bro wtf is my power socket a pedophile???
Bro wtf is my power socket a pedophile???
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if you only knew...
the company that makes it is ran by a pedo, not the inanimate power socket
Take your meds schizo
I know this one it's the logo used by a German pedo Organisation that infiltrated the highest levels of the corporate world in Europe. They have tens of thousands of members around the world.
>he believes that socket doesn't want to fuck children
How naive you are.
>why the fuck not?
Because discord is gay and your faggy spam is too easy to just filter .
Thats just police equipment OP.
Throw it away or burn it and get a power socket that isnt a pedo. If you plug that thing in you'll have the police raiding your electronics within a week.
no, forget about it the symbol has nothing to do with pedophilia
(((No))) Jow Forums has changed you user
Pedo ring detected
I was molested by a black socket. We need to raise awareness about these predators. #metoo
Hi secret corporate board member of elite German worldwide pedo organization here
Can confirm
Audible Kek
It is very jewish of them to use different screwhole shapes
Ah, the infamous jew screw
fuuuck i used to love jungle book, no wonder im retarded now
>Mfw brits call a bandaid a "plaster" near me
Very jewish indeed
>you wanna fix this thing yourself? Not without a special screwdriver, better go buy a new one goyim!
>internship at repair store
>start to dissasemble preamplifier
>weird screw appears
>shaped like the star of david, chuckle
>ask boss, dont want to fuck up
>hey boss, do you have the jew screwdriver for this?
>boss flips around and look at me like a nig looks a watermelon
I bet you call every carbonated beverage a Coke aswell
A jewdriver if you will
What the fuck? A quality thread on pol? How?
alright this is based
bluecollar works will turn your redpilled law-economy studies into blackpilled soulcrushing blood and soil hardwork
nothing to gain, nothing to left to our children, not even have children, not even have job, just scrap for metal ship while painting, moving or installing shit, no one cares