>Sapiens A Breif History of Mankind
I've heard 3 completely unrelated people I know shill this book in the past 2 weeks. It's written by a literal faggot Israeli kike. Pic related.
>What's the agenda?
>Should I read it?
>Why is everyone so obsessed recently if it came out in 2014?
>inb4 not politics
Yes it is. Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates recommended it. Their understanding of geopolitics may be influenced by this book and they influence the world.
What does Jow Forums think of this book?
Other urls found in this thread:
I really enjoyed the first half. He certainly is an apologist for his lifestyle; he says homosexuals are usually smart people, and smart people are more likely to try novel behaviour (ie buggering another man). I don't finish a lot of books, but this is on
>smart people
>affluent people
>enjoys book teaching that gay people are smart
pick 2
> A homosexual Jew
>an apologist for his lifestyle
color me shocked
I'm okay with that. Don't really mind faggots, just don't like the demon trannies and drag kids. And the homosexuality of Greece and Japan wasn't seen in the same way. Not sure in the solution, but forcing them to stay in the closet or fucking in bathrooms seems better than what we're doing now.
My main concern is if he just filters all of history through over simplified marxist kike lenses. Like oppressor v.s. oppressed. "Borders are arbitrary, bro. Just like, imaginary lines. All conflict is just *inhales bong* like because of nationalism and religion, bro."
Should I read both? Or is there a book even better?
Give us a tl:dr book plz
As I stated, I liked the first half, which was basically history and politics. It is certainly written through the lens of his life, but this is true of most books, I would say. You must read carefully, like anything.
Another interesting book I read last year was from the Wilson's (late father and living son). It was called the An End to Murder, and was also quite good.
Very good book. The follow up book is even better (a brief history of the future, I think?). The third one is bad.
If you disregard the forced usual nonsense (examples of professions: male forklift driver, female engineer), they are very interesting and well written. I recommend both books, because they are complementary.
It explains various trends in humanity over time, and how they might develop.
The globohomo stuff is pushed in the third book, which is bad overall
I don't remember this in his first two books, and I read them post pol. I would have noticed.
Real trash here. Atheist cuck with no regard to individuality and culture. It smells like globo homo from page one.
I really didn't like this book. It's basically an uneducated boomer who learned a bunch of factoids and wrote them down chronologically.
You will learn a bunch of useless facts, but it won't change you in any way.
That said, I read the Hebrew version.
The book had some parts that were written specifically for the Israeli reader, and would probably translate poorly, do it's entirely possible that the English version would be quite different.
Checked, dancing Israeli.
Yeah, that was my vibe when I first tried reading it a long time ago. Didn't finish it because of that. Seemed autistic. I prefer seeing trends and how things connect. I want a refresher course on history and am looking for a decent documentary series, or YouTube channel if you have any recommendations.
Okay. I'll give them a shot when bored at work. But I'm not paying for anything.
>Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates recommended it
Steven Plinker-tier neoliberal pseud garbage.
Just a question. But does it delve into Cetacean Psychology?
>if he just filters all of history through over simplified marxist kike lenses
I fucking which if he tried to filter it through a marxist lens. At least then it wouldn't be such a self-congratulating bore.
Oh shit. Comments on the torrent by anime waifu says it's leftist propaganda.
I don't remember.
There were chapters dealing with differences between humans and animals, though.
>has good opinion
>discredits himself with his 2d waifu weebo avatar
why do people do this? is it autism and lack of self-awareness?
or perhaps his opinion isn't actually good after all
You should be able to differentiate useful and interesting information from agenda. Anyhow, you're a big boy. Want to read - read. Don't want to read - don't read.
I don't remember him talking about race and intelligence, but obviously everything he says on the matter should be taken with a grain of salt.
I realised Humans were doing it all wrong when Atlantic Spotted Dolphins and Bottlenose Dolphins in the Bahamas formed a Literal Political Alliance. It's like the Jap-White alliance Jow Forums always talks about wanting.
I think bottlenose dolphins have a different obvious parallel
Hmm transhumanism, eh? So that's why these tech faggots endorsed the book? Doesn't sound too bad. Just curious about how biased it is when retelling stuff like Vietnam war or whatever other events.
Amazing how he describes human's path to present.
Interesting when he analyzes present political and economical situation.
