Can someone explain to me how "reparations for slavery" is an actual discussion in the US? If I were a Native American in the US I'd be pretty furious seeing how niggers get money while my people who was LITERALLY genocided goes ignored. Presentism is a retarded way of seeing the world. Niggers don't deserve reparations, they've had over 100+ years to get their shit together. Prove me wrong.
Can someone explain to me how "reparations for slavery" is an actual discussion in the US...
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Natives get all sorts of gibs. Otherwise your post is spot on.
reparations is a code word for: take taxpayer's dollars to form a fund that will be operated by (((fund managers))) which will give 1% of money to JaTisha and LaVatory while the rest will be used for financial speculation, corporate investment and financial well being of its numerous white collar employees.
It's the same when retards here complain about trillions of aid money given to Africa when an overwhelming majority of it is eaten up by the administration of numerous international organizations and NGOs.
>tl;dr reparations = more taxes which won't benefit neither the blacks nor the taxpayers
It's not a serious discussion and indians get plenty of shit for free
Gas the Kikes; Race War NOW
>when retards here complain about trillions of aid money given to Africa
"retards" here don't give a fuck what happens to the money, it's the fact that it is going to africa in the first place you stupid niggerfaggot
because niggers are violent and disgusting and present in every city. Chugs are easy to ignore for most people, but niggers are making a mess all over the place and everyone is equal so the only possible explanation is racism.
The jews need to give their money to blacks. The jewish slave trade and ownership of blacks was a moral outrage. Israel should be the responsible entity for paying out the reparations, as the official state of jews.
>Can someone explain to me how "reparations for slavery" is an actual discussion in the US?
Jews jewing.
In 1860, the peak of slavery, the total free population of the United States and its territories was 27,489,561. A total of 393,975 people owned 3,953,760 slaves.
That's just 1.4% of the total population that owned slaves.
While 40% of jews in the US owned slaves. Pic and link related. This is a jew source. Other sources have it MUCH higher.
There were 200,000 jews in the US in 1860.
40% of 200,000 = 80,000
So about 80,000 jews owned slaves.
393,975 - 80,000 = 313,975 non-jews owned slaves.
80,000 jew slave owners
313,975 non-jew slave owners
Thus, at a minimum, 26% of all slave owners were jews, despite being just a minuscule 0.7% of the population. The actual percentage was likely much higher.
Reminder: Despite what is portrayed via jew controlled media, Billy Bob le evil white male on his 10 acre dirt farm did not own slaves. Slaves were *extremely expensive* along with other factors (white Christians typically being opposed to slavery etc).
Who bought slaves and had them imported to the US? The mega plantations. Who owned and ran the mega plantations? Pic related.
After the exaggerations and outright lies surrounding the Holohoax ( ), the biggest redpill jews desperately attempt to hide from the goyim is their role in the African slave trade.
90%+ of the Africa to North America slave trade was a jewish enterprise.
The bible on the subject:
It was African niggers who sold white people the slaves in the first place so maybe they should pay.
Nothing much has changed, slavery then, open borders now. Jews have the same goals.
Sure, young people will support all that garbage such as communism and reparations and so on until they start working, then suddenly they realize what a horseshit all of it is that they have to work while these niggers and illegals are leeching off them and swing hard conservative.
It's not - despite what the media claims everyone is almost unanimously opposed to any discussion of reparations because everyone knows exactly what that kind of discussion inevitably leads to:
If you give a group reparations now, you're gonna end up paying more reparations later on.
If you give one group reparations, other groups are going to demand reparations too.
If you start holding people accountable for the actions of their ancestors the entire legal system becomes a fucking farce.
Etc etc etc
>But that's shifting with younger generations
Based fucking retarded zoomers getting ready to escape themselves with reparations. Good luck paying off the loan for your interpretive dance degree while niggers get free bennies for simply existing.
I was just thinking this. How do we meme it?
>an actual discussion in the US?
Public schools and silver pony-tailed jew professors in college.
People need to actually take action and move their kids out of public schools or their sons will become tranny faggots and daughters become coal burning whores.
Native American should be making an uproar about this reparations shit honesty. At the end of the day I don't anyone cares about Native American's though, even SJW's. Shit even most Native American's seem not to care about Native Americans. Not like there's many left alive either. I wonder if the Chinese could get away with asking for unpaid wages for building the rail roads.
Since 1964 black Americans have gotten a 15,000$ premium by being in America. And we have given them + 15 iq points
They have their reparations
+ free college + easy jobs + can get away with murder + white women
I'm half Italian and half Spaniard.
My ancestors were probably enslaved by Arabs.
Do I get reparations?
Get the reps from the biggest players in the slave trade, JEWS.
