I love when bongs come to town like in pic related last summer.
22 year old rowdybois or contemplative older dudes. All cool to talk to at the local beach bars like the sodden alcoholic I am.
Cheers bongs
I love when bongs come to town like in pic related last summer.
22 year old rowdybois or contemplative older dudes. All cool to talk to at the local beach bars like the sodden alcoholic I am.
Cheers bongs
Other urls found in this thread:
>These guys come in town periodically,” Smith said. “They beat the mess out of each other and fight each other more than anything, but once they pick up their teeth off the ground they are best friends.”
Based bongs
>A handful of the crew made their way to Jacksonville Beach, where six were arrested for disorderly conduct, according to a report from the Jacksonville Beach Police Department.
Two of the British sailors had to be Tasered, the report said.
Some of the visiting sailors made their way to Lynch's Irish Pub, though it's unclear if they were among those arrested.
"Some of the ones who had too much to drink were a little disrespectful to our Police Department," said Keith Doherty, the general manager at Lynch's Irish Pub.
Doherty said the majority of the issues occurred Wednesday night, hours after the ship docked.
"We noticed it picking up by 5 o'clock, and by 9 o'clock, it was as busy as St. Patrick's Day," Doherty said. "My security person denied (one) person entry because he was too drunk, so then he decided to climb over the bar."
Imagine being such a faggot you stand in the way of royal navy sailors having a good time with their m8s
I don't think anything came of it in terms of actual charges. The locals were pretty sympathetic it being a milifag town
Some Brazilians were here a month or two ago on some old historical ship but they kept to themselves
Absolute lads detected
Its always fun when the milibongs come to town.
British Sailor Haircuts 'Embarrassing' Literally Everyone says
>Fagposting unironically
>fashion advice on Jow Forums
user to the pink courtesy phone, user to the pink courtesy phone
What do you do with a drunken sailor?
They can get as drunk as they want in their own country
Sue him for excess banter
Give him a pint of imported lager
Knowing many of the local sluts around Jax Beach, it's safe to say the trip resulted in at least half a dozen white babies
So it's a good thing overall
Imagine being such a faggot you complain so hard about white sailors getting drunk and trying to experience freedom that you tell them to go back to their shithole
The only people in my circle who were angry were roasties. Mad they were "disrespectful" aka don't throw money at them like hick tourists
Fuck you bongs
Why did this make the news lol and the mayor spoke out about it
gotta thicken things out or it will just be niggermania 24/7 cuz blacksonville
Did a beach get arrested by sailors?