Whereas gay people are clearly more intelligent and better educated than the average population. We're cute too.
Why are you against homosexuality Jow Forums ?
Ruining your anus isnt smart
I'm not
It's an abomination against God and faggots are typically sexually depraved pedos
Im not. But im left wing so I don't think this question is ment for me
>faggots are typically sexually depraved pedos
absolutely retarded strawman
Fucking christcuck. God ain't real.
>Why are you against homosexuality Jow Forums ?
Homosexuality is a self-destructive, dangerous and degenerate mental illness promoted and normalized in White nations by the Jewish elite and the Jewish controlled media to the detriment of the White race, White traditions and White culture.
>Whereas gay people are clearly more intelligent and better educated than the average population.
What propaganda website do you use to back that statement up?
>We're cute too.
Beauty is subjective.
>Fucking christcuck
Did you ever think that you're a homosexual because of your hatred for Christianity?
>God ain't real.
Do you say that to continue to justify living in sin?
What a shame youre not passing on any of those cute and intelligent genes to a new generation then. Stupid fucking faggots.
>>faggots are typically sexually depraved pedos
They are though...it's an outward sign of their inward degeneracy.
Are you a christian ? If so your opinion doesn't matter.
>I'm not
If you're not opposed to homosexuality, what are you doing on Jow Forums?
>Are you a christian ?
Of course.
>If so your opinion doesn't matter.
Non-Christians and anti-Christians have no right to speak to Christians.
>Whereas gay people are clearly more intelligent and better educated than the average population. We're cute too.
Becuase it is being used as a massive depopulation cult.
It's a good source for news, and I like laughing at you retards.
Did you ever think that you're a christian because of your hatred for homosexuality ?
Absolute state of christcucks. You know Jesus was literaly the first historicaly recorded communist.
>It's a good source for news
But we tell the truth about the evils of homosexuality.
>and I like laughing at you retards.
So you see the truth here and refuse to accept it?
>Did you ever think that you're a christian because of your hatred for homosexuality ?
No, it's just a bonus. There's literally nothing wrong with hating homosexuality.
>Absolute state of christcucks.
Non-Christians and anti-Christians have no right to speak to Christians.
>You know Jesus was literaly the first historicaly recorded communist.
Communism is Jewish and forced. Christianity is White and a choice.
Arab males are so fucking hot desu
>implying jesus was speaking to humanity instead of just commenting on that one rich person that cared more about riches than salvation.
>Arab males are so fucking hot desu
So you're attracted to subhuman sweat, body hair and man funk?
But you're going to claim you're not degenerate?
The fag is right. God isn't real. Why don't you talk about real consequences that comes with homosexuality rather than a delusion that gays arnt afraid of anymore? You know it's christcucks fault gays have become stronger. They relazies that God isn't real so your fear tactics don't work on them. Good job dumbass. Shouldve told them about AIDS, anal prolapses and shit dick.
Not before the mass invasion of illegals, smartass.
I'm not against it. I'm against the rampant protection and promotion of it as if gays are some endangered species we have to bend over backwards to save.
So basically 99 percent of republicans go straight to hell. At least follow your saviour to the word if you declare yourself as a follower of Christianity. But oh no you would rather shit on gays and get fat off poor people
>being attracted to """""people""""" that chop their foreskins off
How does it feel to be fucked in the ass with a dick that's a giant callus?
did you get abused as a child?
serious question
>The fag is right. God isn't real.
>Why don't you talk about real consequences that comes with homosexuality
I already did.
>rather than a delusion that gays arnt afraid of anymore?
You can't argue the fact that homosexuality is a sin. That's why you don't want to talk about it.
> You know it's christcucks fault gays have become stronger.
The Jews are the ones promoting and normalizing faggotry.
>They relazies that God isn't real so your fear tactics don't work on them.
>Shouldve told them about AIDS, anal prolapses and shit dick.
That turns faggots on.
>So basically 99 percent of republicans go straight to hell.
>At least follow your saviour to the word if you declare yourself as a follower of Christianity.
Why would I listen to an anti-Christian's interpretation of Christianity? You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
>But oh no you would rather shit on gays and get fat off poor people
Faggots should be oppressed. Christians don't get "fat off of poor people." That's another Communist lie.
you're erroneously pretending the gay causes the high intelligence or that the two are inextricably linked
also, no
if you want to bugger other mentally damaged adults don't expect support or special rights and stay away from the children
>God doesn't do anything until after death
>gays no longer afraid because God doesn't show himself and the only proof comes from a fucking fariy tale
>so gays still act like faggots while we are alive. Destroying our country and civilized way of living
>but at least they go to hell AFTER THEY DIE
delusional retard.
>>God doesn't do anything until after death
>>gays no longer afraid because God doesn't show himself and the only proof comes from a fucking fariy tale
Faggots are degenerate, God turns them over to their sin. Their degeneracy harms them. And the Jews promote and normalize faggotry.
