Is Netanyahu retarded? I can't wait for the IDF to be preoccupied with Gaza only to get invaded from all sides by their neighbors.
Is Netanyahu retarded? I can't wait for the IDF to be preoccupied with Gaza only to get invaded from all sides by their neighbors.
Happening tomorrow.
OF COURSE Netanyahu would do this while Amerirca is preoccupied with July 4 celebrations. This also tells me that Mossad will try to stage another mass shooting or terrorist attack as well. Probably will try to frame Jow Forums too.
Fine with me. Their land; their problem.
>t. Hasbara
its time to blast these niggers, who do they think they are sending incendiary balloons.
"Their" land
Israel will most likely get mossad to cause a distraction in the west at teh same time. Mass shooting or some other stupid shit.
Israeli election coming up? Of course they're going to fuck up Gaza. I honestly don't care tho, do what they want and suffer whatever the consequences.
When you destroy the West with propaganda and you start to believe your own propaganda. Suits them well.
if anything it'll make it easier the public will be more concerned about the muds that can actually hurt them, then firing bombs on Gaza
They should have some sort of final solution for Gaza instead of killing 200 of them every year. What does that even achieve?
>he doesn’t realize it is a form of training
the chimp out is already over. the family of the dead dindu even condemned the riots.
>non combatants
>Jews plan to kill more Palestinians
I don't care and encourage this.
Always bombing Gaza, always at war in your own turf, israelis are fucking insane and hate being allies with them.
which neighbors are u talking about ? they cant do shit more than watching
yesss it happens!!!!! israel gonna kick that muslim ass and deport them all the way back to egypt
linke 404ed
Someone give a rundown why are they chimping out?
there will be no peace on earth until he is imprisoned and tried for crimes against humanity
were, it is pretty much ended
>off duty cop tries to break apart a fight
>dindus start throwing stones at him
>shoots a warning shot at the ground
>it ricochets and kills a dindu
the irony
How many niggers are there in Israel?
144k Ethiopians
lol. Could you just fucking buy some land in Asia from the Chinks or Russians? You had to setup shop in the midst of sand niggers and true niggers. I guess that when the new ice age is coming sooner then we thing a?
>What does that even achieve?
Satisfying the jews bloodlust on the long term. They keep Gaza alive on purpose for their sadistic tendencies and also to have an enemy to blame in front of the rest of the world
user, we brought those blacks in covert military operations.
last time they were here was over 2000 years ago.
He looks like he's got microcephaly, look at his head
true. But creating Israel in any other place would have been x1000 less trouble. You had the money for it. There were and are other factors in play besides muh promised land.
if we would've created a jewish state anywhere but here, it would fail.
the same way any nationalist is tied to the historical land of his nation.
white jews come from poland, breh
nice larping as black ancients hebrews though
just like your fake money; everything is fucking faked with you. it's all you know
>unironically believing Jow Forums memes
Why do you call yourself Ash Nazis anyway?
Are isrelis scared to fight iranians?