Is this a good book? Can you recommend it?
Turner Diaries
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You should find out by acquiring a copy and reading it. Then telling this peaceful board of Minecraft players what it says.
it's interesting but definitely a little cringe, just a little.
Read the brigade.
thank me later
Why we can’t read the letters? Why the picture quality on Jow Forums lowered?
We can’t even make OPS anymore!
It's a very LARPy book, just like Siege
what? i dont know what you mean
A coffee table book about gargoyles.
been shilling it for a long time. i only shil good stuff see.
It's poorly written trash and anyone who shills it here only likes it for the escapist wish fulfillment.
I bought the audiobook read by William Pierce on CD from the National Vanguard store back when Dr. Pierce was alive. Its a treasure to hear it read by the late great man himself.
Its a great book. In a better world it would be a movie as well
To tell you the truth it is usually one of the final triggers that inspires someone to go on a mass killing spree so prepare yourself to cope.
It's entertaining. Should have destroyed NYC and its 2.4 gigakikes.
It makes me feel good knowing disgusting losers like hp lovecraft as well as luther pierce died agonizingly of cancer. A fitting end to miserable feeble bodied fuckwits who sought to hate others.
Bahahahaa anders brevik is on this really? bahahahaa you pathetic losers are too much. Cant believe you noobs fall for this shit. ww2 was controlled op on both sides. The elite are laughing at you fools. Hitlers iconic mustache hid the prominence of his nose. Guess who got a nose job you sex starved incels. It was anders brevik. Look at his alter boy free mason jew snoze. You losers are being played. Heres all the proof you need the far right is controlled op. All of it. Spencer, tarrant, everything. Cant believe I have to share a planet with chimps this dumb and naive. HItler save us! gib gf! BAHAHAHAHAHA. Fucking losers lmao. Hit the gym you fucking larping monkeys.
>They were mean to non-whites who only seek to destroy people who are better than them but simply want to be left the fuck alone
What monsters!
The Camp of the Saints was more critically acclaimed and actually plausible. Turner Diaries is like some lame ass fanfiction by someone who liked The Catcher in the Rye.
Your whole larpy sexual frustration movement was rigged from the start. These ppl preplanned 9/11 33 years in advance, no shit they engineered your gay little online manboy club. Psy opped noobs.
>actually plausible.
35,000 Africans trying to pass through Panama, wonder how Trump will cuck? Weigh in folks.
they were disgusting incel looking sociopaths. PAthetic weak frail men not fit to compete. Write their gay little sad boy stories instead. Faggots. Youll get no crumbs from me blonde hairy faced chimp. I know what leucism is.
White Zionists cucks will defend it because muh Christian charity.
Buzzword buzzwod buzzword, yet you know their names and can't seem to shake them off your tongue. I'd say that's pretty damn influential. Your fake outrage isn't changing that.
potemkin village
It's banned in Canada so it must be good.
Will anyone ever say ANYTHING about the content of this fucking book on ANY of the thousand threads that are opened about it? What kind of people read it so that I never read ANYTHING of substance on any of the threads?
It was a monthly magazine article written in the form of diary entries by a white terrorist on the 1970s.
It's a novel about a race war in the united states.
What are you expecting to hear? The guy who wrote it wasn't exactly a Charles Dickens or a Herman Melville. I read it a long time ago and got a good laugh from it and that's about all I have to say about it.
listen to the audiobook
The audio book is a fun, but it's just a confection, nothing inspirational or instructional.
>Is this a good book?
Not really. I listened to the audio version. I thought it was just WLP's revenge fantasy. The most interesting thing, to me, was that he accurately predicted how things would go in regard to "racism" and the treatment of dissident whites. The government, and I think the police, were made up of blacks and non-whites and they'd always be on the lookout for "racists."
Also, it takes place in California, which is comical, given its current condition.
See, that's an example of irrational hatred.
I don't know. That's the reason why I'm asking
Actually I will say something about the Turner Diaries. The fact that that book is banned in so many countries is completely retarded. It literally got banned for exactly the same garbage reasons that all those youtube videos got banned for a few weeks back.
>Muh hate speech
>Muh wacism
>I'm a snowflake and this book "offends" me
its not irrational and I dont hate my simian brethren. I hate their mk ultraed hubris that cucks them out of their own terran primate reality.
You’d be better off reading military training manuals and revolutionary theory than racist red dawn. I have nothing but respect for William Pierce and his work but TD was extreme in the context of 1980’s America.
Better to read stuff like Mein Kampf, White Power, Siege, The Russian Revolution, God and The State, Minimanual of The Urban Guerilla, Rules for Radicals, etc.
I don't remember much about it, really. The obsession with "racists" stuck in my mind, though. I just looked it up and there's a Jew-led gun ban in it, too.
