They should become independent

rest of USA is a shithole with no future, California would do much better on it's own

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It's the opposite, but either way.

They should, but they won't. And it's not out of sympathy for the rest of us peon taxpayers

Lmfao, it's the other way around.

California is the shithole.

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California is one of the most fucked up places you'll ever have the misfortune of visiting. It has no future.

one thing they should do.
stop moving to other states and fucking them up with their bullshit.

Yes, I agree user. California would be much better off without us. I wholeheartedly support Calexit- act of succession when?

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My californian family visited me yesterday, they are happy living there

I like it. Then when they fuck their state up they can't move to other states and fuck them up too. Like they did with Oregon, Washington and Colorado.

We're highly dependent on resources from other states, and the Dems will take us out of the Union over my dead body. What we should do is split the state into a Democrat state and a republican state.

They asked me if I want to Live in cali, I said aye, my future would be brighter

California is american soil, I hate those faggots sometimes but they arent going anywhere you Russian sodomite.

Dude if thy would just kick out the illegals we wouldnt have to california would turn red

Just dont rape or murder anyone

Oh no no no no OP. If the South wasn't allowed to secede in prior to the Civil War, I'll ve goddamned if a state full of communists and spics get to have their way. If anything they can TRY and we just all go into Commifornia and kill them all.

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>largest economy
>best weather
>beautiful land

With all that money, industrial power, people they still only have 2 senators LOL

>poverty pimps run every city
>crime out the anus
>homeless everywhere
>wealth inequality everywhere
>opiate addiction out the ass
>beaners are the least fucked up people in the entire state

The Port of L.A is the only useful thing in the entire state

fuck off putinbot you're pissed you forgot to colonize california in the 19th century and are mad you sold off Alaska to the US later.
California needs to be militarily occupied like the south was in the days of reconstruction.
You should worry about your own problems- like all those lovely Turkic tribes who (a) actually build infrastructure in Russia instead of selling off raw unprocessed materials (think Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, etc.) and (b) have ,more than 1 child because their brains are not baked with caмyгoн и кpoкoдил

>rest of USA is a shithole with no future, California would do much better on it's own


Don’t let the door hit them in the ass on their way out

Other way around, but yeah let em go

Without Defense/Aero-space industry,California economy would go bust !

Financially speaking, California is what's keeping the USA above water. You wouldn't understand it being a poor faggot like yourself.

lets see California try to survive without leeching off the US Military and other perks since they can't afford what they have in their budget for necessities for the state

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yeah who doesn’t want more free stuff