I've done it...

I've done it. I've finally understood the crazy belief mechanism that the deep state satanic cabal Saturn worshippers conscript to.

Protip, as above so below. Everything corresponds to itself.

These Saturn worshippers are Physical and Material worshippers. Why is Saturn revered? Because it is lead. The base. The ego. The worldly and physical manifestation of the material. Mortal. Finite. Controllable. Lucifer is just a name, Satan is just a name. The Devil is ignorance, while God is Truth.

Why do they despise God and Christianity? Why do they persecute Sun worshippers, the Druids of old, and call them pagans? Because the Sun is Gold, the highest form of Divinity, spiritual, eternal, consciousness, Self, and uncontrollable. It is Divinity. It is Spirit.

The human body is a reflection of the universe, both physical and non physical, seen and unseen. Mastering the unseen, mastering the non physical, mastering the spirit gives you understanding, power, and eternity. Bliss on fucking command. You're your own fucking boss and nothing is out of reach for you.

But what happens when you're restrained to the physical? The seen? The mortal? The finite and animal? You become nothing more than a clump of matter, an animal without thought, programmable by those with higher understanding, easy to control and manipulate, easily ruled by their own impulses that the higher conscious individuals can easily manipulate for their own gain, at your own expense.

Do some homework user, and reclaim your Divinity. Fight the good fight. It's over now. They've lost.

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Other urls found in this thread:


there is no fucking belief system other than, "Jews = good, do whatever's in jewish interests", you fucking brainlet

>"do your homework"
>posts no sources

If you desire I can dumb a bunch of Pastas on that stuff, Satanism, Alchemy, Masonry, Occultism in general and the like. alternatively explains it all in detail

You are right user now take the path that is most suited for you enjoy the time on it but do not forget where it is you are heading and most importantly remember in which road you came down

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Is this not the basis of gnosticism?

Gnostics are good on some stuff, and awfully retarded at others. The Ego/flesh/material being the source of temptation is accurate.
However Gnostics believe Yaldabaoth is the so called Demiurge that created this fake reality, depending on who you ask out of evilness or confusion and is the cause for our limitations and ultimately death and traps us in here through rebirth LARPing as the real God.
However now comes the hook up. While these seems like an obvious hint to Yaldabaoth being Satan, being the cause of death, the reason for our fall (entrapment in this reality) and ruling this world through lies, fear and temptation Gnostics now claim that the God of the OT is this Demiurge, and that Jesus is Lucifer is the Serpent in Eden send by the Monad/true God to free us from the Demiurge that wanted us dumb (forbidding the fruit of knowledge of good and evil) and oppressed us and was a tyrant with his "unnecessary" strict law. Its an effort to seperate the OT from the NT but Jesus himself says
>17Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them.
So why would Jesus, send by the real God want to fulfill the law and prophets of the OT send by the false God? Obviously this doesnt make sense and shows OT God and Jesus are on the same side, the serpent even gets identified in revelations as Satan
>2He seized the dragon, the ancient serpent who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years.

Its an effort to get rid of the commandments and guidelines of the OT, watering down the traditions and ultimately make us fall from the right path by promising liberation much like SJW do, introducing moral relativism. (Cant say often enough that Satan will come as a SJW promising freedom from Gods oppressive and useless laws)

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the root chakra is your survival instincts. only if you rose above the constant fear of death you are able to actually process new experiences and evaluate them, see them from all angles outside of the threat they pose (sacral chakra), after that comes the solar plexus chakra responsible for our self esteem and self worth for which we have to see us in context of the new experiences and how we handle those. only once you love and value yourself you can start loving others (heart chakra), and love goes through the stomach, solar plexus>heart. next comes the throat chakra and the best speaches are those done by talking from your heart, what you truely care about and communication is the job of the throat chakra. Once you can formulate the truth properly there comes understanding and insight, the third eye chakra, and from this understanding you realize that everything is connected with another, the crown chakra

by putting you in a constant state of fear and anxiety they lock you in the lowest state of conciousness, occupied only with survival unable to really process any experiences. Early traumata like circumcission can alter your brain enough to effect your entire life.
All the fear propaganda all around merely is there to lock you into the lowest state of conciousness controlled by fear.

There is also the reptillian brain in charge of pretty much the same as the root chakra, survival instinct. Some people are "entirely" controlled by this area in the brain with every act only being there for survival. Stealing money from some guy, or even murdering people that threaten your lifestyle. The temptations of the flesh. The abuse and sodomy affecting the lowest chakra which is the easiest effected (iE through sodomy) due to its connection with the material.