"The story starts soon after the federal government has confiscated all civilian firearms in the country under the fictional Cohen Act. Turner and his cohorts take their organization underground in order to wage a guerrilla war against the System, which is depicted as being under Jewish control. The "System" begins by implementing numerous repressive laws against various forms of hate, by making it a "hate crime" for white people to defend themselves when crimes are committed against them by non-whites even after all weapons have been confiscated, and pushing for new surveillance measures in order to monitor its citizens, such as requiring them to possess a special passport at all times and in all places in order to permanently monitor where individuals are."
>The "System" begins by implementing numerous repressive laws against various forms of hate, by making it a "hate crime" for white people to defend themselves when crimes are committed against them by non-whites
Happens now, doesn't it?
>In another scene, Turner witnesses an anti-racism parade in which whites who are not part of the parade are pulled aside and beaten (sometimes to death) by non-white marchers
I could see that happening.
Which is itself elementary compared to attaining the full context of this Struggle. If you’re really smart you’d be reading Baudrillard, Nietzsche and Deleuze for political understanding. Ascending from the plane of boomerism and controlled opposition, of which 9/10 of souls are never able to transcend.
I have the audio book read by Linder but I gave it a few hours and many chapters and learned nothing. Is there any legitimate advice in it?
I'm interested in learning how to organize vetted groups effectively, autonomous cells, etc
Ironically blacks proved too easily distracted and indolent to deputize to smash white dissidence. They had to use class warfare and deputize upper middle class white and Jewish kids from the suburbs who’s parents moved them to the city for university and placation. That is to say Anti-Fa.
yes read it
or listen to the audio book the author does funny voices for jews and niggers
Baudrillard is interesting because I find his idea of simulacra to be a very accurate depiction of modern society. Nietzsche is essential if you want to understand what formed the basis for identity politics post modernism etc. I ha ent heard of the third guy tho. Makes me feel plebe
White version of black panther. And just like nogs chalkies will never man up and get the job done.
It’s just babies first revolutionary theory for millennials that are trying to evolve out of the primordial conservative soup and take their first tentative steps on land. In its actual time it was an edgy thing people would only talk about if they were really into Black Metal zines or something.
I agree. But definitely interesting.
I keked hard. That shits better than honkey
The only way is to establish a clique of people who all know each other as “on the level” and exclude anyone who’s a grifter or an edge lord or something stupid. I assume you’re talking about on-the-ground resistance to Anti-Fa it something. The actual war is just disseminating these ideas as things get bad and familiarizing our would-be comrades with ideas like “it’s ok to attack the enemy” and “don’t let your comrades get attacked or arrested” rather than just blundering and impotent boomer “conservatism”.
Oh, and I just learned today Linder did a reading of Libido Dominandi, by EMJ. Good stuff.
The problem of vetting online frens seems like an unsolved problem. All it takes is one fed to sour the whole operation.
His reading of Hunter was ok but he injects a lot of background and opinions which some might like but I feel distracts from the original work.
Online legally questionable discussions are faggy, imo. It’s literally more productive to annoy YouTube by uploading Rockwell’s “White Power under fifty different sock accounts.
I read Hunter up to the sex scene, and dropped it. I couldn’t not read it in his voice from Murdoch Murdoch.
There is a character called Cappy The Kike, read it.
Cringe af, would not recommend
Like education is the best thing. The closest to fedposting I’d get is really trying to drive home to our guys that institutional level of power that’s against you, not just antifa or nigs. Hammering the point that you’re not resisting antifa or “liberals”, you’re resisting Liberalism, of which everyone from antifa to snarky journos on twitter are unwitting deputies to. This makes you a de facto if not de jure criminal and you should proceed accordingly. There’s a reason people veil their faces and dress alike, a reason cops don’t fuck with clumps of armed people ready to protect their comrades from being arrested. On the Right, a cop could just walk up to anyone some Jewess with a broken nose pointed the finger at and arrest them. The guy wouldn’t even attempt resistance, much less his supposed comrades in life and death struggle step in to protect him.
I’d add this a rule across the board, though. I dropped Neuromancer for the same reason. The only good literary sex scenes are implied ones.
>his bulging member thrusting repeatedly into her receptive womb...
Niger you need to have sex. Thats quality erotica
I was listening to the audiobook Pierce narrated himself. I didn’t need to read that. I stopped at “he massaged her nipples from behind, through her blouse.
That high pitched raspy marlboro stained voice really gets my member throbbing
Based as fuck. You are a good man.
Im jealous.
get the audiobook.
the beginning is good.
it predicts everything.
>>The "System" begins by implementing numerous repressive laws against various forms of hate, by making it a "hate crime" for white people to defend themselves when crimes are committed against them by non-whites
>Happens now, doesn't it?
Basically the case in Canada
Noone here read it, glownigger.
We are peaceful teenagers just here for the memes.
