What the fuck

what the fuck

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>what the fuck
Mandatory accelerating worldwide depopulation cult.

Just walk in the road next to it.

Paint cloud

take a piss on it

Attached: piss on npc.png (500x640, 448K)

Increase the fag agenda everywhere
>suddenly people start hating fags

What the fuck indeed.

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Paint a happy merchant on it tonight.

you know whats funny. the LGBTQ rainbow flag is a freemason flag. thats where the original design came from. they used bunch of rainbow girl flags

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Fortunately I don't think I live next to any of these faggot crosswalks. Now that FAGGOT Month is over anyone know how long they're expected to stick around for? Indefinitely?

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Philly has a whole area called "the gayborhood" where all the crosswalks are like that. Even have an ice cream parlor called "Big Gay Ice Cream." Anyway I'm planning on moving soon


>Increase the fag agenda everywhere
>>suddenly people start hating fags
People are cowards. And I'm starting to think that people have been trained to be incapable of hate, paranoia, anger, fear, and anything that would allow them to understand a need to fight back.

Their opposition to "hate" is not just a meme. It is a reaction we are doomed without.

This picture makes me feel previously undiscovered levels of anger.

>Fortunately I don't think I live next to any of these faggot crosswalks. Now that FAGGOT Month is over anyone know how long they're expected to stick around for? Indefinitely?
It's feeling like they're going to try to turn society into a accelerating depopulation cult.


>live in bumfuck ville Texas
>there's a VAPE SHOP BRUH but nobody sells tobacco except for HEB that offers Bugler
>drive into a town to buy good tobacco
>of course there's water pipes (FOR TOBACCO USE ONLY) and dildos and any range of hippie stuff
>walk outside with stockabye turkish export
>see a Star of David sprayed on the wall across the lot
which one of you did it?

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hi capitol hill

Reminder today that the rainbow flag is JEWISH. Its is also the flag of the JEWISH oblast in Russia. the 7 stripes represent NOAHAS 7 LAWS

yep. was out bar hopping for my bachelor party, had no idea pride was going on at the time. the teeming masses of degenerates were in full swing.

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Soon every home will need to have a mandatory LGBTABCBBQ flag hanging on it or else the folks living in them will be arrested for hate crimes.

Has Pride Month accomplished anything besides make people fucking sick of gays and rainbows? Seriously I don't care if someone is a furry but if they started holding all these parades and posting furry flags everywhere I'd start to get pissed at them.

>slowly I came to hate them

Attached: Google Pride.png (1227x1179, 1.44M)

>Has Pride Month accomplished anything besides make people fucking sick of gays and rainbows? Seriously I don't care if someone is a furry but if they started holding all these parades and posting furry flags everywhere I'd start to get pissed at them.
>>slowly I came to hate them
Intimidation. Surrender. They want people to give up and join it.

>"Where do you see yourself in a year?"

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before it could be slightly forgiven if you didn't want them all dead personally at your hands; because they weren't trying to brainwash kids and force it down literally everyone's throat.
now they just tell you in no subtle terms, we're gonna fuck your kids and you're going to be state mandated to support us doing so

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what the jew

Looks cool

>someone painted a question mark and a cloud

top fuckn kek

Pls pls pla walk across it with a partially open bucket of red paint and “trip” and fall completely covering it. Make it two buckets..? Quads in the thread and someone does with video??

Welcome to permanent gay society. June was a trojan horse. Gay flags will be flown in place of national ones year round. Every corporation will virtue signal year round to avoid the accusation of only pandering for a month

If only someone had the spine to run the sodomites over in their car.

The next time some gaytheist tells you his single-minded attacks on Christianity but avoidance of Islam and Judaism are because we live in a Christian society, remind him that we live in a society where Jesus barely gets two days of recognition, and fags get an entire month.

America worships fags not Christ.
You can mock god and priests all day on Sunday, but Vishnu protect you if you ever mock a fag.

>>"Where do you see yourself in a year?"

I don't have time to explain here, but basically gay rights didn't *start* working until riots and ultra faggish pride parades. That's why they won, that's the winning strategy.

I still don't understand how fags and the Left defend Islam when they are everything they villainize modern Christianity for.

It's just a rainbow though

It's all a means to an end user.
The destruction of Western Civilization.

get with the program sweatie

Attached: FERKIDS.jpg (800x420, 113K)

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I was in Austin TX last year. The place was gayer than Toronto and that's saying something.

> And then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power.

>The destruction of Western Civilization.
And China walks in and takes everything.

BBC in my faggot white ass forever alpha daddy cum yum slurpee nigger addiction

>a (((cloud)))

>the faggots painted a rainbow road leading to one of the most historically important church in iceland

Attached: rvk_pride.jpg (600x450, 51K)

>>the faggots painted a rainbow road leading to one of the most historically important church in iceland
Reminder: LGBT IS the celebration of every possible way to not procreate.

>walking, spitting and dropping cigs on symbol of faggotry
Im okay with this.

Is the whole LGBT movement just spite?

faggots are literally an invasive species, whats the need to pain the crosswalk with the gay flag?
is a white crosswalk heteronormative?

but the authoritah will send you to prison, glownigga

It made me richer.

It's not about the value/point of the action itself, but if its opposition can be framed as homophobic. Simple as.

Somewhere over the rainbow

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They wanted to do the same in Lisbon and managed to paint a crosswalk and it stood painted during a day but CHAD Portuguese SafetyRoads Authority said you as a driver could be not obliged to stop before the crosswalk
and therefore be almost killing people legally walking that rainbow crosswalk
-since it stopped legally becoming a crosswalk and it has reduced visibility and contrast than a normal one.

The ones that tried to approve that in Lisbon's city secular parish are even from the supposed autodenominated """centre-right/ centrist conservative""" party, party member of European People's Party. There are/were faggots infiltrated in that supposed party including well-renowned twitter zionist activist/confirmed Hasbara shill to try to enforce their gay crosswalk agenda that has resigned from that party because he couldn't take too """much homophobia""" and contradictory decisions between national comittee of that party and party's faggot parish representatives .

Attached: crosswalks_recoloured_to_normal_again.png (862x658, 234K)

or is it

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theres one in town here, all the tourists from cruise ships have no idea what it is so regularly almost get mowed down by pissed off drivers.

(((They))) stole the rainbow from these qts?
I wanna becaome a mason now.

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This is where I find a white wife ????

Looks like we're going masonry now boys!

6 colors
6th month of the year
what did they mean by this?

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>Is the whole LGBT movement just spite?
It is meant to replace all traditions, thoughts, and memories with this cult and ensure that people cannot avoid it.

To make it the symbol of all beauty. It is the new religion.