>>so gays still act like faggots while we are alive. Destroying our country and civilized way of living
Faggots are the symptom. Jews are the cancer.
>>but at least they go to hell AFTER THEY DIE
And they live in hell until they die.
>delusional retard.
Faggot defender.
>Christians don't get "fat off of poor people."
Pls just look at the history. The clergy was the most powerful and corrupt entity in European history. They even sold salvation from hell for cash during the middle ages.
>Faggots should be oppressed.
Retarded boomers should be oppressed
>So basically 99 percent of republicans go straight to hell.
So you ll be voting for the Democrats in 2020?
>Pls just look at the history. The clergy was the most powerful and corrupt entity in European history. They even sold salvation from hell for cash during the middle ages.
You mean history written by anti-Whites and Jews.
>Retarded boomers should be oppressed
Communists like you have no say in White nations.
>So you ll be voting for the Democrats in 2020?
democrats are just as anti-White as Republicans. Voting won't save White people.
>Want special treatment.
>Can't hold a single discussion that doesn't involve their degenerate sex lives and fantasies.
>Highest rate of STDs.
>Making sexuality a lifestyle and a culture and enforcing upon the populace.
>Heavy drug use.
>full of child molesters.
>Want people to lose their jobs, get fined, or upright arrested for not breaking their principles and kowtowing to faggots even when faggots have no business being involved.
>Want to convert little kids to their faggot lifestyle.
People always try to say it's just liking the same sex, but no no, you fucking sheep, there is way fucking more to it than that.
>You mean history written by anti-Whites and Jews.
Prove it. So by your logic all history since the 3rd century is completely fabricated by the joos.
>Communists like you have no say in White nations.
Are you a boomer or just a retard im not sure.
Give statistics supporting this absurd claim. Now. You can't. But I have some for you
>Prove it.
Communists like you don't base your beliefs on evidence. Only feelings.
>So by your logic all history since the 3rd century is completely fabricated by the joos.
I'm saying that your anti-Christian/pro-Jew bias affects your beliefs.
We don't have to listen to your lies.
>Are you a boomer or just a retard im not sure.
Not an argument, Communist.
Way to not answer anything with a Coherent logical statement and instead repeating "god is good fags are bad" God isn't real and fags are still bad. You're an NPC fuck head.
Gays like Scooby made me change my view, not gays like OP though, kys fgt.
>Way to not answer anything with a Coherent logical statement and instead repeating "god is good fags are bad"
Fags are bad because everything about faggotry is bad. In addition to faggotry being a sin.
>God isn't real
Because you say so.
>You're an NPC fuck head.
Hey, you're the one that thinks tens of billions of people on the planet and throughout history are delusional.
>Communists like you don't base your beliefs on evidence. Only feelings.
Lol im not the one who rejects history because of my feelings. If you have no proof for statement then it is based of feelings. Ide post some links but i know you ll just declare them for propaganda because your so emotional over it.
>Not an argument, Communist.
Im asuming that your a boomer based of the number of times you called me a commie, which im not
I'm not. I have no problem with normal-fags. The rest, the pride degenerates, the paedo-fags, need the bullet.
>Lol im not the one who rejects history because of my feelings.
You're a communist. Of course you do.
> If you have no proof for statement then it is based of feelings.
Of course there is proof, I'm not going to spoon feed you when we both know you'll dismiss it out of hand.
>de post some links but i know you ll just declare them for propaganda
Well that's the truth though.
>because your so emotional over it.
You're the anti-White faggot enabling communist.
>Im asuming that your a boomer based of the number of times you called me a commie, which im not
You're literally defending Communism and faggotry. Both of the Jews.
You first asked for tolerance and got that. Then you asked for acceptance and got that. Then you asked--demanded?--more laws in your favor and got that.
But don't expect normies to glorify your degenerate lifestyle, do your thing and leave us alone, we don't want to see you freaks parading around in dildo costumes.
>You're a communist. Of course you do.
What have I said that indicates that im a communist. I only mentioned it as a comparison to Christianity. Im a Social Democrat which is very far away from communism.
>more educated
>sticks dick into poop in attempt to procreate
>all you have is an adhom
Debate the stats fudgepacker
why is the FBI taking taxpayer dollars and shilling for the democratic party
>This #PrideMonth, the #FBI celebrates the diversity of our workforce and recognizes the contributions our #LGBT colleagues have made in their service to the Bureau.
the issue isn't my tolerance of homosexuality
the issue is government propaganda for a political party, funded by taxpayers
>thread about a fag asking why you hate him devolves into a fight about the existence of a Christian God
really niggers?
you fags force yourself into communities where you arent wanted
I'll also say animefags aren't all trannies. I'm a borderline Nazi and I love my 2d waifu.