His future predictions are forgettable because they are not based on facts, but his agenda.
best part is :
the blacks from africa were more inteligent than the whites from europe. That race from europe were killed/raped until there was not a single one of them. the genetic code still is in some of us.
I just don't get how two different species get on better than Blacks. Whites, Semites and Asians. We have been trying to dominate each other without realising the fruits of equality through co-operation.
It's literally just Steven Plinker but without the graphs. A bunch of 21st century whig bullshit about Progress Made and tech-futurist fantasies. Neoliberal to the core.
it was a good book. he did seem biased a little bit.
the african species were better hunters than the others. once they got into europe they out hunted everything or literally killed the enemys.
Everything taught to you about the history of humanity is founded in political agendas. There is only "1" professor you should listen to. Be ready, for we are working very hard to prepare your lessons, and you don't want to not be receptive when they arrive... free of charge.
You made me curious, Jordan.
I don't know any, but I also take intered in historical processes.
what do you mean?
What resources do they have to fight over?
That's exactly what I'm hoping for. When our AMAs start, curiosity/meekness will be a requirement. Those with the largest accumulation of this sacred trait will gain absolute power over themselves and their surrounding environment. We're excited that you're excited. Be ready... we don't have much time.
We fight over food and territory as well as fuel but these Dolphins share everything they need, like some form of goulash socialism.
It's really a Great Ape disability. To always kill off potential allies as enemies.
That's liken to diagnosing symptoms instead of diagnosing the disease. Humans try to be in control of one another, and no human that has ever existed, except "1" and "9" have control over any other human. Trying to placate your internal desires towards controlling your teammates is a one way ticket to insanity. This process is liken to throwing yourself in prison. Not good... Try instead to be in control of yourself. Everyone is falling at that now... EVERYONE. How can ANYONE, other than "1" profess to be in control of any other human, when they don't even know how their own existence came to be? Don't worship false idols.
Doubt it's any good for a Jow Forumsack but that book helped me get on this path many years ago. Mostly because it really made me think about the biases & limitations of a homosexual shitlib Jew.
Absolutely this. I for one welcome our Dolphin teachers.
>Endorsed by Jared Diamond
Into the trash it goes
>Jared Diamond quote on the front cover
Yeah you know right off the bat it's gonna be some subversive stuff
>Harari was born in Kiryat Ata, Israel, in 1976 and grew up in a secular Jewish family[3] with Lebanese and Eastern European roots in Haifa, Israel.[4] Harari is openly gay[5] and in 2002 met his husband Itzik Yahav, whom he calls "my internet of all things"
>a secular Jewish family
The recurring theme...
you should put AOC behind the chainlink fence
i cant cause im technologically retarded
That baldness tho.
His book and ideas are thoroughly demolished by an anthropologist who spent years in the company of primitive people. Absolute trash, forget everything you think you learned from it.
Bryson is an excellent writer. One of the better pop-sci books out there, desu.
I'm seeing the triple parenthesis. Surely this guy's tribe is just a giant coincidence!
Interestingly enough this book appeared in my mailbox. No one in the family knows who sent it to us.
I warned my dad of (((this guy))).
By the looks of it it's just jewish propaganda trying to influence the future by spreading these ideas to the masses and calling them "smart" and "intelligent".
Looks fishy af.
Will probably read it next weak
Really liked his first book but now he's just a Marxist propagandist
ty this looks like a good read
Is it normal for your people to randomly mail each other books anonymously?
I enjoyed it. It appears that a lot of authors appeal to evolutionary psychology without talking to anthropologists who spent time with hunter/gatherer tribes. The whole field is a tissue of lies. Read your Hallpike and enjoy the spectacle of nuking popular evo-psych arguments from orbit.
Shit's weird yo
>Jewish Fables.
>Noah Juval Harari has been hailed by the New York Times as an intellectual titan and thought leader. In reality, he is a broker of obsolete ideas and virulent forms of social control. Harari's claim that there is no such thing as justice plays into the hands of the oligarchs who promote him.
>. His claim that happiness is nothing more than chemical reactions in the brain makes him a willing executioner of the Sackler family, creators of Oxycontin and the main culprits responsible for the current opioid epidemic. Jewish Fables exposes Harari as the prophet of failed ideas.