The Serpent is a common symbol for evil because just as this chakra and conciousness is the lowest so is the snake crawling at the lowest on the ground representing the conciousness of the individual

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The concept of turning lead into gold I feel is widely misrepresented
Gold is usually associated with the Sun, which also is associated with God (lots of symbolism around light and the sun around Jesus and God), Lead on the other hand is associated with Saturn, the furthest planet from the sun you can see with the naked eye and thus is an opposite of God, Satan (quite some connections between Saturn and Satan actually)
Now turning lead into gold gets more possible interpretations. it could be
>turning your bad habbits, your satans, the lead, into gold, improving yourself.
>taking the bad habits and declaring that lead to be gold, following the inversed path of God, satanism
>taking saturn and making it your sun, making Satan your god (symbolically done by the USAs national seal for example which has the depcition of ra, an eagle holding up the solar disc, the sun, and inside a "star of david" formed by 13 smaller stars declaring Saturn their Sun
>generally taking the lowest state of anything (lead) and raising its state to something higher, to gold, symbolizing ascention.
now all of these are "legit" ways of the principle "lead into gold" and all are hermetic, transformational, but some are corrupted, and other are positive, but all are valuable options in gnosticism.
Similary there is the concept of uniting polar opposite believe to cause magic. You can have Sex, uniting the male and female creating a new life, or you cut your dick off and become a tranny, uniting the 2 in that way (Hermaphrodites) ultimately resulting in suicide and the genetic dead end being a unification of death and ruin.
Left Hand Path and Right Hand Path

However in Freemasonry its fairly obvious they go the negative path. At least when you reach the higher echolons. Lower ones are mostly useful idiots helping to disguise it as gentlemens club that they think it is.

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that feeling when the right nut drops too. ahhhg

You wanna find out about the Demiurge who is pure Ego?

Who claimed to be God and sinned against the entirety?

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9/11 was a ritual aimed to transmutate the world , destroying the old (world order) and creating a new from its ruins. the phoenix rising from the ashes, shivas cosmic dance of destruction and creation, order out of chaos
The first step is to "destroy", bring everything into its baseform known as Nigredo
>In alchemy, nigredo, or blackness, means putrefaction or decomposition. Many alchemists believed that as a first step in the pathway to the philosopher's stone, all alchemical ingredients had to be cleansed and cooked extensively to a uniform black matter.[1]
black matter, like the black monolith, or the black cube which is the 9/11 memorial, a black cube led into the ground.

Next to the WTC, where 9/11 there happened to stand the Hilton Hotel next to it, which is a black monolith.

Now an user pointed out recently the that Kubricks 2001: A Space Odyssey also was published in exactly that year they started to build the first tower and implement the 9/11 emergency hotline, and the name of the movie hints even to the year 9/11 happened. The interesting bit about this is the black monolith in the movie and from what I got (didnt watch the movie) the monolith transformed apes into the modern humans

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some more occult background showing that 9/11 was planned for that very day since before they started building the towers 33 years ago

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have a bump

>lead to gold
>philosopher's stone

It's happening.

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I went into the principle of alchemical transformation earlier . Order out of Chaos (Or the Phoenix [new order] rising out of the ashes [of the old Order] being one such themes, found in example in 9/11and the cycle of destruction and creation. I think a good way to explain this is at the example of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.
When Ed and Al were left on that island for their training, trying to figure out what does "all is one, one is all" means. They find out that it refers to the circle of life. The principle of Alchemy is that you turn something into its base elements to then rearrange it to give it a new shape. Destruction and then creation (Shivas dance of creation). And our heroes find out that the entire world runs on that principle, the Rabbit gets eaten by the fox, the fox eventually dies and he or its excrements become the grass and plants and those get eaten by the rabbit becoming it again. The island that was at the bottom of the sea, and becomes a mountain eventually. By these means all is one, and one is all.
Previously it was stated that the circles in Alchemy are needed as that is what gives energy to transmutationcircles, but as our heroes found out they incorporate that energy giving circle, the forces that break down things to its essentials to rearrange them and create new things out of it through their own existence in the circle of life. That is probably the reason how Ed and his Sensei could trans mutate without drawing circles, as they realised they are the circles themselves that give the energy.

Not only that, but the Philosophers Stone meant to make one all powerful is powered by souls, the very same ones everyone has inside them. And the Happy End happens when Edward realizes this.
Similary Masons try to break down cultures and traditions by mixing them together making them destroy another from which they then transmutate new cultures and traditions.

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So what is the best thing for us spiritual beings to do now? Since we have overcome our Ego, defeated the Demiurge and turned his lead into Gold.

I just feel like its time for the light to push back the darkness.

