Pence Being Briefed To Assume Presidency in Private

Trump is rumored to not be attending 4th of July festivities in person. Administration is quietly deliberating the transition of the presidency to Pence.

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I'll believe it when I see it (tomorrow).

Go dilate somewhere else.

spamming tranny cocksucker

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>Same fag as "judge halts border wall" post
Its all liberal fantasy

So is the rumor that Trump is dead or is Trump disabled? Obviously, Pence can't step in "just because." Give the whole rumor, don't tease.

Pence was "caught" as one of the "Never Trump" affiliated coup plotters. He was part of the Comey-McCabe-Strzok organized ouster of Gen. Flynn despite Flynn doing nothing wrong.

Not good for Veep.

This is true, the white house phoned me and told me about this so I could help tell Jow Forums
by this time tomorrow Trump will be approaching Sirius B.

This is true.

Wtf guys, a Pence just flew over my house. Is it happening?

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C'mon. At least make it a good larp.

the border has been halter at everystage you blind fool

fake news

Why am I not surprised that they contacted a fucking leaf?

No one is saying a word of the reasons just yet. Or if they are inferring a reason, it is not consistent.

Trump has been tweeting today. If he's incapacitated, who's doing the tweeting?

Probably one of the dozens of people that always help him? Is your logic that only Trump ever types on Twitter?

Also, I didn't say he was incapacitated. But pointing to his tweets as proof is pretty laughable.

Good response. There's a certain Trump touch, though. I thought that some of the tweets since Pence aborted his trip have been a little too polished.

Here's another question. Are you hearing these rumors from folks actually in DC for the weekend, or are you hearing this from people who have left town seeking cooler environs?

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It was making the rounds before everyone started leaving town. Not sourced from here but it's been lingering in the DC gossip circuit for the last 24 hours.

2/10 LARP
the memeflag kills it completely
all fields

You actually sound somewhat credible, and that makes me nervous. The procedures of the 25th Amendment in which the VP and the Cabinet start the procedures for stripping authority from the President are untried. There's also the issue of whether the acting cabinet members may vote to go with the veep. I'm not sure that the country is ready for something like this in its divided state. It would also throw the Republican nomination situation into turmoil.

>Discord trannies being faggots
Sage and move on.

I don't think it's going to be a 25A issue but then again it might? The standards are too high for enough people to get on the same team within the same party.

Then again, which Republicans still specifically need Trump any more than Pence?

>imagine being this much of tranny
Kys fucking shill, same with OP

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Haha quietly.. everything gets leaked

Itd be the biggest fucking news story if even a whiff of this had legs. If even a joke took place theyd run it in every major publication

I believe more that pence is not going to be trumps vp

No one from the administration is going on record except to say "nothing to see here" and every news outlet is aggressively pursuing this story.

There is one outlet posturing that they know more than even some in the administration but the few at said news outlet that are saying anything at all are also reenforcing they will absolutely not put out (anything else) until there is an official word.

Show tits or GTFO

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2/10 is generous

Unless someone can get Trump to resign a la Nixon, I don't see how you can escape the 25A.

Pence is not the campaigner that Trump is. Trump throws red meat around like no one's business. That's what gets the crowds ginned up and gets them to the polling place. Very few people can do that, and Pence isn't one of them. So if Pence is at the top of the ticket in 2020, the Reps will have a harder time with turnout. Of course Pence is likely to face a primary challenge, so who knows who would be #1. Without a strong pres candidate, Reps would be in more danger in the Senate, too. Counting on Dem craziness alone would be a mistake, IMHO. In the meantime, Pence will sign the bills as told, and he will be much more likely to bomb Iran, which seems to be a goal of some in the current administration.

I hope this happens. Events like this divide the country more. This is what we need. Divide the social space make people chose sides. This is a fast move in the process of delegitimization.



All valid points but there is some nuance that I can't ignore.

One important one I've heard about more recently is there is a growing concern of Trump financially crippling the party. Love him or hate him, Trump doesn't like to pay for anything and certainly doesn't like to share.

While it's great he's fundraising like crazy, there's so many people grifting off of it that if you are someone down ballot defending or going for a competitive seat, you're likely not seeing a dollar of that. A Trump win doesn't need to flip the House as much as it needs to defend state seats while maintaining the status quo in the Senate. Pence erases a lot of concerns with money and the focus could switch to rallying religious voters in blue states. I don't know if that would work or not but that's one of the older escape hatches I've heard.

There's also an eye on approval ratings. Mitch is happy to provide cover for the Executive as long as it's functional and doesn't jeopardize his position in the Senate. His preference is obviously order in the Executive. But, if you haven't noticed, Trump's only allies in WH these days appear to be his family members. That's not good enough leverage against neocon hawks and career operators in the party anymore. Trump does not have the same friends.

If Mitch senses disorder between Pence and Trump, remember Pence has been around a long, long time and has nothing left to accomplish except elevating himself to the presidency. He has far more friends in Congress than Trump to help see that happen.

