Can someone be gay and conservative?

Attached: fag nation 3.jpg (489x648, 170K)

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it's about Good vs Evil now user.
and homosexuals cannot be good.

Yes but they would have to be on the path of righteousness, like someone with an addiction who is trying to cure himself.

this is better advice.

If you admit you're sick, yes. I'm not gonna stop you from embracing being gay, that's your choice, but you have to admit you're sick.

I'm fine with JUST homosexuality. Even if it's a mistake in the brain, it's not gonna cause any issues or population crisis.
FAGGOTRY on the other hand is very much not okay. Faggots and related degeneracy has no place in a moral civilization.
pic related as perfect example. Left is fine, right is faggotry

Attached: exampleF.jpg (1531x612, 655K)

That's more or less what I referred to. Gay people who go around saying it's ok to be gay. That's what really discriminates the tolerable gays to the repellant kill it with fire gays.

I don't really like to distinguish them from fags since they're all fags (from the traditional use of the word). If we make the distinction between fags and gays, soon we can't use fags to refer to all gays. I'm against redefinition, as much as possible.

You're all fags

Attached: weimar problems solution 3.png (720x720, 461K)

I don't suck dick so technically no

IMO you act like a fag and I bet you are a fag