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Some connections between Saturn and Satan.
Where as Gods symbolism is around the Sun and light Saturn stands in Duality to this. In example in Alchemy the Sun is Gold, perfection, whereas Saturn is lead (base/ruin)
Saturn being the planet the furthest away from the sun still visible with the naked eye, the furthest away from God.
The 6th planet with the hexagon on its northpole forming the cube. (both satanic symbolism)
Being in greek the embodiment of time and thus ultimately decay and death like Satan, is the source of sin with sin causing our death/mortallity.
The 6s in its seal (pic related)
The 6s encoded in the the Seal of Solomon (6 small triangles with 60° corners) and the hexagon.
Sun is associated with Gold (perfection and the highest) in alchemy as Saturn is Lead (being in ruin and the lowest), polar opposites once again

Pic related then shows clearly who their god is, Satan, this material world and their own ego.
The square in pic related, which incorporates the origin of the Masons Logo is even associated with Saturn

find the light, that is Jesus Christ

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What is freemasonry? It is basically a good goy club coming under the guise of christianity to gain trust while the doctrines are leading you directly away from it. It promises to be able to ascend through works and knowledge even though Christ is the only way, and as such tries to seperate man from God, claiming its about liberation when its just rebellion freeing us from the "oppression" of God and becoming gods themselves free from any foreign restrictions, basically
>Why do the nations ragea and the peoples plot in vain?
>2The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together, against the LORD and against His Anointed One:
>3“Let us break Their chains and cast away Their cords.”
The chains and cords being the morals and laws that restrict us.

Crowley believed to reach the most high you must first sink to the lowest. You do this by doing everything you dont want to do, as things that disgust or repell you are merely chains that bind you and keep you from doing something, thus limiting your potential. Morals and Ethics, the little voice in your head, are merely obstacles you need to overcome, you need to silence.
You dont like seafood? better eat oysters and such until you dont mind anymore. You really dont want to hurt that little child? that feeling too is just an obstacle, overcome it, rape it and kill it. You like vaginas? Better engage in gay sex orgies all day long until its normal for you. By this you free yourself from the selfimposed "limitations" and unlock your "true potential"

Also there are 2 type of Masons:
First type are usefull idiots. They came to make some connections, get some knowledge and/or have some gentlemens club. They unknowingly disguise it as such gentlemens club while their higher ups are fucking over the world

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The checkers board is meant to symbolize the duality of this world, black and white, good and evil, heaven and earth, sun and moon, and by extent stands for this (material) world. Just like the 2 pillars Boaz and Jachin do too you always see in such imagery.
However it also represents a playing field in the literal sense. They see the world as a game they play to win, with us as their pawns and themselves as the players that ascended the playing field, the duality of this world, even out of the vision of the pawns they control.

Kaballa is basically about ascention, how to raise beyond the mortal plane. In freemasonic symbolism you see this by the checkered board with a (jacobs) ladder going out of it, symbolizing the ascention. And they rise above this state, out of the duality of the world (with the help of moral relativism, not being held back by morals and ethics anymore) and become gods by abolishing their care for others and this world (see Cremation of Care at the Bohemian Grove), player unseen by the pawns they controll.

Some related the kaballah to different planets similar to how different deities are attributed to the planets. In this interpretation I heard the theory that the hidden sephiroth (the connection points in the kabbalah), daarth is the equivalent of the black sun which is the connection point between this world and the other world, from where our spirits come and which is used to communicate with other spirits aka demons.

Book of the secrets of Enoch also gives another account of creation. He for example says God took from the invisible (primal matter i guess) the light, and fixed it at the highest point, then took from the same invisible the solid/matter, and put it on the lowest point. In between, iirc, he puts the water and the air too. which you see in pic related too, with the material fixed on the bottom and the realm of light on top which they usually attribute to Lucifer.

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>These Saturn worshippers are Physical and Material worshippers. Why is Saturn revered? Because it is lead. The base. The ego. The worldly and physical manifestation of the material.
Yeah, THAT'S it.. /s .. I miss being a bluepilled normie such as yourself. Those were much better times

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>Do some homework user, and reclaim your Divinity. Fight the good fight. It's over now. They've lost.
You read a few threads about the esoteric and the Saturn, and now you believe you've reached a metaphysical plane of existence. You have read (0) books. You have never astral projected. You have never achieved anomalous cognition. This is all pretty common knowledge that's in every single fucking saturn thread. Kill yourself, faggot LARPer.

take your pills shizo...

>muh satanists

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>alchemy with materials
This is how I know you're bullshitting. Only faggots actually believe or try to practice alchemy with materials. Alchemy is purely about mental force, transmutating vibrations into other/more vibrations.

Do you go to church?

When are you going to post something new? This is the same shit in every other fucking thread. Why don't you try to come up with your own shit instead of repeating what others say ad nauseam?

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>implying i didnt specifically gave a couple other examples using the materials only as symbols
this is how i know you just want to discredit and talk bullshit.

nope, as far as i see it all the churches are widely corrupted, as such i stay away from those. Not that i dislike those that follow a certain branch, its just that it feels not right to me.
>19Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20you were bought at a price. Therefore glorify God with your body.
I try to let my deeds, the selfsacrifices, even if small, be the worship to God, through my body and mind as his Temple.