Some of this is speculative and backroom banter but if Pence has to assume the presidency, he'll have broad party support to push him to the moon.

So he was killed in Korea?

Not a terrible breakdown on DC, but how do you scrap on the Unions in Michigan, etc? Trump won by being a non-secular pro-jobs pro-USA candidate, and his reputation as a WWF and TV star made alot of that happen. A return to politician vs politician will lose the interest of a shit-load of otherwise empty ballots.

Sort of.

Trump's numbers were slightly overstated for blue collar workers in the first election. Career Republicans want to go where the money is and where it can be quickly attained. They'll gladly take money with a religious candidate and use it to run pro-job policy ads. Such is politics.

I agree that politician vs politician is not the best choice. But if Trump starts taking them down an existential path that would jeopardize their position as a party (especially financially), they've already been quietly moving the right people in place to pull the rug out.

You give me a lot of chew on.

I had no idea that there were problems with finances in the party and the down ballot races. It sounds like the problems that the Dems had with Obama and they lost over 1,000 offices at the lower level. Redistricting is coming up and you just have to keep those legislatures and governorships. I don't think that there are sufficient religious voters in blue states who stayed home because of Trump's personal life to counteract independents and anyone-but-Hillary dems. That plan might work better in NC and FL, but not PA, MI and WI. Michigan has all the Christian Reformed folks in Grand Rapids, but Pence isn't going to rally the auto workers in the southeastern part of the state. The Harrisburg area in central PA is of course very conservative, but I don't have a sense as to what the turnout was there. Pence won't have traction in CO or NV. I don't know about AZ. It's risky.

Trump has Steven Miller but losing Steve Bannon seemed to unmoor him from the message that he ran on, that's for sure. I can't say that I'd be unhappy to see Jarvanka go, but the neocon hawks who would surround Pence scare the bejebus out of me. I do not want to go into Iran or North Korea, and I doubt that most voters do. But I see your point that Trump doesn't have the same friends.

Perhaps the confusion today about the census reflects a real problem in the executive. It does appear that Trump's cabinet members are going their own way which makes us look weak in the eyes of our foreign partners and adversaries. The only saving grace is that the Dems look like they're running for president of Central America, not the United States of America.

Republicans definitely have some money issues. Again, Trump is fundraising just fine but there appears to be some confusion as to who thinks they're entitled to that money.

The problem was the midterms, specifically Texas and California. Orange County was a major fundraising hub for Republicans. It's completely wiped out and that network just isn't there anymore. Texas saw a lot of the reliable, old fundraising guard get pushed out. It's not nearly as bad as Orange County but it's enough to raise some alarms.

Will be interesting to see how this all falls out.

>Presidency in Private
not even possible but what ever. Next time you wanna larp wait 10 years.

Yes, it will. Are there particular indicators that we could watch for to track the situation?

uhhh guys mike pence just flew over my house is it happening?

Orange County election was stolen. They allowed ballots to come in after the numbers were counted. The democrats just "walked in" the number needed to win.

That would be amazing. A president who doesn't love sucking faggots cocks.

Trump is dead.

Lol why is it that when looking at this pic, two holding hands I just know they haven't slept in the same bed for decades! Let alone else!

Why do people need to put on a show! Can't there be someone working, you know doing their job without draining family behind, not professional. I like Trump presidency but heck even he went too far, where are the good old days where you get your behind up go to work and do your job, yourself, considering you were tasked for it! And who brings their wife to the interview, only politicians! Unless they are going under investigation and lie detector tests they have no place on stage at a WorkPlace!

I hear your concern but it's not true. Majority of California mails in their ballots because it's one of the only with no-excuse absentee ballots. No one wants to sit in traffic and then wait in line. Unless that is reversed (never going to happen), the trickle-in results (which California has been known for since this all was implemented) will always happen for both parties.

Most millennials mail in their ballots in California. If Republicans want to see those results trickle in their favor, that's the voting block turning in the results.

Republicans need to go gold digging. They're going to spend a lot of money reenforcing Texas. Cornyn's polling will be a big indicator. If his race is competitive, that's not a good sign.

Republicans have Florida locked up but haven't established a mature financial network yet. But I can see them aggressively trying to push Democrats out of the state.

fuck off Mossad

Do you know what's IDs are faggot?
Also samefaggin with this queer

You lying sack of shit. You're a shitbag, ya no? Big bag of shitmeat. That stinks of chicken shit when burned.
I hope you fucking choke on your first Chik-fil-A.Shitbag.

Doubt it. Pence just gave me a BJ in a Saskatoon bath house.

It's literally moarpheus talking to himself while using his phone and laptop. Fat faggot

so which 5 star general or Cabinet member are you, again?

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So what? I'm having fun.

No one here gives (or at least should give) a fuck about the Republicans. Imagine thinking a political party that obviously doesn't and won't support your interests merits a concern at all. GFY, GOP consultant. Seriously consider the lives of your descendants. And if (as is likely) you are a sodomite, repent and pray that Jesus Christ forgives you of your sins.

