Why does Jow Forums Not Support Environmentalism?

I'm an environmentalist and I run an social justice organization at my college. We promote environmentalism as a social justice issue. I feel like a lot of right-wingers should like environmentalism as it certainly is about saving the planet something I HOPE rightwingers care about too.

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Because it’s a back door for elite to mass kill everyone for the feels

Yes, they do
Humanists are cancerous


What is the Earth's magnetic field doing?

There is your answer to this global climate change bullshit.

Define environmentalism for me please flaggot

Why do you waste your time trying to get everyone on your side instead of using your energy to pass ballot measures

Because current year (((environmentalists))) ignore the fucking woolly mammoth in the room; being that it is stinky brown people breeding out of control & destroying the fucking planet
>we should stob using plasdig baggs xDDd
>don'd use sdraws guise 8==D
It's a fucking joke, and if you think the handful of relatively clean and sustainable white enclaves using reusable shopping bags is going to stop shit, you're a fucking joke too.
>Reminder that Uncle Adolf was the original environmentalist.

nice bait.

Because useful idiots on the left get usesed to make stupid claims like carbon tax and CO2 trade papers and being obnoxious in general, so useful idiots on the right take a contrarian stance against anything that shound enviornmental and suck international cock instead.
This way both sides don't bother talking and acting on the real enviornmental problems and banks&Co can keep shovel in shekles.

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Because there's environmentalism and then there's (((environmentalism))). The first country on Earth to pass comprehensive animal and environmental protection laws was the Third Reich(Nazi Germany). I am an environmentalist, but I am not hysterical, and the type of environmentalism that you advocate (forcing everyone to adopt a particular method of fixing the issue, which doesn't work) is merely a form of control, used to place money in the hands of special interest groups via government subsidies. These subsidies are a waste of money and lead to a very poor rate of return.

What's wrong with carbon tax?

It will just be another expense that will be put into calculation.
Not to mention, that there is more to the enviornment then CO2. It is only used, because it is the most understandable concept for normies.

It will make it more costly to pollute so it will decrease the opportunity cost of environmentally friendly ways of producing stuff.

And what more is there then CO2.

Most global operating companies would rather loose the one or two percent more profit then loose their monopoly or market leadership.
And that is only appliable if they don't transfer money to simply compensate the tax by having given an exuse to put the cost on the workerforce and consumer again.
In the end that will make the onions out of newsealand in europe slightly more expensive but they will still be shipped from newsealand to europe, so nothing was won.

Also why are you constantly changing flags, faggot?

Multiple threads

Humanity is overdue for a culling. Also, the ecologic argument has some success with rave traitors. I've explained that I can have 10 kids and sink a boat with 20 africans and still be "good" from a purely ecological point of view.
I've seen two neurons fire in the dead eyes of leftists.

I'm an environmentalist. Reduce the population, especially the fast breeding welfare recipients who do no work in STEM, and everyone who profited from denying science.
>multiple threads
Have a sage, kike.

everyone but me gotta learn ur a retard and a racist.

I do, but you co2 cultists, anti-silviculture, anti-game hunting onions faggots are hardly environmentalists
Please stay outside of my ecosystem kthx

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because modern environmentalism is not about reducing reproducing rates of shitskins, poos and insetcs, who contribute the largest share of pollution

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Yeah, sink international cargo ships and cruise ships creating artificial reefs.
Green economy through forced Autarky.
Though I'm not sure if reducing CO2 is a good thing with CO2 fertilisation reversing desertification honestly. Seemingly making more of the planet habitable, and almost no change in sea-level so far.
It's more litter and toxic pollutants I see as an issue.

Except one person in NZ produces as much trash as like 7 in Mali. It’s not symmetrical. Without western culture we would never have the technology or depravity needed to have BILLIONS of people, plastic, or fuel engines. No globalism, capitalism, or democracy either.

>social justice

You absolute piece of SHIT!!!

Yeah, these "enviornmentalists" are just urbanist who have no idea about anthing enviornmental related.
The most nature they see is the monocultures from the view in a train.

Real environmentalists support closed borders and an end to mass-immigration. If you don't do that, then you are not an environmentalist.

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>the greenhouse effect dont real bro, brurn more coal, jobs!

