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Why you don't stop losing your time here?
Samuel Carter
Benjamin Thompson
If you think it's a waste of time you wouldn't be here yourself, hypocrite.
Jack Diaz
obviously we're all masochists
Nathan Evans
every once in a while I manage to leave
but then I always relapse
I think it's the UI, i like it too much
also the constant stream of news that I actually care about. it beats the radio and WSJ
also it's the only place on the internet that can make me laugh, rather than blowing air out of my nose
also the honesty. nobody else is honest. no one. not a single god damn soul.
Levi Sullivan
oh shit nice include me the screencap
Alexander Miller
Ethan Nelson
Because every time I'm vulnerable in real life it just makes things worse. Here I can speak freely and even if people judge me I just move to the next thread. But I find more agreement and understanding here than I ever could out there
Dominic Watson
Parker Thomas
Sometimes I come to www.Jow /Pol to read the news because you guys are always right (kek) but honestly it really does bother me deep down to my bones when I see genuine racism and hatred on this web sight. I like funny memes and ironic frogs too but seriously guys you make it really hard to red pill normies like me when all you do is call eachother niggers all day.
I really, really, like this place but sometimes it's just a little bit uncomfortable having to wade through all the virtiolic bullshit. Does any body whose an old fag know how these filters work?
Elijah Miller
Says the avatarfagging pedo with multiple threads up at a time for the past two fucking weeks
Go away