Based wife material white women thread.
Based wife material white women thread
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Women are the first to betray their country and their race
She's not white. She had to dye her hair.
Fuck off, JIDF.
aka pathetic thread
not politics
Well, here you go
this wasn't intended to be sarcastic, right?
I unironically think it's based when white women talk shit to chinks and spics for not speaking english and acting like rude third worlders. that happens a lot around here. and there are tons of instances of white girls calling people niggers, talking trash against gooks, or even just being edgy and saying the n word on snapchat with the girls. it's fucking hot
She's not wrong.
There is a natural expectation, as it is written all were created with their own kind. The natural expectation is you'll be able to communicate with people who live physically near you.
How come there is zero data on Europeans? Do Germans marry Germans? Do Italians marry Italians?
Not one woman posted will have refrained from fucking chads all through high school and college
Based and English-speaking pilled.
legs master race.
it's hard to measure shades of blue in a spectrum (range) of all colors
the ACS draws data from the Census. and no dude, there's no stigma about "ethnicity mixing" or something like that in the US
unbased. fuck off liberals
You have Laotian and Vietnamese miscegenation data, but no German and Italian miscegenation data, yet you want to comment on the qualities of Europeans. Based retard.
All women are shit.
Get doggo instead.
He protecc
He attacc
But most importantly he wont break your heart
Everyone is born racist.
Even white girls.
They just need a little more moral permission to let it out. Sometimes when they get angry it comes out anyway.
There are no good white women. They all suck, and there is extreme competition for the few who don't suck. They are all sluts, who want thugs and badboys, to the point that they get tattoos as a way of branding themselves members of thug culture. More than half of women under 30 have tattoos now - look up the tattoos statistics.
White women aren't what they were in the 1800s. All white women 2019 suck, whether they are from the USA or the Ukraine. The only sane thing for a white man to do in 2019 is to marry a non-white woman.
It's funny because you all find pictures of models in skirts and dresses staring longingly and lovingly, but all I see is a desperate born again sperm toilet with a thousand cock stare.
Sorry but white women are whores
get over it
>The only sane thing for a white man to do in 2019 is to marry a non-white woman.
I was with you until this. Fuck marriage, buy a cabin and live in da woods. With doggos
Damn user, where do you live? I wanna see girls like that.
are you being deliberately obtuse? "whites" are europeans and that's sufficient for drawing conclusions. if you're talking about new immigrants, any european immigrants today are a tiny segment of the population even compared to specific asian ethnicities. they're probably left out because it would be a pain in the ass to conform to your autism when they're just trying to illustrate a simple salient point
Girls like that are actually pretty useful to have around. Although it's exhausting to keep them under control when you don't want the waiters to fight club your soup.
POWs are the first to betray their country and people. White women are the most loyal because they are the last to surrender even though they most vulnerable and unarmed.
>My kids don't eat green things, they eat red
This is supposed to be a 'based white woman'. My child eats whatever the fuck I put on its plate.
So let me get this straight. You think Laotians and Vietnamese are misceginators because you have data for them fucking each other, but you think European women are loyal even though there are Germans fucking Spaniards and Polish and Greeks? Wew.
get a girlfriend dude jesus. posts like yours are a dime a dozen, they all read the same. it's clear you're substituting Jow Forums, Jow Forums, and manosphere memes for real life experience with a girl. go shop around don't be a fag.
White women are in fact.. fucking amazing
A female Viking warrior confirmed by genomics
>Hence the individual in grave Bj 581 is the first confirmed female high‐ranking Viking warrior. Finally, we note that both biological sex and mtDNA analyses support the single‐individual origin of the analyzed cranial and postcranial remains (same sex and mt‐haplogroup T)
>The Viking warrior female showed genetic affinity to present‐day inhabitants of the British Islands (England and Scotland), the North Atlantic Islands (Iceland and the Orkneys), Scandinavia (Denmark and Norway) and to lesser extent Eastern Baltic Europe (Lithuania and Latvia)
just fucking kill yourself already.
