
>The Earth is flat everywhere you go from your position. It is locally flat.
>The Earth is round according to mainstream science. It is probably round as a whole..
Who the fuck knows, it is more important to consider it flat because that's how you experience it on a day to day basis. Can you absolute fucking retards hold these two thoughts in your dipshit heads at the same time?

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>Can you absolute fucking retards hold these two thoughts in your dipshit heads at the same time?

No because is a dualistic contradiction. Believing in contradictions is what stupid sheep do.

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you got it

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>Can you absolute fucking retards hold these two thoughts in your dipshit heads at the same time?
I believe that’s called doublethink.

You're an idiot. Life is full of contradictions and mysteries and this is one of them, unless you just mindlessly subscribe to what Neil DeGrasse Tyson tells you.

Yes. Something like that. It's like light being both waves and particles, depending on the method of observation.

How can the earth be flat, when there is a hill right next to my home? FLATEARTHNIGGERS BTFO.

>goy, don't think about space, it's fake and the earth is flat
>still shilling flat earth in 2019

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>believing in "progress"
Just fucking die


My job requires that I take the curvature of the earth into consideration. OTH radar is a thing.