Found the Jew
Please tell me something useful or interesting that you learned from Siege, I'm willing to give it a second chance
I couldn't listen to it, Linder fucks up constantly it's like he doesn't know how to read
I learned a lot from Siege. You mentioned organizing groups and cells. Well the first thing to do in that case is to never talk about doing anything to anyone. Much less being talked into doing something yourself or trying to talk someone else into doing something. If you cant do it, leave it. If something is to be done one must act alone or in very small groups and never ever breathe a word about it, past, present or future. The only leaders of the movement are those who do something. All the other talk about 'muh leaders' is just what it is - talk. And talk is bullshit and counter-revolutionary.
>As Commander Rockwell advised in his masterful Legal, Psychological &
Political Warfare, you must assume that you are being watched and listened to at all times and proceed to act accordingly because, in effect, you ARE!
I'm just here for the memes and cat pictures. If I wanted news or advice I would head over to /b/.
About NatSoc organizations in 80s and actually could be applied to Atomwaffen (They are too open about it. Recruitment should be as silent as possible, to minimize the chance of infiltration) To quote directly from SIEGE, "We are not a mass movement."
>What came out of this craziness was a thing that was termed the “eighteen month syndrome.” A fresh recruit would come to the Party all set and ready for work, to
contribute significantly of himself, to see action and to sacrifice. Instead he got bullshit. Mainly a lot of silly “do’s” and “don’ts,” restrictions on how to wear his hair, restrictions on his clothing style, demands for paying exorbitant dues and “tithes” which somehow never produced a single result, and generally was relegated to treading water. Ninety-nine percent could stand it for no more than about eighteen months. The number of precious volunteers LOST in this manner could have made up a revolutionary core
had they been handled right.
>Tommasi’s NSLF underground in 1975 had about 4 men. But those four men had the Reds and Blacks TERRIFIED and crying to the System (which they supposedly hated) for PROTECTION! That’s because those in the NSLF underground were MEN, Tommasi was a LEADER, and his was an ORGANIZATION.
>Let me just jog your imagination by unequivocally stating that four men properly motivated and determined could set this country on its EAR overnight!
>whites who are not part of the parade are pulled aside and beaten (sometimes to death) by non-white marchers
Sounds like a weekend in Portland
This just sounds like good OPSEC, which I absolutely agree should be foremost in the mind of anyone taking on any sort of system. It crosses over with the hacker/cracker idea of never discussing anything you do ever; pride comes before a fall, and it catches criminals of all types.
That precludes organisation and means that every person is a 'lone wolf' but I don't think it's the optimal solution for overthrowing a system when the battle is so one sided. Small, individual acts are good but if they could be co-ordinated their impact can be multiplied.
For example, and leading on from the Lemmings idea, if one person destroyed a power line it would be an irritant, but if individuals destroyed a power line, an internet backbone and a major supply route all at the same time the imapct would be much greater.
Very good points. Pride indeed comes before the fall. The problem then becomes one of communication between very small cells to coordinate attacks. In modern age this becomes very problematic, what with the surveilance and smartphones, and again returning to the "not breathing a word about anything." There needs to be a revolutionary spirit in the populace and ideally the cells would continue to operate separately for the danger of communication, but inspire one another with the acts being broadcasted in MSM and because of their effects on the general population.
In Turner Diaries Pierce wrote of the Revolutionary Command which gave orders to the cells through code that was being changed every few days and one of the members of the cell had to learn it. I'm not sure this ammount of coordination would be possible IRL and there would always be the danger of a leak or someone cracking the code nowadays.
I'm about to head off but I'd argue that secure communication has never been easier technologically. End-to-end, perfect forward secrecy algorithms are available to anyone, one time pads can be created and distributed to trusted people, and single use or ephemeral tor sites can be created in minutes.
The problem to my mind still is finding people to trust on and off line. I've given it a lot of thought but even the best kind of vetting process can be foiled by one bad agent allowing others into the mix.
I know plenty of dissident groups existed even before today's technology but you can read the FBI files, books and news articles about how those groups were infiltrated and monitored all day.
If you want an idea of how they operate today read about how pedo, hacker and silk road groups get busted today. Even a trusted insider can be turned if they slip up and get busted for something else and have something to lose.
Do you have any specific links where I could start out about the things you mentioned? Would greatly appreciate.
Anyway, thanks for the conversation. Have a good day!
It was poorly written. There is an audio book narrated by William if you search it on minecraft
Yes it is,my favorite part was that it predicted Jewish liberal democratic nigger-enforced globohoma AMERICA. And my favorite quote from it, paraphrased: "They say their guns arent going away and that they wont comply, but as soon as a new law comes, bam, its full on compliance."
>Do you have any specific links where I could start out about the things you mentioned
No sorry, but there's enough there to search and get an understanding of the concepts. Good talking to you.
the most satisfying thing i have ever read. he doesnt hold back. i also just recommend wlp's lectures/podcast in general.
Have a good one, mate!