Why did tattoos become acceptable in modern society?
Why did tattoos become acceptable in modern society?
>1 post by this id
Yep. This one's going in my slide cringe compilation
They didn't?
god dayum i love white girls
They didn't.
sportsman in media
>only women with tattoos behave like this
get some sleep christcuck you have 6am mass soon
She has a Spirited Away tattoo... she's been hurt in her life.
You're the second reply to the thread, retard. Do you expect OP to reply to himself? Learn how the id system works.
do you live in a cave? are you talking about koala society? cause if you get out you'll see that half the youth have at least one tatoo and full sleeves are easier to see than redhairs
When everyone started developing identity problems, because they weren't happy with who they were.
They've been told their whole lives they are special by their single moms. Meanwhile if men being told they are toxic by society; And if female being told they "can do anything a man can do", making them wonder what's wrong with being a woman? Identity problems.
>full sleeves are easier to see than redhairs
You are right and it’s so sad!
Ever wonder why half the youth in your country are UNEMPLOYED?
Tattoos are the marking of a a person who doesn't care about wage-slaving or reputation amongst people who do. the modern upper class wanting to CLEARLY show everyone that they are freemen
I see full sleeves in waitress and even bank clerks, I see nose rings on state workers.
They used to say "you won't get a job with a hair like that" but since we made up human resources departments and filled them with women it has become the oposite.
Yes, aka losers that can't survive in modern society.
Nobody associates Republicans with these things. Just look at Trump, he's a complete opposite of you chivalrous strawman
that's not the reason, we are unemployed because the average salaries are so low compared to an average rent that's its not worth geting out from your parents house
And why would someone work so that the goberment can send half your money to Muslims and old landlords?
I have no idea, I find them absolutely repulsive.
"What would Chihiro think of how you're acting right now?"
Well, modern day tattoo 'art' is more a celebration of the ruining of white skin than tribal identity.
It's just a bunch of gawdy shit with no deep, lasting meaning.
You have one on your shoulder. So that when you roll your sleeves up, no one thinks your a biker or sailor. When they were on your back or ankle, its a tramp stamp.
Millennial's however, think despoiling their body is anti-establishment. Which is ironic, because they support multinationals like Google, Goldman Nut-Sax and BP, thats hire low levles goons to attack a gay asian immigrant journalist and call him a nazi.
because jews wanted to be able to blend in so they brainwashed society into thinking that it is acceptable to have tattoos
>has to wageslave to survive
>projects this state of "being" to everyone
Tattoos became normal when crime became glorified, where the baby boomers grew up and the hippy shit became more prevalent.
Soon you will not be able to get a job without full sleeves or nose rings. Because if you don’t have tattoos - you are probably nazi, racist or something.
Anyway, it’s just a marker that you belong to some group, like circumcised dick.
>Nobody associates Republicans with these things.
Trump is pro-Christian and pro-life (I'm not pro-life, but only because I believe there are some people who should never reproduce). Republicans are still the party of self-reliance and being accountable for your own actions, at least compared to the Democrats, who at this point have gone completely off the deep end.
>Nobody associates Republicans with these things.
Did I said Republicans?
First time I ever saw a guy with big tattoos on his upper arms I asked him if they had any special meaning. I'll never forget his reply. He said, "Yeah. they mean I suck at making long-term decisions."
progressives already use terms like antisocial. they are already starting. the progressives are a hydra. dont attack the heads aim for the body, if you can find it.
You mean - cuckservatives?
yes, a tatoo is a sign that you accept the mainstream culture, if you don't get them you are a creep
Womenw being way more social than men have no strength to opose the peer pressure
Wich is why they are more tatooed than man, they recently put a tatoo shoop near my house and I only see 20-35 women going in
nigger you dont even leave your house. you fedoras are wearing out your welcome. the same smugness of progressives.
im not talking about atheists and agnostics who are trying to search for truth. im talking about agnsty julian apostates.
just imagine how the future retirement homes are going to be with all the old people having tatoos and some of them being trannies and shit
it's going to be bizarre, why would anyone want to become a health worker to clean degenerate old folk shit?
40,000 years ago
They were normalized by US media. If you're here you should know who own them.
Yeah, I luv black women but I hate niggers
Go figure
my dominatrix tells me that i'm the only in my age class (20-30) that doesn't have a tattoo and in the locker room at work it looks like that too, atleast the boomers didn't do that
Why are you getting dominated?
because 80 lashes makes you feel like a new human bean afterwards
Absolute filth.
"My body my choice"?
It could correlate with the rise of social media where everyone has a "voice" now, so even though they have nothing enlightening to say, they cna't help but blurt out SOMETHING just because there's a platform. Even their bodies become canvases for what they think is somehow deep art to broadcast, but just like what they post on youtube or social media, it's crap.
I like that she kept her shoes and socks on.
>1 post by this iD
Same. Any non-medical body modification apart from a single piercing in each ear lobe is an obvious marker of degeneracy.
I got one when I was deployed, so did most of my buddies. Not a big fan of the whole idea of plastering your entire body with memes, but hey, who gives a fuck?
