should transgenderism be illegal?
Should transgenderism be illegal?
It's already illegal to misrepresent yourself in order to gain favours or special accesses.
These people, legally, must prove they believe with a lie detector test.
being mentally ill shouldn't be a crime.
Claiming some mental illness isn't an illness at all, should be.
That guy looks his trolling
Lie detector tests are extremely unreliable, which is why they are not valid evidence in the court of law (US). They are only used for interrogation purposes, because they tend to get people to speak or at least show what questions make them stress out. Trannies are so deranged they'd probably pass the lie detector test anyway.
:P they are also not valid in Australia.
But neither is mental illness.
Only "my religion" will cut it, and since these people are Godless heathens it's off the the psych ward wit ye
The medical establishment which allows such butchery ought to be removed. There's literally nothing wrong with unregulated medicine if this is how far we've fallen from god.
>Perfectly normal looking
>Goes tranny at 29
This is the millennial midlife crisis. Experiencing existential dread from wageslaving in Mr. Goldberg's cubicle farms? Call yourself a women for free attention!
Sounds like you want to create thought police Hans.
No, but we should be able to shit on them relentlessly for doing retarded things like wearing wigs on their foreheads