What's Jow Forums's honest opinion on Capitalism?

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Billionaires DESERVE to pay less in taxes

it's okay without jews
t. a jew

You are asking the wrong question.

We all know Saturnism is the problem.

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Inferior to feudalism

Remember kids capitalism and communism are polar opposites and both somehow Jewish. What they have in common is MATERIALISM and the only way to combat MATERIALISM is to build a society based on the principles of darwinian evolution as closely as possible

Capitalism is dead

I don't mind it, those that are willing to seek out more than they need it's an option, hard work pays.

Capitalism: meh
Usury-Based Capitalism: tool of satan

My linkies will always stay stinkie.

economic capitalism is the dream. Make cool things, and sell them at reasonable prices.

REAL capitalism is even more based. Oh, your country has things I can use? And YOU'RE not using them? MINE NOW, FAGGOTS! HAHAHAHAHA!

Honestly, living any other way goes against human nature.


The best system there is, but we need to find a better one.

That's the worst way to describe capitalism

Commie nigger

The Jews are practicing it in Israel, which means that they don't consider it bad for themselves. Some super Jewesses like Ayelet Shaked and Anastacia Michaeli(who I'll add is blonde-haired, blue-eyed, threw water at a fatso Palestinian who insulted her, and made another Palestinian whore back down from a speech due to her presence) say Israel needs an even more capitalistic system.

If the Jews consider it good for themselves seeing as Israeli socialism was met with shortages all around, capitalism is probably the best current economic system.

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Capitalism=/=Market Economy

Central banking has destroyed it

You got a better idea?

The most based economic system

Fact:Eddy's scams were never really scams and the Kids were only made at him because they never got their way.

not regulated . speculation is rampant, robots make milions of transactions at wall street moving massive amounts of money left and right like it s nothing. Today we are good , tomorrow the stock goes -x amount and milions of people loose their job . stock markets are cancer and a threat to humanity.

A degenerative internationalist economic model in which the national interest is subverted for the sake of powerful economic elites whose only interest is to turn human beings into numbers on a spreadsheet. It exists as part of the false dichotomy with Egalitarian Socialism, and like it's counterpart; feeds off and promotes the worst of human behaviour.

It's a shit system, so is democracy

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Capitalism is nothing more than a vain attempt by man to reinvent nature. Socialism is nothing more than a vain attempt by man to abolish nature. Everyone who accepts that aspects of nature are inherently above the realm of human agency, and rejects the notion that it can be "fixed" eventually ends up at some form of nationalism, even if they like to present an image that suggests otherwise.