The Kabballah Tree of Life is basically a skilltree, similar to the chakra system . each of the circles references a "skill" or concept to be unlocked which the each influence another based on how a point is skilled. You start your way at the bottom and slowly work your way up through the different points. You can take the left or the right path or at the optimum a balanced one. left and right are opposed to another, they are represented by the 2 pillars in freemasonry, Boaz and Jachin and symbolize the duality of this world. good and evil, light and dark, strength and beauty, and supposedly you can achive godhood/God by reaching the top. Now this is very important: You cant.
Kabballist or gnostics usually try to push moral relativity. For example where gnostics say "All is one, one is all, thus God is also evil and i can find him through that just as i can find him through good" or through "God is merely a ruleset, the laws of nature and has no will, thus there is no absolute authority there saying what is good and evil and thus my definition is as good as the next one". Similary many Kabbalists try to argue you need to do both, good and evil to find the middle path that leads right to God.
Lets look what the serpent baited Eve with
>5“For God knows that in the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
>you will be like God
Godhood through works/knowledge, and look where this brought us to. The only way Gnosis/knowledge leads to Godhood/salvation is by realizing that there is one true God and that only he can save you, and that this is Jesus Christ. All roads lead to rome and as such all logic leads to God.

thats my own pasta you idiot like all I posted so far. I wrote it myself because i got tired of always having to repeat the same basics.

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>Kaballa is basically about ascention, how to raise beyond the mortal plane.
This is an oversimplification. It is not as simple to ascribe a longing to "rise above the mortal plane" as their sole intent. The rejection and subversion of "godly" things extends to this spiritual realm, and a large component is ruling as gods WITHIN this mortal plane (and turning towards the assistance of lesser demons to do so)

God wants you to find a Church.

>Le daily wacky conspiracy threads by JIDF
JIDF like to push irrational conspiracies like faked moon landings, le Illuminati/Masons, flat earth, absurd 9/11 theories (there were no planes), lizard people etc. etc. to do one thing... to make people that discuss information outside of what the (((MSM))) gives us look retarded and to cover up for jews.

This is called well-poisoning and gas-lighting. Jews do this to keep normie goyim from looking into or thinking about legitimate non-MSM information too much, e.g. the jew subversion of our media and government or the exaggerations and outright lies surrounding the holohoax made for political gain.

9/11 is a good example... Israel had a big role in 9/11. How to well-poison this subject manner? Make sure any threads about 9/11 include discussion of "there were no planes", "it was CGI", "a nuke brought it down", "an energy weapon brought it down" etc. and other absurdities. This will get any normies to reject ALL non-MSM information about 9/11, including what they want to cover-up (Israel's role).

Jews control our media. Jews control our banking. Jews control our academia. Jews control our government. Very real and verifiable. Something people need to know and understand. “But let’s not worry about that, goyim. Let’s discuss flat earth, bigfoot and aliens”.

Fuck these threads and fuck JIDF.

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Praise saturn. He shall bring truth

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The serpent is crawling on the ground, attached to it, symbolizing materialism. Reptillians in general also have appearently no empathy but only know survival. As such our REPTILLIAN brain takes over just these functions, our survival instinct, control of fear and the response system to this fear etc. In the Chakra system there is the root Chakra which is the lowest of the 7 and also takes the same function. This survival mode is the lowest form of conciousness you can have, being controlled by the fear and subsequently subjectable to Satans temptation of (in example financial) securtiy and do evil to make sure you survive (think about why they always push fearporn about global warming and such. To make us controllable). The energy in the Chakras is called Kundalini and is described as a coiled serpent at the bottom of the spine, and it needs to be raised upwards in order to to gain higher conciousness, resembled by the (often 2) rising snake(s) climbing up a pole, or in that case the tree of life.
>14Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, 15that everyone who believes in Him may have eternal life.
Maybe a hint towards this exactly.
Now the eagle seems to be the direct opposite. it flies high in the sky, preys on the serpents, and I believe symbolizes the spirit (much like the doves do often)

Also coiled into itself, a spiral, together with the triangle, the symbol for male, we suddenly understand the boylover logo, corrupting ones kundalini energy through sodom ascencion can be done in many ways. the "escaping the mortal plane" is one form. the other is exactly what you say, becoming rulers making your own rules and thus becoming gods.

>Exhibit J
don't forget about the iranian "fuck kikes" threads... oh

Well done leaf user.
Next level veil piercing.

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The Black Cube of Saturn is a representation of the Material World.

3 distentions of space. And he is the Lord of Time.

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faggot leaf with a god complex thinking hes above mortality

Some introduction into the basis of Satanism:

satan (associated with saturn) meant something like "obstacle". everyone had his own satan. someone who incites him to do bad things, a bad habbit, an addiction, anythinghe should overcome. But then there also is THE Satan, Ha-Satan.

