On the left a future central banker without central bank experience (she's practically a politician)...

On the left a future central banker without central bank experience (she's practically a politician), on the right a leftist as chief of EU executive. Shit hit the fan anons!

Attached: http___com.ft.imagepublish.upp-prod-us.s3.amazonaws.jpg (700x394, 38K)

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Attached: 0014.png (837x837, 353K)

>1 post by this id
Yep. This one's going in my slide cringe compilation

Attached: 1154283865543648771.png (1201x795, 1.21M)

Cringy newfags detected. What a waste of trips.


Attached: 857QPn1.png (400x224, 101K)


You had one job, user. Your handlers will be disappointed.

women make good public faces because they are way easier to control than men

looks like wasps to me... Tho the one on the right looks like one of the bad guys from the movie he-man lol

Europe is in deep deep shit now. The bitch on the right looks like a fucking demon

>The bitch on the right looks like a fucking demon

Attached: oirgnirngiv.jpg (1920x1080, 351K)