Project Phalanx

Tomorrow is not what you think it is. The military might in DC is not what you think it's for. This is not just for July 4th. This is preparation.

From the disagreement between virtue and vice, and next to that between poverty and riches.

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Imagine typing this out. Imagine still being a q retard three years later. Just admit to yourself: Trump is an establishment attempt at release valving the white peoples rage for another 4 years

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there's gonna be a libertarian coup, all commies and neocons will be shot.

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Everyone else gets to milkshake the servers.


It's not a tank, and we had a military parade downtown after the gulf war, I remember because I went to it as a kid

it's not a tank tho

I think you mean a national socialist coup Jewboy.

its fucking USA, socialists are universally hated. dont you guys have an FBI list of every leftist to arrest of shit goes down and a literal government department to persecute socialists ?

Bone spurred coward here, if it's not a tank, what is it?

>Imagine being always the first to bring up a long dead meme called q

That's not a tank, that's an IFV

Nope just got a list of all the Jews...

Well I can't argue with those numerals.

>the army's taking over guys!
>two bradleys show up

>Mfw the Potomic is the new Rubicon

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it's obviously for a parade you dumb dumbs


Nothing is happening.

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Acshually that's a Bradley IFV

So is the parade a counter to yesterday’s coup attempt, or is it a double bluff to bait the coup plotters into playing their hand too soon?

It's a way for them to have military on hand and ready to fuck up any protesters tomorrow.

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It's an IFV

Why are nazi memeflags always the most retarded posts?

I think Trump is trying to bait blackbloc types into making fools of themselves in front of military respecters. A lot of his fans, normal Americans and centrists who want to have a good time from Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland might make a small day pilgrimage to see him.

I was thinking that.
Anything short of total purgitation and I will be heartily dissapint.

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>military gonna militarize militarily because reasons
if they manage to run you over it will be ironic as hell, so be sure and stand in the street

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It's an armored personnel carrier that has a small cannon. There are tanks though.

>National Socialism is the same thing as Communist Socialism

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not since you bastards blackballed BASED JOE MCCARTHY and that discord tranny Hoover groveled before israel.

socialism is socialism senpai, its a slave ideology

Hey remember when that meteor was supposed to hit us? What happened to that?

That was a LARP I never took part in, but the image I posted is from a cryptic suicide letter of a celebrity who knew of (((them))). I think its a bit more credible than random threads on Jow Forums.

Admit you're a sinner and believe on Jesus.
Ask Him to come into your heart, He will be faithful to save you from the trials to come.

>1 Thessalonians 5:9 "For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ

>Revelation 3:3 "Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee."

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Were you thinking that I might have been thinking that? Asking for a friend.

That's part of it. Another is to enrage Democrats, to trigger them to be angry at the military and the Fourth of July and patriotism and America in general. This makes them look bad to most of the country.

Everything is happening.

Hey remember jade helm 15, what happened to that?

I once let chocolate fall into my GPU and it still works fine 2 years later

We have social security, a central bank, an enormous income tax burden to pay for the half of the workforce that is employed by the government, how does everyone miss that we are a socialist country, and have been since FDR.

There's only two fucking tanks. Two tanks, two APCs, and a recovery vehicle. So five if you don't know what you're looking at, but really only two.
The only possible 4d chess move here is freaking out liberals and possibly getting anyone worried about military arrest to stay out of town. But the one thing we can be absolutely sure of is that nothing is going down tomorrow with a whopping two tanks.

Imagine hating a jew who's in Israel and not intervening in western society

>The military might in DC
I assume it is for more fake military nonsense
the fact is that the USA converted to a Russia/China-style totalitarian dictatorship on 9/11
that's 20 years ago
20 fucking years ago

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what GPU ? most likely it just went into the heatsink which would fuck with your cooling

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2 total? I thought there was going to be 100. Motherfuck.


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>Return of the King
is he referring to the Lord Jesus Christ? Nobody is supposed the time of the second coming except for God.
This is ominous.

>implying Isrealis don't suck up billions of U.S. tax dollars.