6 is the number of man, and his weakness. greed, egoism, egocentrism, all the materialistic desires, and i believe of this plane existence in general (the earth is tilted 23,4 degrees, or if you count from the other direction 66.6 degrees, life, on this planet at least, is made of carbon, the 6th element, with 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons. 6 directions in the material realm, north, south, west, east, up and down, 6 sides of the cubes. Think About how molecules and icecrystals form in hexagonal shapes. saturn being the 6th planet with hexagon on its northpole). 666, number of the beast, is going over the top with the materialistic desires, pursuing and desiring only those and making you follow the path of satan.

The black cube of satan is a symbol for this material, 3 dimensional realm, and the time we fear is running out, which will let us die, and which causes us to do harm to others in order to lead a better life ourself. by thus the black cube also symbolizes time and death without either we wouldnt have these earthly desires causing us to do evil.
The 666 could also stand for the dimensions of the cube, 6x6x6, entrapping us in the 6, our weakness and temptations.

Our sole puprose, as i believe it, is to overcome (our) satan, proof we arent easily corrupted wether satan is just a symbol or a real entity. So while this world isnt evil itself, this realm of existence kind of makes the corruption a lot easier. When people worship satan, they dont worship some deity or enthity (well, some do that too). they worship this material world, the materialistic egoistic desires, and themselves.

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Pic related. those 7 circles are called the seed of life.
One interpretation i saw is that its meant to symbolize the creation week, or symbolize the same as the creation week does in the bible
The center being conciousness, that expands to the circle. The conciousness then moves to the border of the circle where it expands again creating the second circle and so on until you got the seed of life. the 6 days of creation around the 7th one, God, the seed of life or whatever you want to call it.
By connecting the points of intersection you gain the (black) cube, as above mentioned symbolizing the material world and as such Satans rule.

I have to say here that the 6, and all these patterns are commonly seen as a positive symbol as it is the blueprint of creation of life, but its only the material part of this, and according to the Bible the source of temptations, the Satan's, which we should work on overcoming with

So in this light atheism is low key satanism as both are about the material, about power, wealth, the flesh.
Christianity is about rejection of the flesh and embrace of the spirit. Where christianity tells you everything is God, thus you yourself too and everything else it means everything is connected to you while satanism and atheism teach seperation. no underlying connections and thus seperation leads to worship of the self, and only caring about the ego.
Where satanists and atheist desire to be blessed in this life and having it comfy christianity tell you you will have it hard in this life, prosecuted and attacked for doing the right thing, so you may have delight in the next live instead

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cronus (saturn) ruling during the golden age i see as a metaphore for the antediluvian society
Cronus was eating his children in order to stay in power which is achingly similar to moloch recieving childsacrifice. i believe both were a metaphore originally for a lifestyle filled with egoism and greed, making yourself live comfy but resulting in your children/descendents having to clean up the mess just like we do right now, poisoning the oceans, air and land, cutting down forrests, nuking the shit out of desserts causing radiation everywhere, all which our children have to clean up, and by doing so we are eating/sacrificing them and thus letting cronus rule. its the result of our worship of satan aka our weaknesses and of course the literal sense of childsacrifices, wether ritual or abortion sacrificing the unborn for a better future of yourself which is the same like satanism, which basically is egoism and egocentrism caring only for your own well being.

pic related a woodcut from 1492 of saturn eating his children with a jewhat.

My theory regarding the 6 symbolism Life is made up out of 5 elements, components in alchemy just like on the 5th day the first animals were created aka life. However we were made on the 6th day, having the number 6 relate to this/our reality. So my theory is what gives all of this material world in Christianity the negative touch is the missing 6th element, time, which creates death, makes us fear death and starvation, having us worried about the future which in turn makes us easier to corrupt by abusing these fears and tempting us with comfort in the future.
Now time is basically an illusion, all happens at once (block universe theory) with us only experiencing one moment at a time instead of it all at once giving the illusion of time flowing.
Now Saturn is the 6th planet, is father time, Chronus , is Satan the deceiver (giving us the illusion of time) adding a 6th element to this all, the cube

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For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

>im legit thinking God made me read that today to copy paste here to you

Stop inventing these wild fantasies about Saturn. Its just an ordinary planet minding its own business. Sure its beautiful and graceful, but there is nothing sinister about that. It would be a better idea to investigate that fat ass Jupiter. I mean whats the deal with the giant red spot? There's definitely something weird going on there. Frankly the solar system would be a lot better without that boated idiot throwing his weight around.

Are you familiar with E Michael Jones?

I think the confusion comes from the nature of the writings. Many of the gnostic writings predate the canonical bible and use different metaphors to get their point across. Also the church was in its infancy and for lack of a better term no set of standards had been established. It's interesting how much more detail and technical information is present in the gnostic scriptures.

So what role does pedophilia play in their belief system?