The elite, poor and shitholes wont have to pay it.

Lurk more you bait munching retards.

So you like to attention whore, virtue signal and never solve any real world problems using TWO different narratives? WHOA!!!

have you ever seen a tax that is put on a corperation being payed by it ?
it is usually the customer that is forced to pay that tax thru price hikes !
being that naive that the carbon tax will actually be used to fight co2 emissions.

its the same with all the electro car fags !
there is not enough material to make all the batteries for everyone... than building everyone a tesla would release more co2 than you would save... and where would we get the electricity from if all coal and nuke plants would be closed ?
you should focus your attention on corperations that fuck up nature and not the people that have only the option to buy ether product a) b ) or c)

>what's ecofascism
Lol kys consumerist hypocrite, you don't promote shit besides being a cocksucker for a system that feeds on resources to maintain a bunch of unworthy faggots alive

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There is no nationalism without environmentalism.

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We do. Save bees. Murder and maim refugees.

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It sounds like you still buy into the lies of the jewish consumer system.

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Mainstream environmentalism is polishing the brass on the titanic. A radical reorganization fo man's relationship to the wild needs to transpire and all of your degenerate, bourgeois notions of equality, justice, freedom have no place. You are a street sweeper for shop keepers. End your fucking life.

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And still people defend growing this consumer lifestyle hell spread it to the whole world lets have 15 billion retards consume junk they mostly dont need think of the short term profits goy!

based ecofascist

>social justice cause
1 question do you support migration? if you do you are not an environmentalist just another faggot that supports infinite growth on a finite space prove me wrong

Nationalism can't exist with a polluted and depleted environment, it spits in the face of "blood and soil" which are of utmost importance to us. What Jow Forums is opposing is the fake diversion that does nothing for the land you live on but proposes shit like "ban cow farts" and "give this amount of money per month to adopt a monkey in Bumfucknowhereistan" or "pay out the ass because your automobile produces more CO2". Boomers, like the retards they are, take it one step further and denounce all environmentalism, having believed that the former examples were true environmentalism.

go kys then nigger, dont just preach

I care about the planet. I pick up litter and call for any new tech that reduces emissions. I also see environmentalists as slimy fucks looking to line their pockets in any way possible using the environment as an excuse.

When people who acknowledge the problem dont get kids their places will be overtaken by breeding plebs.
Google tragedy of commons just applied to the entire population in general.

because I don't want to drive an electric shitbox.
Besides, who gives a shit about a planet niggerd will inherit?
Salt the earth, chuck a car battery into the ocean.

Because defending my people comes before defending the world.
As things stand any environmental effort will just be used to flood us with hostile invaders and kill us.
I’ll start caring for the environment when niggers stop being a problem.
Until then I’d rather drag the whole world down with us.

Tbh its real fucking simple, but most dont want to acknowledge the answer. Yes it does have risks associated with it as well specificalky nuclear and culling.
>equip homes with solar
>power coties with nuclear
>electric cars i guess? Or public trans
>eliminate processed foods (which you should do)
>dont litter
>keep population (including humans) in check

Based retard, how you can maintain blood without soil.

Corporations are polluting the environment, shody agricultural practices, pollute,the current model of the world destroys the world. The elephant in the room is corporations will not forgo profit for a cleaner environment

The reason is globalism.
iIf countries would be forced to to menage to get around with the resources they have at their disposal instead of outsourcing all kinds of stuff for cheap third world labour then there would be no other choice then to be sustainable.

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Liberals, who call themselves ''conservatives'' and ''right-wingers'' and think that Reagon & Tatcher are right-wing don't support environmentalism. Real nationalists know that ''Green is patriotism'', as the Far-Right in my country like to say.

Look buddy, if you are a environmentalist like you claim you are you are, then you should be acutely aware of how undemocratic and fascist deep ecology and other serious environmental concepts are. Green politics is just another thing in a VERY long list of ideas and beliefs that have been subverted, perverted by socialists and their fellow travellers. They see environmentalism as the backdoor through which they will achieve their proletarian revolution and have co-opted it for that reason.

So yes, I support green causes. A nation can not exist in a void. “The land and the King are one” ect.

Jow Forums is an ecofascist board

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