>Prove me wrong
Back to r*ddit
What's funny is the ear to free slaves the democrats were the slave owners. They also put the Japanese and Aleuts, native Americans, in internment camps. Democrats are just gross.
and here comes the retard. the point was never about Africa dumbass. it's just an excuse to make the tax pill slightly more palatable (for ordinary people at least)
Africa doesn't get shit and people who introduced these aid programmes don't give a shit about Africa. They're only after tax payer's money. It's like when the EU gives a grant for gypsies here, then they form an NGO staffed with local basedboys and various Danish, German, English, etc. cucks who receive thousands of Euros to write reports on difficulties facing *Roma* population. The whole point was to transfer public money to private pockets.
Just claim "inherited trauma" like the Jews do with the Holocaust™.
they're going to make all kinds of reparations categories, all pretty much just being "take money from whitey"
All of this. I'm a bisexual half native and I don't want a fucking dime for what happened to natives in the past, or because some bi dude got killed for trying to suck off a straight guy one time. Fuck all that, it's stupid, it's illogical and it sets so many bad precedents. And yes I know that natives get gibs, but I don't take any. Nobody in my family does, even the full blooded natives because that's nigger tier.
IE: All forms of reparations for anything, anyone, any race are nigger tier nonsense.
jews control the media. Are you slow, son?
Im not paying the white tax for niggers ive never own.
Based homo treenigger
the niggers need to be stripped of their status as human beings, send to concentration camps, and executed
>Bisexual half native
Wtf is your genetics like user, ew
They think if you give niggers money, they will stop raping and murdering innocent white people. Just like feeding grizzly bears, appeasement of wild animals always works!
Zoomers ain’t paying shit
You should read “A short history of Central Banking” by Stephen Goodson
you're the one characterizing Jow Forums as somehow supporting humanitarian aids
The US pays natives. In some areas, they're the richest people in the county/borough. Does Mexico pay natives schooling, college, health care, natural resource lease agreements? Or no?
I believe the only reason Natives don't get talked about in America is because they are a minority (5,220,579 ~ 1.6%) and they aren't seen in the media often anyways. Natives have had a worse history when you compare it to Blacks but no one really talks about it, as far as I know Natives hold some territory but I have no idea how that works and I don't have the time to research it.
They mean they manipulate the polls harder, I doubt anyone outside a college campus has been included in a poll collection in 7 years
Black people are not guaranteed a place in college. A sports scholarship is not reparations. Lose the native romanticism.
>And yes I know that natives get gibs, but I don't take any. Nobody in my family does, even the full blooded natives because that's nigger tier.
Just invest it in productive local community endeavors instead of letting the Feds sit on it. As long as you're not blowing it on firewater and shiny beads you're better than nigger-tier.
because the OP was asking how could reparations be an actual discussion in general, with the pic *most Americans still oppose reparations, bu that's shifting...*.
obviously Jow Forums doesn't give a shit about either blacks or Africans.
>Can someone explain to me how "reparations for slavery" is an actual discussion in the US?
WW2 mythology
>it sets so many bad precedents
it's funny how they don't consider the downsides of normalizing a super wide variation of group responsibility.
>some whites owned some black slaves generations ago
whites should pay blacks
>some gays got lynched by some normal people in the past
normal people should pay gays
>some mestizos illegally cross the border and smuggle drugs
guys wait
>black people commit crime at a disproportionate rate
oh nonono
but considering it's the CURRENT_YEAR left that thinks normalizing political violence is a good idea (turned out really well for them the last time right), i'm really hopeful for them to greatly overextend as usual
I support expanding the mission of the indian reservations and sending the niggers there
Nigger who got the nerve to ask for reparations should be asking all the decendants of the Jewish plantation owners and not Billy Bob the farmer who could barely afford even one slave
What really boggles my mind is why young people (aka Hispanics and kids of other immigrants who came here a generation or two ago and had NOTHING to do with the American slave trade) support it.
The funniest part will be when blacks realize that you actually have to prove slave ancestry to qualify, which will be nigh impossible when most of them can't even tell you who their father is, much less their grandparents or great grandparents.
I'm really not ok with niggers living in society
I want the niggers kicked out of society by law
civil rights was a huge mistake
in hindsight, it undermined USA society
I wonder if civil rights wasn't an Israeli, Chinese or Russian psyop
if it came out tomorrow that the 1964 civil rights act was actually a foreign power psyop intended to undermine and destabilize the USA, would that be enough to send the niggers to concentration camps/indian reservations
What really boggles my mind is how everyone is trying to get a piece of the fake jewish debt money that they create out of thin air.
