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Ha! Trump btfo!

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What's there to explain?

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They found a federal judge who said the president can't do his job. It'll go up the line to the Supreme Court where they'll slap it down.

Things like how big this is and what ACLU is?

>can't detail asylum seekers
>can't deport them either after their asylum claim has been denied

Fuck this clown world.

Some unnamed federal court. Supreme Court Inbound.

>can't detain

Derp, typo

Like another user said, it will probably be overruled, but not until a year or two from now after the case has snaked its way through our legal system.

ACLU is an organization that used to protect civil rights and do a lot of good. Now they're just another ultra-liberal organization that are more concerned with protecting Mexican and central american citizens, not actual US citizens.

>What's there to explain?

The law of unintended consequences. In this case, the SJW lawyers were clever in their usual way of creating unintended SJW powers. What they have been advocating is that people wanting to immigrate to the USA can claim asylum status in their own foreign countries. Then, as long as they set one foot on USA soil (embassy grounds) with a child (another unintended consequence due to court ruling), they are now entitled to a court hearing in the USA. This is not the court ruling "law" as of yet, but the SJW lawyers are trying to get the separate ruling to occur.

So, as you see, there are ways the SJW can create powerful situations in their favor by sneaking in separate decisions piece by piece over the years until they can combine the various features into one signifcant effect.

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You can't detain them, but you can't let them in before they have their hearing either. They have to stay somewhere, and it's either in Mexico or in detention at customs.

Trump needs to load these "asylum seekers" on a bus and ship them all to Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Denver, Portland and Seattle. They claim they want these people, they claim they will care for them. Fucking do it, let the antifags drown in the sea of their own making. Spics and niggers will kill the retards and the remaining whites will lock up the spics and niggers for murder. You can't lose.