The left can’t meme?

The left can’t meme?

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Other urls found in this thread:\invite\mhHPe8D

I don't get it

Join this porn filled discord... Why the FUCK not?!?!?\invite\mhHPe8D


Have sex

I would be very happy if these were deployed onto the Capital Mall crushing priuses.


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"Muh Staar Wurs!"


Odd scaling


empire bad

I will, with my virgin wife, on our wedding night, in the missionary position, with the sole purpose of procreation.

Whiter den u mahmoud



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It's not funny because this is actually what they believe.
Republicans are the empire, Democrats are the rebels. It's not even an exaggeration, it's what they believe.

The empire did nothing wrong

It's like their mind has a wheel with limited pop culture references to make and that's all.

I would be fucking ecstatic

>Imperial AT-ATs Begin Arriving in Capital For Military Parade as Rebel Scum Crosses the Mexico Border

How is Star Wars even liberal?
If anything it’s interplanetary racist

This would be fucking cool. I wish Star Wars was real.

I also wish Trump really did have concentration camps, and i wish Nazis were real.

Why is everything shit?

Now you know why Hollywood wields so much power. It literally creates their identities and experiences.

Thanks for providing more proof?

Left Can't Meme 101 thread is in session

On today's lesson we learn that leftist make Republican Fanfiction

I mean who wouldn't want to be in the Empire? The rebels are domestic terrorist and will be sent to prison planets.

>the left still thinks the rebels were the good guys


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>trump is voldermort/darth vader

haha its just like my basedmovies, so relate-able and funny

That would be so. fucking. cool.

Not getting star wars means he needs to have sex?

Created by

>mfw trump shows up in one during the parade

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That would actually be cool to look at.
Also onions wars etc...

The empire were the good guys though. Even one knows that the Jedi order was filled with pedos

this parade is exactly like when voldemort tricked harry's parents

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>star wars faggotry
Absolute yikes

drumpf is literally the sith empire dood and his vp is lord moldybutt


Good man.

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Correct. They have turned their pop culture into a pseudo religion as a result of atheism.

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since when is the babylon bee left?


That would actually be awesome.


The left can't meme. They always relate it back to something completely fictional. Star Wars. Harry Potter. The Holocaust.

another star wars parallel? really?

ooh wow, some obscure reference to Star Wars with 0 irony. That will surely get Drumph impeached and Hillary instated as a rightful winner of the election

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That's not a meme. It's political agenda poorly disguised as wit that's poorly disguised as humor.

And that pseudo religion is kosher approved and created

As an Imperial AT-AT, I find this meme highly offensive. I guess to sum it all up, NPC's are all basically crypto-kikes

>the left memes something about star wars now that the franchise has shit the bed due to wokeness.

It's almost like this was really written by a conservative being meta.

Yes, the literal definition of faggotry.

I miss old Star Wars.
When it was actually cool.
Luke dicked the chick sent to kill him.
He literally fucked a redhead assassin and bred her.
Imagine writing that retard fantasy land.

He also kissed his sister.

>He also kissed his sister.
Because George is a retard who changed his mind multiple times during screen writing.
Still, as dumb as the salad lover was, he's better than these dumb fucks.

>implying the lefty basedchuggers wouldn't show up en masse for that shit

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i wonder how many retards here have tried using dilate as a comeback irl only to realize they know far more about MtF trannies than the normies they hang out with

I did this once, it was nice. Now we have a baby that does yard work with me. That’s nice too.

Change my mind

Lmao virgin detected

My moral compass is from a children's movie about space wizards

No, they cannot. True fax

>Be rebel faggots
>overthrow empire
>Who maintained order and law
>who provided many who were forgotten with opportunities to do something better with their lives
>5 years later, some coral faggots invade
>no superweapon to rek their shit
>no substantial military to combat them
>over a third of the galaxy's population dies before you repel the invaders
>consider that a success
The rebels had absolutely no foresight and were truly the terrorists of the story.