They get college, have land and own many casinos and shit..I live in NM and they are fucking everywhere getting drunk and causing mayhem. They don't get reparations because they technically aren't us citizens they have their own laws and police system
>nonwhite flag
Ok ill tell you. Its due to pandering wh*te "people" attempting to buy votes and blacks going along with it and trolling wh*tes because its funny to mirror their divide and conquer tactics. We are all mutts so actually determining how much ppl get is going to be an inherent mess. Even some wh*tes could theoretically get reperations because they unknowingly have black ancestors (lol bbc is a bitch).
part of the reason why I think civil rights might have been a Russian/KGB psyop is that Putin is now acting like he is partially responsible for the terrible state the West is in
it's as if he knew all about the plans to undermine the West and is now regretting the success of covert action taken against the West
The US is a joke of a country, just like many other Western countries(Sweden included). A racial foreigner screams racism and White people try to accommodate them, perhaps out of misplaced guilt.
For millennials, (the media generation) the Patriarchy, and anything remotely resembling it, is responsible for them being unlovable, and health, amiability and beauty standards need to be torn down; it's not them it's you. Essentially they are all broken females. Even the soiboys.
reparations and justice reform aka let niggas be, is going to end this country.
we are in the death spiral.
enslaved by arabs... mmm no
>we are all mutts
Speak for yourself, Schlomo.
Native Americans aren't a voting base worthy of buying. Dems are just using reparations to buy the black vote. As always.
It was actually female slaves sleeping with their slave masters, nigger. The rest of your post is incoherent rambling born of the ignorance and stupidity commonly found among your race.
They were soft on your people. We should have wiped the slate clean.
Maized and cornpilled
Natives are also some of the poorest in the country. The ones not running casinos on reservations I mean. I'm sure you can see the (((pattern))) here.
This. It's just an excuse to increase the size of the government. The bigger the government, the easier it is to line their own pockets.
despite only being 14% of the population
>as if any upstanding citizen is going to pay this shit
All black people would do is just spend their money on cars, shoes, and jewlery. They don't know how to spend their money at all. Immigrants from third world countries come to America and get into suburban neighborhoods, they are pathetic. All I know is that if they do achieve this, I'm investing in the businesses they buy shit from
>They were soft on your people
>We should have wiped the slate clean.
Who's they? Who's we?
>Can someone explain to me how "reparations for slavery" is an actual discussion in the US?
>"These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don't move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there'll be no way of stopping them"
It's the same thing. Their numbers have gone up so we need to throw them another bone to keep them from tearing down the country. The face of the matter is, one nigger can do immense amounts of damage to a community. While getting rid of them completely would fix the problem, the only other alternative is bribe them to not rape, loot, and pillage.
It's like handing someone 1000 dollars to give to a homeless man. The homeless man gets 10 dollars out of the 1000.. Anyone happy with that is retarded or blissfully naive.
>white Christians typically being opposed to slavery
It's more like how Christians are "opposed" to gays now. They claimed didn't like it but didn't do anything about it. There were churches in the forts where slaves were sold from in Africa. They would take the measurements of the slaves while preaching the gospel to convert the heathens.
Yeah, ok, Sven Fosberg Hussien. Please tell me more about my country...
I can use google, it helps alot. Also, show your flag.
K. Idk how much google will help as americans like to live in complete denial of extramarital affairs and the resulting children born of it especially when it involves interracial relations and massive amounts of hypocracy.
""african"" americans are natives to the land as well. it'll all come out eventually.
mongoloids already got their reperations
lol if they think zoomers are going to vote yay on that shit they're sorely mistaken
instant stimulus package once they spend all dem gibs in a month
>""african"" americans are natives to the land as well
Not really. They were brought from Africa.
Based and redpilled as fuck.
By Jews
>pay reparations
>blacks squander it in a week
Then what?
Pure delusion, very typical of your race. Googling for 5 minutes proves you wrong, but I know that too much to ask of a nigger.
Fuck you white faggot. GIBS ME DAT REPAIRASHUNS cracker. YOU OWE US.
Nice trips senpai.
Usa Whites deserve reparations for ending slavery.
No black reparations without repatriation.
most of them weren't
you're on Jow Forums but you trust what you were taught in school.
okay, consider this offer,
>$200 a month stipend to spend at any grocery store
>reduced cost housing
>leniency in exams and applications
is this a serious question? then they ask for more and come up with a new level of mythical oppression to justify it while niggering and motherfucking everything within throwing distance of whatever neighborhood american taxpayers are paying to put them up in
Younger people are easily influenced and the Jews have taken over the hive mother.
I'm 10% native and I never got a cent. I'm not paying some nigger shit
Im totally up for reparations. But first, when do we enslave niggers for several centuries to make em earn it?
Nah nigga gibs me mo feddy