Modern white women are 100x worse than Jews and just as, if not more, responsible for the demographic crisis in the West.
Modern white women are 100x worse than Jews and just as, if not more...
so a white woman is going to break down your door and put a gun to your head if you don't increase nigger migration and benefits ?
No, they'll get the pussy worshipping state to do it for them.
Hmmm I've been thinking which one to blame harder, the millennial zoomers or the jews?
Is this how leafs celebrate Canada day?
Women in general are stupid and don't understand all the shit they do, while Jews *KNOW* they are trying to get goy to do shameful things that take us further away from God.
Jews are the worst. No ifs, and, or buts.
Jews not only reject God and his commandments, they spend their life trying to get goy to defile themselves and turn away from God.
Imagine being cursed to hell when you die, and you decide to spend every day of your life trying to get other people to join you in hell. That's jews for you.
Also, white women were ruined by Jews, while at the same time Jews made it illegal for men to put women in line
>it was men's fault for allowing women...
When men were able to give women a healthy smack across the face when they were being retarded, women were mostly kept in line.
As soon as women knew that they could say or do whatever they want and HE CAN'T LAY A FINGER ON HER, it was game over.
You can't talk a woman into becoming more rational. You can tell her the rational thing to do, but as soon as she talks to her friends they will reinforce her irrationality and tell her the man is wrong.
The only way for a woman to be fixed is to isolate her from other women until they have been cured as well.
Sorry, faggot, it all comes back to the jew making it illegal to put women in their place (and vote, and divorce, and all the other jewry)
Women are objects. They have no will and cannot be blamed.
well you fought a civil war over this, and the south lost
white women on average aren't that much worse than other women, you have lost control over your own country, the state of your women (and many men) is just a byproduct of that