his videos about Jesuits
Jace Richardson
yeah, they used the jacobins for france just like they're doing here in america with antifa and the cops back antifa. you fags think the fake jews run the show, lol. wanna scare a fake jew, bring him a jesuit.
>what's their fucking endgame? To domesticate and animalize mankind so that they bare the responsibility of decesion and you remain a sinless man child.