>Mysterious 'emergency' at white house
>Pence has to immediately go back
>Happenings all over the place at once
>No word on Trump since
>No sightings of Trump.
>He hasn't posted on twitter in over 24 hours

We need to seriously consider that the President has DIED Jow Forums
If not, WHERE IS HE?

Attached: 190328195258-trump-3-28-02-exlarge-169.jpg (780x438, 38K)

Other urls found in this thread:

He tweeted 3 hours ago

Sounds like Bolton on his twitter to me

I assume you're equally concerned about proof of life for ginsberg

What did he mean by this?

Ginsburg has been dead for ages too.

They're gonna freeze him like Ruth Bader Jewsburg.

rolling for death

He's chilling with Ruth Bader in the same convalescense Woodrow used during the Great War.

my dad works at pine gap
he had a heart attack
he's still alive but they don't want anybody to know so don't tell anyone.

Why don't you find a nice summer camp for the month of july faggot

tweeted 3 hours ago you faggot

Is that true user?

>pine gap
got any cool stories?

Who knows maybe he has become medically unfit suddenly and they're trying to cover that up. Maybe he is with his sidepiece.

Attached: trump_sideslice.jpg (800x522, 95K)

Rolling with you.

no better pic.
you guise triggered glp.
>a fucking blue board.

Attached: X71wff1.png (519x570, 221K)

Holy shit. Get your meds.

Attached: 1558738632499.png (597x311, 38K)

busy saving us all fucko
trump is playing solid snake for real right now mothafucka

>Hurr you need your meds

You don't think it's the LEAST bit suspicious that there's officially an 'emergency' at the white house, Pence immediately rushed back, Melania immediately rushed back?

Even if true, even THIS couldn't get people off their ass. Just harshly worded comments on Drudge articles until lunch break.


>Mysterious ‘toboggan track’ at white house
>Pence has to immediately snow back
>Christmas cheer all over the place at once
>No word on presents since
>No snowmen of Trump.
>He hasn’t roasted chestnuts on an open fire in over 24 hours

We need to seriously consider that Santa ate the COOKIES and MILK Jow Forums

I dunno, man.

Attached: 1562108386956.png (1189x1112, 311K)

#RIP45 was trending on twitter earlier today.

I never denied that it isn't suspicious. But to go from that to "Trump has been killed" is just too much schizo and crazy.

There have been reports that the US navy bombed a russian nuclear sub. That actually makes more sense in regards to the emergencies and Pence immediate reaction.

proof of this???

It was about some porch monkey, though. Coincidence, actually a coincidence for once.

>If not, WHERE IS HE?
Safety bunker?

Is it anything like that shit show on Netflix?

It's probably a shill.

I don't think he was murdered. Unless someone wants to bring up Ronald McDonald on charges.

Does Ivanka have his phone?

Could be predictive programming.

I'm not the only one saying it.
Word has it that it all happened at the same time as that Russian sub, maybe as a distraction...

He's talking about the money Obama sent to Iran that wasn't actually Iran's but rather YOURS, the taxpayer's BTW. There was literally NO PROOF it was Iran's money from the get-go.

Attached: 1543452689983.jpg (470x595, 201K)

His sons are Tweeting as per usual. Kindly neck yourself OP.

They're not going to announce it yet...

Maybe his sons haven't even been told, or they've been told to play dumb.

I doubt anyone would remember to inform either of them for days, even if something had happened.

Consider the fact that Trump had just famously snubbed his advisors over NK too.
Pompeo and Bolton are powerful men.

checked for hapeening

Okay you're an idiot. The offer to kys still stands.

>Just ignore everything, nothing to see here!!!!

Attached: 1450980037490.jpg (600x500, 46K)


>Coincidence, actually a coincidence for once.
not knowing how the unified field works. convergence is happening


>Mysterious ‘toboggan track’ at white house
>Pence has to immediately snow back
>Christmas cheer all over the place at once
>No word on presents since
>No snowmen of Trump.
>He hasn’t roasted chestnuts on an open fire in over 24 hours yet‒
>White House decoratings ‐ all off’
>Mysterious ‘shower’ at the White House‒
>Merry Christmas from the men’ at the nation's highest office‒
>Merry Christmas from the men’ at the nation's highest office‒
>No pumpkin spice lattes ‒ at the White House‒
>Merry Christmas from the men’ at the nation's highest office‒
>Frost in the air during Christmas picnics for Trump
>Merry Christmas from the men’ at the nation's highest office‒

>Hoping someone assassinates Obama

"You're a racist!"

>Hoping someone assassinates Trump

"But what if it's true?"

Fucking kill yourself.

No, it was a baseball player Taylor Skaggs a 27 yr old white guy that played for the Angels. He was found dead in his hotel room monday.

>a blue board
That's qr on cripple. Saw the thread where that faggot posted. Got deleted.

Ah, gotcha. I thought I read it was some rapper. My bad.
It does seem oddly coherent. He's threading. He never does that.


I didn't 'hope' for anything.