I honestly feel sick when I see that picture. What could have been a classy woman is instead a degenerate dirty whore.
Society is sick.
Ahhh that pussy fish smell, tattoo disease and chlamydia breath, covered up by perfume.
we need to return to the time when having tattoos told everyone around you that you are probably a drug user/gang member/criminal
But she loves drugs, does gang bang and steals from mother.
looks like a fucking horse
>modern upper class
kys degenerate.
white scum on tounge
shit breath
if she cant keep her mouth clean, then she prolly has sourdough in the oven
Only the upper class can afford being degenerate. That's the point of it, besides making the lower classes SEETHE in impotent rage.
Exactly seen in this thread.
>beta bait monoke tats
You larpers know that tattoos have been around for hundreds of years right? There's evidence that European peoples had tattoos as far back as Otzi the Iceman from the Alps at 4k BC. The Swedish vikings called the Russiyah used to have decorative tattoos and there is evidence other Germanic and Celtic people did aswell, as did many other cultures. Read a fucking book for once u fucking amish.
Piece it all together and you find tattoos are very similar to addictive substance abuse that leads to brain damage overtime and potentially cancer such as lymphoma. If you are tattooed it's too late to reverse the damage, so the best thing to do is get it zapped off to hide your shame from the rest of us.
I think they’re fuckin hot, and so do lots of women. It’s chiefly sexual ornamentation, don’t let anyone kid you about it being “personal”’and “meaningful” - it’s makeup for your body, primarily intended to attract sexual partners who are into them. If you’re not into tattoos, good for you. The people who are couldn’t give less of a fuck.
>shoes on bed
Fucking disgusting Americans.
Her whole arm is filled with gihbli tattoos
Don't encourage it, sane people think it looks disgusting
DOTR you'll be turned into lamp shades
Imagine having those horrid marks all over your body.
You couldn't pay me to have sex with a woman that has tattoos. Absolutely disgusting.
That's the point. Low-status incels don't pester intimidating tattoo-wielders.
>Why did tattoos become acceptable in modern society?
It happened about the time that drugs and perversion became 'normalized' by television. And the idea that life was about 'expressing/enjoying' yourself was projected at young people from every angle. And fucking BOMMERS had no way to defend their children against it.
Unironically, this is the answer. I still discriminate when I hire about people with visible tattoos. Doesn't matter where they are. You make bad life choices? I sure as hell am not going to hire you to use the same bad judgement in my business.
"wtf? Why did you scribble shitty comic-book crap all over yourself with indelible marks? wtf?"
>- - - "....I think they’re fuckin hot, and so do lots of women. It’s chiefly sexual ornamentation it’s makeup for your body, primarily intended to attract sexual partners...."
"oh. So you saw it somewhere and then it just sort of popped into your head and you couldn't think of any better ideas"
What is wankers?
Does anyone else think tattoos make great cum targets though?
So Ötzi made bad life choices, resulting in him having tattoos?
Tattoos aren't all bad. It depends wholly on what you're trying to convey through them.
>"oh. So you saw it somewhere and then it just sort of popped into your head and you couldn't think of any better ideas"
Waaah wahh you hurt muh millennial zoomer feelings. I'm trying muuh best, man. It's not my fault I'm incompetent and tasteless.
>So Ötzi made bad life choices
Yes user, that guy who died on top of a freezing mountain made bad life choices.
Tim Armstrong.
>snowniggers did this 2400 years ago, therefore it is not degenerate
His untimely demise wasn't necessarily the result of bad life choices. Bad luck can get you killed pretty easily.
What's interesting is that ötsi had tattoos, but apparently there was no writing or recording system at the time..
They really did not. You will always have a harder time with tattoos. I know very few ok people with some tattoos(mostly gen X people), but most heavy tattooed people I have met so far are very unstable individuals.
Have staff of 120, no tattoo's.
Yeah neither my boss nor my dentist have any tattoos, meanwhile the gas station clerk and construction workers are covered with that shit.
>being this insecure
Any more of this filthy slag?
Men are too spineless to tell women that all tattoos look bad on women
I always tell them. It is the only way. Women actually love getting told what to do.
I successfully talked my hot neighbor into not getting one. Who knows if she changes her mind but at first she protested and after I told her several times that she would look like a junkie whore and if she would rather buy a new car with scratches and dents or without, she agreed.
My mom got me one
the same reason being an disgusting whore became acceptable.decline of morals through radical individualism, free market capitalism and progressive ideology
because it's an industry and it's being successfully sold to dumb people
see the rest of "beauty" industry - cosmetics, plastic surgery etc etc
at the same time, industries have subverted governments and reduced them to enablers of profit seeking, so there are no protections from top down to protect the health of the nation
They are not acceptable. Do not take up with people that have tattoos, piercings, or do drugs. Do not interact with them if you don't have to.
I'm constantly told stories about companies hiring migrants with no knowledge of language. When I ask why that happens, the answer's usually that the HR is just women.
Show your flag moshe