We are not inventing anything, its all part of our history.

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The system they created to put them in power is based on something so fundamentally flawed you can barley talk about a foundation; it's all fake. They need it to be, otherwise it's not controllable for them.

Physical dependence through their proxy scams while Earth is here to provide for you fair and square. Mental chains to keep you from seeing the obvious truth about it all being as fake as their money is. Simply, they do not want you to be what you was meant to be [free and independent]. What they made of life is hell; all circus acts, clowns and sloppy paint can't blind you from this truth if you glare behind the curtain. The only difference between high-up billionaire slaves and gutter 3rd world slaves is the seat they have in the circus.

If you have all the fake money in the world what would you do after partying and flying everywhere? You would do what you did; look for what is actually happening in the world, not the circus, the world, the sky, this universe. Outside of the tent. The digital age is just the digital version of the knowledge we managed to save against the aeons of knowledge we lost, so people look at the old knowledge left behind.

Sure, they used that knowledge to further control the masses, giving them altered versions of the knowledge to tighten those mental chains, but what would they do with the actual knowledge found? These people which want you to be physical slaves consider themselves enlightened for a reason; they found the old stories, translated them as good as they could, and started believing them. If you add mysticism, intoxication and rituals into it it's not hard to see what went wrong; people always liked good stories and what the ancients left behind is just that, good stories. The spiritual is something completely different from what these so called elites searched for and found; it's a clean ego. It's fighting the animal inside, getting in touch with what you cannot see or sense. It's not control. It's you.

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yes, thats exactly what happened. So called occultics saw the patterns(>pater>father who is in heaven ) of creation, and proclaimed these patterns are God in his entirety. Scientist see these uncaring laws of physics and claim this ruleset is all of God. Newage faggots see the karmic events and this cosmic force is God to them. Then there are naturalist/pantheists for which the world itself is God in its entirety.
They see the workings of God, and proclaim these workings to be him disregarding the one who does the work. The essence of Idoltry

heard his name but not familiar with his stuff.

corruption of the rootchakra and subsequent brainwashing The satanist also all are faggots, and faggots reproduce by touching little boys.
Also general corruption of the innocent.

Wow wow wow
they lower themselves because becoming the lowest is easier then becoming the highest? ah snap son

its the exact opposite
God put direct rules over the universe (spiritual) and empirical
Like the duality of things
The kikes dont like that, because they see themselves as something higher, higher than nature, higher than god etc
Thats the cube, the perfect, the idealistic, the shape that does not occur naturally in this dualistic universe, but is crafted by the mind and skill
And yeah micro and macrocosm play a part in their believe system
Either way, the universe has its divinity defined in the duality of it, and in it lies its beauty
The kikes and leftists dont like that, so they try to go against this duality, by destroying the masculine, the feminine, etc
You get what im saying

>The kikes dont like that, because they see themselves as something higher, higher than nature, higher than god etc
somewhat correct. Its basically
>God has no right to forbid us anything
they think he is bigoted to forbade homosexuality, oppressive fascist for forbading idoltry and degeneracy. Satan is a SJW promising freedom from Gods shackles which are his laws and morality he has not right to put upon the people. After all its their own life and they should be able to do what they want. Surely they know better than God either way what is good and right.

Perhaps you should recheck your assumptions.
Stars are angels.
Wandering Angels have abandoned their posts.
Hell awaits Saturn one day.

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In example
Jupiter is also known like Zeus, throwing his lightning bolts or thor with his thunder also being lightning to some extent
Zeus, as i see it, is either what God is in the bible or Michael which would fit since Michael is the one who threw Satan (saturn) down to earth as Zeus defeated Cronus.
The way Satan falls here is
>18So He said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.
So Zeus (Jupiter) defeated Cronus (Saturn)
Thor (Jupiter) locked away Loki (While fairly antagonistic I couldnt identify him as a planet)
Michael threw Satan (Saturn) down to earth with lightning.
In all occasions its Jupiter is BTFOing Saturn (or in the nordic one at least an antagonist) with lightning
In general I believe Jupiter is representative of Gods right hand man. Wether its in form of Michael or God himself appearing in the flesh like Jesus

Also Baal Haddad (Jupiter) is known to have slayn a serpent, Thor is the archenemy of Jörmungard, the worldserpent of loki that grew big enough to reach around the world biting its own tail making it a symbol for the world, but also being ouroboros which is a symbol of time that devours everything fitting back to chronus. Michael threw satan down to earth, the serpent in garden eden. Zeus killed Typhon a serpentlike monster that tried to take his throne of the cosmos.