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What I'm I looking at?

gtx 1050, I cleaned it with 100% alcohol and let it dry for a while and never had any problem with it after it

Dont worry, it'll happen

You live in rural Indiana with a full time job at wallmart. I somehow I doubt you have actionable intelligence

>implying Israel receives more aid than any other country
Fuck off back to storm nigger land

you do realize that the tanks are just for show and won't even be moving right?

It’s true guys Shits about to hit the fan

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That's what (((they))) want you to think

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If you hadn't noticed that Jow Forums is a hivemind yet then you don't belong here.

i would love it if some huge biblical happenening actually occurred tomorrow. make me a believer

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That’s probably it. Disrespecting the military on Independence Day is such a bad look

>being genuinely afraid of tanks
Mate, tanks fucking suck dick at urban combat, their large, cumbersome, and take up a whole fucking street. Like 2 rockets in the right place disables them and then they need work. They can't fire in an urban environment because the Shrapnel and Shockwave will bounce back and fuck the tank up, they can't use their Grenade Launcher because it's make no sense to use it in a close range environment, and they couldn't use their 50 cal gun because it'd be a waste of ammo when foot soldiers could take care of it, not to mention a tanks top speed is like 35 MPH and they need to be covered by foot soldiers at all times cause they are sitting ducks.

Your thinking of APC's, those are fucking beasts at urban combat. Most of them are armed with a 50 cal machine gun or a grenade launcher. They can be attached with a fuckton of modifications like a sweeper to literally push abandoned cars out of the way or go over them and their top speed is 60 MPH. Not to mention they can carry 15 - 30 foot soldiers to be immediately mobilized in cover to suppress any threats.

Tanks are back line cover, they literally sit on a hill and will obliterate anything from 5 miles away, but APC's will fuck your day up in close quarters combat.

t. 3 tour marine

Y'know I'd really like some kind of higher, goodly power to believe in. I'm tired of honking guys.

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yea because that's what they are, you really you think they will have armed heavy weaponry out in a crowd of thousands right where the president can be seen from it?

you all are literal morons if you think anything is going to happen tomorrow
the govt loves useless dumbasses like you
you pedal their conspiracy theories and keep people in a trance
fucking RETARDS


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this memeflag gets it

Nope, Elvis.

Mendoza affect

>storm nigger
Fuck off back to /leftypol/.

But what if you beleive the antichrist by accident because you were looking for epic happening instead of facing universal truth?

Yooo what if military Bros from Jow Forums just junta'd the federal Gov't Tommorow.

That would be fucking BASED

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/leaftypol/ hates Israel the only people who hate Israel are NatSoc LARPers and commies, mostly commies many of whom are kikes themselves


i dont know how it all works. i just know im ready

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>implying Isrealis don't suck up billions of U.S. tax dollars.
We have a 500 billion a year trade deficit to China.

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Jesus already warned in the end times there will be false Christs who claim to be him and perform false miracles.

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what would be the lowest level of spectacle considered a "miracle" these days?

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its just a parade bro. take your meds

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APC w 25 mm cannon. I was watching the Abrams’ roll in as well.

Checked user. Praise the Lord!!

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My first thought was that this is a checkmate move by Trump. It probably won't be, but hoping a nigger would never killed anybody.


Go on, nightstalker faggot


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This. He's

>LiTeRaLlY HiTleR

With a military, pro US right wing display in "the current year's" USA. It will trigger libs so much

Trump is also figuring out what generals are trustworthy. The “no tank” generals are compromised

Do the workers or state own all, or even a small percentage of means of production?

Stfu nigger.

Watching catfish
Can I get qrd


Should I make the beans or just take the kid to Danny's for that free breakfast?

MJ is coming back? Trumps resurrecting Michael to sing at the parade. Based

>Tomorrow is not what you think it is. The military might in DC is not what you think it's for. This is not just for July 4th. This is preparation.
Hey Buddy, take the fucking tin foil off your head.

Do you remember July 4th, 1991?