If he died he was murdered. They're not going to JFK him--it would be too chaotic, it would move people to the right, and it would squander an opportunity to false flag a target like North Korea or Iran.

Maybe, they're stalling until they can take out his inner circle. Maybe they're not going to promote Pence; maybe they're programming a synthetic/robotoid replacement as we speak. It's also possible that a loyal faction is trying to do the same (like Carter in 1979). Who knows.

Attached: trump_dead.png (750x1334, 347K)

No rules active Jow Forums server, get the fuck in here already:


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rocket man did him with the handshake, the way his brother was offed at the airport. Some nerve agent

"DEBKAfile (Hebrew: תיק דבקה) is an Israeli military intelligence website based in Jerusalem, providing commentary and analyses on terrorism, intelligence, national security, military and international relations, with a particular focus on the Middle East. It is available in both English and Hebrew. The word "Debka" refers to an Arab folk dance."

Laughing out loud.

Honestly this came to mind for me too. What would he stand to gain from that though?

Not being nuked by china? who knows what lengths the globalists would and wouldn't go to to get america back under control? It's the lynchpin of their whole game and a century of work has been invested, the whole plan is dead without it.

Nice and cozy in a DUMB; elites are going to ground, I'd say it's been a pleasure but fuck clown world.

Attached: wtf.jpg (1770x228, 94K)

How about Nadler, Schumer, Cohen, Schiff...

It's literally the only way he won't get reelected.

Trust me. Security in US isn't dumb (no matter what u think of Trump personally). They would definitely had made sure that nothing was left or put on him.

Did you see him type it?

Worth remembering Cloudflare's outage last night. Quite possibly something they didn't want to spread.

I saw Bolton do it. Ama

Attached: Kushner and Potatus.png (1084x637, 656K)

Pence just forgot his jumper cables at home so he had to make a quick run back

Just stepping off the plane an crossing the border could have made Trump ill, there is all kinds of bugs and illnesses floating about that he would have had no immunity too.
Not saying Korea is dirty, just that the human body often suffers when moving between biomes.

Attached: 1561598579952.jpg (480x447, 56K)

Holy shit leftist memes are terrible

Attached: sXGOy2J.png (500x338, 44K)

It's possible

I love you Australia

We are speaking of a man who only dines on well done steak and is a germaphobe. His immunity could have easily come under attack.

Umm tweeting about the amazing 4th July fireworks? Faggot.

>Implying that was Trump

hes stone cold dead

Do you like this one? It's one of favorites but never really took off.

Attached: president of nascar.jpg (600x500, 82K)

Im guessing pic related was referring to fucking jets or some shit?

T-T-T-Tapeworm-Chan dindu nuffin, right?

Attached: 1535292987885.jpg (1012x569, 50K)

you dumb faggots he's still in NK
its not easy getting out of NK quick and its a long flight back at any rate.

Mike can assume the role untill trump returns
but he can't declare war or anything until trump issues a command.

assuming the president is dead is silly as fuck.
but if that's the case mike will get full emergency power
it gets a bit messy from then on.

but i doubt trump is dead, leftist shits.

as far as i'm aware tramp can do this whilist on the air plane assuming its AF1

does nascar have a president? what would that even mean?


go back newfag. Prob some CNN intern


Not funny

Nonsense. rocket man and trumpen are the best of buddies and we all know it

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Somethings fucky. Its a salon article I know but predictive programming articles are popping up.

>e Pence might want to watch his back. Donald Trump’s trip to Japan and the Korean peninsula was predictably weird, with his impromptu play date with Kim Jong-un at the DMZ serving as the irresponsible and dangerous climax to an already botched excursion in which First Daughter Ivanka Trump was crowbarred into the proceedings for some reason.

>Cutting right to the chase, I believe Trump might be grooming Ivanka, rather than Donald Trump Jr., to succeed him — a move that would solve a couple of Trump’s most harrowing problems. In fact, there’s a rumor currently circulating among Republican circles in Washington in which Trump suddenly declines the nomination sometime next summer, presumably for health reasons, then lobbies the convention delegates to toss their votes to Ivanka as his rightful heir and the 2020 nominee.

If Trump was president of Nascar, there would be no walls on the tracks. And therefore, Dale Earnhardt would still be alive instead of dying in a racing accident. It's very esoteric and dark redneck joke.

Do you even realize how big the US is? Every state is a different biome. Its something else.

It is though. If you know nascar, then it's very funny.

No but the democrats chances at winning 2020 are dead. 4 more years of REEEE.

Attached: 1561605815427.jpg (606x566, 62K)

wow, deepest lore. the text should reflect some of that though.
>If Trump were president of nascar...
meme predicate.

China declared cyber-war yesterday, idiots

china is always declaring cyber war

It's a derivative meme. Pic related is the original.

Attached: 1549338097318.jpg (750x623, 54K)

Sierra lima oscar pappa pappa Yankee Juliet oscar bravo Mike Oscar Sierra Sierra alpha delta
... .... .-.. --- .--. ... .... .-.. --- .--.

Well thats a quality meme there

She died back in 2013. What we are seeing is a hologram.

based and phonetic pilled