Hindu Indra, Jupitarian deity, killed an evil Serpent with lightning bolts

I have to add here that the september prophecy makes a connection between Jupiter and Jesus instead of the sun. The prophecy states a child is born and is continued to be described like Jesus is usually, when it was virgo, the virgin, birthed Jupiter in the manner the prophecy told, and Jesus is all about rejection of the flesh, of the material and embracing the spirit which gives somewhat a connection to the lightning as its the very force creating the conciousness in your brain (neural impulses animating your whole body even)

baphomet is the perverted embodiment of the unification of opposites what God seperated in the beginning is united back, destroying the duality, like it was done with 9/11 symbolically

body of man, and head of the beast, female tits and a male dick, the dark and the bright moon, pointing above and below, the head forming a hexagram (afaik usually associated with the material and the world) and a pentagram (afaik the spirit). weirdly a goat isnt among the animals associated with saturn.
The Goat symbolism likely comes from Capricorn, the zodiac that Saturn (associated with Moloch, just like Baal, Cronus (eating his own children like Molochs childsacrifices) and of course satan) rules.
So they push trannies to bring this bullshit to the next level, and yes, most of the higher ups are trannies to exactly for that reason

Also it basically underlies the believe that there is no good or evil, that all comes from God, and that (((they))) merely embrace the side of creation others deem ugly and which Christ told us to reject and overcome and follow the spirit instead, pursuing the flesh, embracing the beast In example while normal unification of male and female results in new life being born, thus being a unification of life and creation trannies are the same principle, unification of male and female. but their endresult is infertility and usually suicide. they are a unification of death and destruction. a mocking of Gods creation and order

Supposedly the priesthood of moloch all got their dick cut off and dressed in drag, but i didnt really confirm that yet.

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The Kabbal

The Cult of the Black Cube.

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All contact numbers of Black Cube, that private intelligence agency from Israel end with 666.
really makes me think

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Now if you read carefully here you may picked something up.
>created a fake reality we are meant to escape.
Now how many out there of the celebs are currently pushing the Simulation theory? This theory is basically the same as Bibles Genesis with a few major changes.
>makes the creator (the all mighty God) into some pleb outside the simulation denying him divinity and us purpose
>substitutes the spiritual realm/heaven with another layer of the material one outside the simulation
>depending on the branch of Simulation Theory you get instead of Satan wispering temptation, lies and fear into your mind Saturn casting this fake reality.
Its basically admitting to the creation story while trying to get rid of any purpose or divinity turning us into materialistic, hedonistic or nihilistic consumerist drones.
Gnosticism additionally says this "pleb outside the simulation" is basically Satan. As such you now know where the Simulation Theory push comes from.
Incidently the Freemasons think of the universe as a machine, purely mechanical and a simulated one would be exactly that.

And that is I think all I have on their believes and principles. If you liked that goes into all that and symbolism, deeds, and the likes of them as well.

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fake jews come from saturn, jews come from

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redpill for the road.

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>Why do they despise God and Christianity?

How about bronze age mysticism stopped having a place in civilization around the time of the invention of the radio?
Imagine, the Jesus of the airwaves, and some prat on the radio sincerely trying to convince someone from another paradigm that a magical jew did mystical stuff, and thats why you need to do what the local priest tells you to.

Profound eh? Nah, fuck your belief in magic, and go fuck yourself.

>Because the Sun is Gold, the highest form
Except it isn't in any sense other than the imaginary; its a flaming ball of nuclear reactions kickstarted by the begining of the universe. No magic spirits required.

>of Divinity, spiritual, eternal, consciousness, >Self, and uncontrollable. It is Divinity. It is >Spirit.
You're a loony.

>saturn identified as "best "sun"
i tried finding something like that after seeing the claim on symbols of an alien sky (otherwise good video), but didnt find anything about ancients calling it "best sun", "primeordeal sun" or "first sun" or anything of the like.

The closest i could find is saturn deities claiming the title of the sun
>Baʿal Hammon, however, was identified with the Greek Cronos and the Roman Saturn (as the "African Saturn")
>The epithet Hammon is obscure. Most often, it is connected with the NW Semitic ḥammān ("brazier") and associated with a role as a sun god.
So its saturn trying to claim the title of the sun.

>In 104 BC, the plebeian tribune Lucius Appuleius Saturninus issued a denarius depicting Saturn driving a four-horse chariot (quadriga), a vehicle associated with rulers, triumphing generals, and sun gods.

However the Sun is the biggest and brightest object in the sky, the most important and powerful one giving the energy and light necessary for life to exist. As such its the logical think to liken yourself to if you want to tell people how powerful or high you are, hence people associationg themselves with the sun, claiming the title of the sun. When Jesus came he showed he is the rightful most high by immitating the works of the Sun on earth.

The only other thing I found on this is this Sumerian Cylinder Seal showing the Seal of Solomon (I believe to relate to Saturn) being orbited by other object, probably our planets
Chronus/Saturn ruling in the golden age could also be understood as it being our central celestial body, but its said Zeus overthrew him and took his throne and we arent orbiting Jupiter now.

