The rally is just a cover to move equipment and personnel into place.
Look at the placement of the equipment.
The rally is just a cover to move equipment and personnel into place.
Look at the placement of the equipment.
It's time.
See ya out there
If nothing happens tomorrow, you Q-tards have to leave this site forever. Deal?
So Mossad is 100% planning a mass shooting tomorrow to distract from Trump's event and OP is a Mossad shill.
I suspect 7/4/2019 is going to be an interesting day whatever happens.
Q predicted this. Trust Sessions.
stap ruining dads fireworks with your delusion
We never did find out what those helicopters were doing in LA.
I’ll habeeb it when I see it. Until then, no baleeb.
Q is a LARP
Q is a Mossad operation. I'm just a DIA janitor who stayed late last night to bang this thot analyst. As I was wiping my cum off her computer screen, I saw some emails.
doesn't really look like they're trying to surround anything in particular, and the placements look pretty nonthreatening besides the fact of their general presence in the area
>Trust Sessions.
They were practicing for Venezuela look at the LA harbor then look at the Coastline of Venezuela near Capitol
>jannie are you ok?
why would anyone aware of any potential operation like this breath a word of it beforehand
Low body fat, responsible BMI.
I hate you.
>the placements look pretty nonthreatening
Well they can't put them on the fucking doorstep yet. They have several ranger platoons occupying building to the rear. Delta will go in from the roof.
Yeah sure I'll just trust the plan this time. Surely we will build a big beautiful wall and MAGA this time.
Nice kit
Why are you posting WG photos here?
If Trump declares martial law and executes the Dem leadership, I will send him a check for $20,000 tomorrow.
Oleg Deripaska Confirms He Was Employing Chris Steele in 2016, While Dossier Was Being Assembled…sk
Posted by sundance July 2, 2019
A new John Solomon article today, based on an interview with Russian Billionaire Oleg Deripaska, is essentially confirming a May 2018 article where it was presumed that Oleg had hired Christopher Steele at the same time Steele was working with Nellie Ohr and Fusion GPS to write the Trump dossier. Here’s the interview:
I cover you all from the private sector. If you care to prove you’re legit, toss some things out there that would only be known by both a DIA employee and a private sector guy on the Commonwealth side of the Potomac would know.
I was hoping it would have capped off the take down. The end of the parade should have been mass executions.
I second that. Ill hand deliver it to Trump and tell him its from both of us.
Representative Ratcliffe: “Horowitz Investigative Work is Complete”…
Posted by sundance July 2, 2019
An interesting discussion between Representative John Ratcliffe, former congressman Trey Gowdy and Fox News Host Jason Chaffetz surrounding: the pending Inspector General Report into FISA abuse; the upcoming Mueller testimony; and the activity of U.S. Attorney John Durham.
Within the interview Ratcliffe notes he has recently spoken to Inspector General Horowitz about the timing of his upcoming report where Ratcliffe says the “investigative work is complete”. WATCH
The question on everyone’s mind: why did they try rushing the NSA front gate with trannies, TWICE?
h-H-G-gg-guys... There is the Smithsonian Museum right there. The S4 equivalent of the funding fathers. Will they disclosure some remanents of ancient humans?
No fucking way they would set something so horrible on that exact day. They already banned it from several mainstream TV channel, that's the trick.
>actually the takedown of the deepstate
You cannot defeat an idea, OP! The deepstate will just rebuild in a few years.
My middle name is "Full Support"
>I hate you
20:4 IF on keto and it can be yours user
I’ll be in town for the fun
Its a fucking LARP just like 90% of the shit here now days fishing for yous and muddying the catalog of any real conversation
because trannies are already mentally unfit and easily manipulated. what they were rushing it for is my question
Why these shitty board doesn’t read sundance is beyond me.
Fake and gay
Maybe just a distraction while glowniggers try to hack their gibson
If it was for a supposed take over wouldn't he also cover the back?
Look guys the storm is upon us! Q predicted this!
...Hope you realize none of you are allowed back here after tomorrow when the real event goes down, Iran false flag.
I often wonder if it is the same neckbeard who creates these amazing larps every other day or if there are just that many creative people on here.
Three tanks and two APC in effective range of FBI, Jesus Christ lads the madman's gonna burn it to the ground
There are boomers here who actually believe this
>implying 4chinz and the mongolian basket weavers havent already hacked the gibson and this is just a 9001th cycle reiteration of the holographic universe while we slowly trap the jew into a 5th dimensional time loop where they will be stuck in pergatory for eternity and the final mandela effect is that jews never existed and spontaneously we are travelling space mining asteroids and banging ayylmaos
Being fat is a choice, keto works and you can eat plenty of good shit.
Thanks fren. Got to kill carbs out of my diet now
>nothing ever happens.
Said the kike.
>you aren't CIA
Never said I was. lern2read nigger
Checked...and great filename.
F it, I’ll believe you.
Are there Reeetards who believe this hokey?
never say never
>parade banned from all major networks but Fox
This user is onto something.
fuck yeah
thanks for beating us in the world cup yesterday
>The rally is just a cover to move equipment and personnel into place.
Will Trump finally treat invaders like invaders?
>Q predicted this. Trust Sessions.
I have done about 90% of the larps this year. From the nasa asteroid, alien disclosure, etc. I'm just some bored guy with a shit job. My larps have gotten millions of hits.
nothing ever happens, but christ alive it would be incredble to see this happen. I've been hoping for a "Saddam rising to power" moment for 2 years.
The feds are owned by Israel.
Nice dis-info kike, if anything it's going to be another waco siege.
Nah, nothing ever happens.
>body of a Greek God
>not a single AR or AK in the picture
U wot
fuck off mossad
99% chance Trump will make a semi-coherent speech about black unemployment in front of five tanks and that's it.
What does Sessions have to do with this?
Trump isn't even willing to really push for the wall. He's not staging a coup, unfortunately. Zero chance of it ever happening.
Republicans will hold the house.
The nasa asteroid larp has been my best. That one exploded
I hope this is true, but the letters c and p are next to each other in your id
Very reasonable deployment there. Modern APCs are very effective at tank escorts, they tend to BTFO any would be clankers going after the big tracked toys. reference "David's Tool Kit" for more on this.
Imagine they roll up on comet ping pong.....yea...I know, it's fun to imagine.
All shills
Unbelievably based & redpilled
The deep state is the millions of drones working for the federal government that don't want to lose their comfy govt jobs. They are all dems because dems promise bigger government which means a bigger paycheck or at least job security. These judges that keep trying to block everything Trump does is a good example. So you can't take down the deep state with a couple tanks in a parade.
Checked that filename
There’s both to check, but a man can dream!