Family values everybody
Family values everybody
Chase Morgan
Nolan Fisher
Sebastian Jenkins
Trump doesn't claim to be religious.
Isaac Parker
Based quotes
Hunter Collins
Women should submit to men.
Owen Hall
he was voted in to fuck up your plans
and considering your butthurt it worked
Nicholas Hall
The alternative is worse.
Leo Roberts
If it is a choice between an idiot and an evil bitch, choose the idiot.
Asher Morgan
What do I care if my plumber cheats on his wife, if he can fix my plumbing and the faithful plumber can't?
The religious right wanted stricter abortion laws and they wouldn't got it with Shillary.
Kevin Sullivan
>hey user, i don't have family values but trust me when I tell you that this man doesn't either. Trust me dude
Memeflags all the fucking time. Context matters you brainwashing little cunt.