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Imagine worshipping an insignificant rock in the eternal gravitational cuckzone of the real god.

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>implying magic uber spirits could possibly be real ever

pictures or it didn't happen, U COLOSSAL FAGGOT

leaving you niggers some bump before going to sleep

They're essentially female, as are all leftists.
Question: when did Israelitism become matriarchal?

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Sun worship isn't magical uber spirits you terminal faggot, you're thinking of kikes on sticks and illiterate shitskin warlords. The whole point of Sol Invictus is the Sun is an undeniable constant and its significance to life on earth is beyond question.

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One last thing
I consider this world to be like a thought or dream of God. Then those vibrations all around us might actually be kind of brainwaves and the different charges around us neural impulses. i think in that concept also lies the holy trinity
Imagine this world like a dream, or thought of God. In your dream your mind/conciousness makes up the entire world. This is the holy spirit. You can then appear as an avatar of yourself in it and interact with people directly. This would be the equivalent of the son. Then there is the you outside the dream which then possibly is the Father. Now considering the occult principle of As above, so below, we can deduce that the higher realms relate to the lower ones, like our, this, world relates to our dreams.

>1In the beginning was the Word (Logos), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Now imagining that "in the beginning was the word" actually meant "thought" or "concepts"
than it pretty much fits i believe

this world is created from patterns>pater>father who is in heaven. The Logos, which is God, but God is so much more than these Logos (some people trying to equate him with the creation, when God is the creation and so much more) Not only geometrical ones (sacred geometry) we find in matter but also conceptual ones. "Opposites attract another" is one of these patterns, we have it in social relationship, electromagnetism, particle physics.These are the Logos quite likely too. These patterns emerge all across creation, spiritually and materialistic. And through this we can understand heavenly concepts through earthly means. and as such the heavenly father can be described (to some extent at least) by earthly means as well.

Satan wants to be the Logos to be God, thus (((they))) put his symbols into all the brand Logos

Well written! 8.5/10!

Ya you pretty much hit the nail on the head.

Too bad you attracted all the schizos though

My Lord is God and that is final. I kneel to him now.

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Jews are satanists friend.

>saturn thread

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"When you know that your time is close at hand, maybe then you'll begin to understand that the mirror's just a strange illusion"

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Kikes are behind all of what OP is saying. Kikes are genetically evil, and thus incarnations of satan. It doesn't contradict with classical race theory.

Also, you fucking retard, kaballah and masonry are real fucking things and OP is describing things they actually believe. The founding fathers and jacobins were all masons.

>he still doesn’t get it
>1 post

OP please clear up what you think of jews as a race.

>when your holy book is someone else holy book but it’s wrong about everything

Gnostics are retarded.
Hint: God wanted us to eat the fruit.

>It's over now. They've lost.
don’t be a fool

>reddit: The post.

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O9A gping forward i see. Let us bring a new Eon!

The weird thing is many planets have a hexagon in their north pole. Earth. Mars. Saturn. The only reason I can suspect is that the core of these hollow planets is where some kind of energy emanates from.

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You know jack shit about metaphysics

Saturn is the least malleable force in the solar system next to the sun. It is a disciplinarian and the bitchslap of reality, you think you can escape it but it makes you succumb to the forces of time just like others, with saturn only the toughest survive and they don't survive unscathed.

KYS hermeticismlet retard. Go back to boomer church like the ignorant docile faggot you are.

This but semi-ironically

Saturn, the planet, may have been named after the Saturn/Satan idea; but it isn’t fucking magical. It isn’t an evil entity. It’s a fucking planet.

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This is true. Which is why MSM is making such a joke out of Marianne Williamson. She speaks truth

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>The Cult of the Black Cube.

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>All contact numbers of Black Cube, that private intelligence agency from Israel end with 666
Hahaha, now way

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Everything you just said is wrong kike.

>simulation theory is rehashed Gnosticism
Easily the most based and obvious thing you have said.
I’m certain I know the answer, but I don’t think he’s said it.
I’d like a differentiation between kikes and Jews, personally; so summerfags don’t get confused.

Jewish evil is genetic. There is no good jew.

The sign of the beast is more likely to be 616 than 666.

perhaps the 9/23 that everyone thought was going to be september the 23rd is actually september of 2023 -- 22 years after 9/11. with something portentous no doubt coming on 9/34 -- september of 2034

There aren’t Jews anymore, period, user. Only kikes.
And it is observably not genetic.

Uh, the September 23 happening totally happened. It happened for 9 months prior.

Only retards who can’t google a Bible thought the world was going to end, it was a completion of a sign.

yeah, i know what you're talking about. i guess i just try and pretend that what's happening to me isn't...there's really no escaping this.

>And it is observably not genetic.
That's not what the jews claim, surprise surprise. You need to test positive to get those gibs, wouldn't want the goyim to steal reparations from satans 'chosen'

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