Are you Sirius?

Jesus Christ is fiction and so is sin.

I never figured that Texas would be a problem this soon. I chalked up Beto's good showing as a dislike for Cruz. Is this due to an increase in the Hispanic vote or are all those Californians moving in really making an impact? Or maybe both?


Trannies drunkenly gossiping in Logan Circle aren’t a credible source, mong.

As you see the world melt down around you, sodomites increasing in numbers and power, literal demons reading to kids in libraries, you deny sin. How naive.

Beto slightly.

But longer term, losing Pete Sessions and Culberson was like two liver punches. Big boosters of Republicans in Texas and were both pretty networked across the state.

Texas had record scores of illegal voting. Democratic strongholds had voting turnout of 120%

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Yes. I bet that hurt. Pence would do well in Texas and there is money. Would the Pence backers be as aggressive at holding the line at the border to prevent enormous demographic change against Reps or are they solely on the cheap labor express?

Wow. That's worse than Chicago, and that's saying a lot.

Pence would turn back on the Koch faucet.

But it may not ultimately signal cheap labor. Many going back into the private sector these days are heading to private prisons and security and have strong enough remaining ties to Congress to competitively lobby against it.

You typed the "K" word. I didn't have the nerve.

There's another thread tonight claiming that Pence is being replaced on the ticket. Any comments?

No those are examples of degeneracy and vice. They are bad because they are biologically undesirable and harmful to civilization, not because Semitic sky daddy said so.

of all the bs flowing down the pipe this is the only one that may sense

Oh shut the fuck up you retarded flaggot

>orange county?
What a bunch of bullshit, Trump has just over 100 million cash on hand. The anti-trump fags get nothing and that is what you are getting at. who cares if a couple of anti Trump GOP lose their funding. They vote against the GOP anyway. See Justin Amash a Paul Ryan special.

And you, working tandem means you faggots get the same bullet

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Our magnificent President will be at the holiday festivities. The highlight, I am guessing, is he will pardon vets accused of "war crimes." Golsteyn, Miller, etc. Fireworks, tanks, planes and pardons, MAGA. It will be beautiful.

I actually have no idea what's up with that but it's interesting and out there in circles. It has been all year. It doesn't appear to carry the same type of weight, seriousness, or secrecy but I have no idea where it's coming from.

Nikki is a perpetual opportunist and she was basically told to sit tight and wait her turn because it's coming.

The Trump side (probably without talking to the Pence folks about it) assumes Pence is expendable and figures he'll go along with stepping aside because he has nothing left to shoot for politically.

Pence folks play the field but NEVER tread on stepping aside. Pence upended a lot of his personal life to go to Washington as VP and I don't think there's a strong desire to piss that all away after a few years.

So where this story originates could be from virtually anyone but it does seem like someone is participating in a little gamesmanship to force an issue.

Paul Ryan was and still remains one the biggest fundraisers for the entire Republican party. In fact, he broke record after record doing it.

>it's been lingering in the DC gossip circuit for the last 24 hours. hasn't.
show flag, memeflag

Prove it

Just saw this spammed in another thread. Gg glowie

I'm not a hawk, so the thought of Nikki in a real position of power is unsettling. Iraq and Afghanistan are bleeding us dry of our best--they're burned out and so is their equipment. The money we've spent could have been used much more productively. And I don't want my tax dollars used to provoke the Second Coming. I hope that Pence and any and all neocon hawks will somehow be restrained.

>I hear your concern but it's not true. Majority of California mails in their ballots because it's one of the only with no-excuse absentee ballots. No one wants to sit in traffic and then wait in line. Unless that is reversed (never going to happen), the trickle-in results (which California has been known for since this all was implemented) will always happen for both parties.
>Most millennials mail in their ballots in California. If Republicans want to see those results trickle in their favor, that's the voting block turning in the results.
So as you said, 60 something percent of votes cast in the 2018 midterms in California were mailed ballots. What's interesting to me is that ballots are mailed to all registered voters. Voters are registered, conveniently, at the DMV (among other places) when getting a driver's license. California allows illegals to get a driver's license. Even more conveniently you can register to vote in California online:

Cords always glow. Never ever go. Never.

It just flew over my house... *snooze*

Paul Ryan is a globojew cocksucker. Literally and figuratively

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Source please

trump will be assassinated by an iranian spy

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I think Nikki likely wins 2020 as a VP with either Trump or Pence but I know there is a worry of her capitulating too much in VP debate vs a presidential one. Trump's side isn't thinking too hard about that but more career folk see her going too far off Trump's brand (code for might be weak on abortion)

No they're not

(((iranian))) right, wink wink nudge nudge.

What do you think sin is? Degeneracy. Don't commit those acts. God tells you because he cares about your survival.

but there was no ayyys in Chingchangchongland yesterday