>You think Laotians and Vietnamese are misceginators because you have data for them fucking each other
do you know how to read a bar chart? did you miss the key on the right hand side? you seething gook lovers need to calm down.
Duty and purpose, these are what drives me, what drives you. The whole reason National Socialism exists, is because it's a means to an end the end meaning the preservation of our people. People who advocate for miscegenation are no better than the Jews who try to subvert society into collapse.
Don't made me sad user. I'm not a slob, I've finished college and I'm getting a 6 figure job, moderately tall, play music, and willing to learn as many new skills as possible, but finding a good girl is rare. Good luck out there anons.
White women =)
>Hispanic women's heart disease risk is comparable to the heart disease risk level of Caucasian women who are about a decade older.
>African-American women are three times more likely to deliver babies three to 17 weeks prematurely than Caucasian women, according to a review of Missouri birth statistics by researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. In addition, African-American women are more likely to deliver babies prematurely in subsequent pregnancies.
>Lower gestational age and increased risk of preterm birth associated with singleton live birth resulting from in vitro fertilization (IVF) among African American versus comparable Caucasian women
>African American patients experience reduced pregnancy, higher pregnancy loss, and lower live birth from IVF embryo transfers despite producing more oocytes and more transfer quality embryos than Caucasian patients
>that skirt
Depends on your intelligence level.
If you have any brains as a man you'll hit the gym.
Chinese and Pakistanis are both Asian, but you can't lump them in the same race. Portuguese and Estonians are both Europeans, but you can't lump them in the same race. You can't claim Portuguese are loyal to their race is you lump them all under a continental label. Post your data supporting your claim or gtfo.
fuck off normalfag
Ballerinas typically have horrible feet
White women suck these days
My job is a medical job so I'm not dumb, but I specifically left the gym part out to see if anons would jump to that talking point. I'm an mesomorph so I'm built but I don't have bulging muscles.
Yes, this is my wife.
>Further Evidence of Differences in Prostate Cancer Biomarkers Between Caucasian and Asian Men
>Chapter Four - Body Composition in Asians and Caucasians: Comparative Analyses and Influences on Cardiometabolic Outcomes
>The evidence is consistent that the content and distribution of body fat are markedly different between the various ethnic groups. We found that Asians have a greater predisposition towards adiposity at higher BMI than in Caucasians. Moreover, at any given level of adiposity, Asians have a much greater predisposition to risk of cardiometabolic disorders than Caucasians.
>Morphological Differences in the Aorto-iliac Segment in AAA Patients of Caucasian and Asian Origin
>The results showed that aorto-iliac anatomy in Caucasians differs significantly from Asians, particularly in the length of the common iliac arteries and infrarenal abdominal aorta, and in the transverse diameter of the common, external iliac, and common femoral arteries. Therefore, the exact criteria for stent graft design are dependent on the racial origin of the patient.
>Biomarkers of Coronary Artery Disease Differ Between Asians and Caucasians in the General Population
>Cardiovascular flexibility in middle-aged overweight South Asians vs. white Caucasians: Response to short-term caloric restriction
This woman proves domestic violence is a good thing.
Well I grew up a skinny guy and it has been my experience that my introversion now gets overlooked by girls once I got fit.
If people are struggling with women it is kind of sad that life is like this but their body is probably the reason.
I'm just trying to help out other guys on here by talking about what worked for me.
>Differences in the aggressiveness of prostate cancer among Korean, Caucasian, and African American men: A retrospective cohort study of radical prostatectomy
>Overall, high-grade PCa (Gleason score≥8) was more common in Korean (19.4%) than in AA (6.1%) or Caucasian (5.5%) patients (PCompared to Caucasian group, Asian group had smaller annulus area (406.3 ± 69.8 vs 430.0 ± 76.8 mm2; p = 0.007) and left coronary cusp diameter (30.2 ± 3.2 vs 31.1 ± 3.4 mm; p = 0.02) and lower height of left coronary artery ostia (12.0 ± 2.5 vs 13.4 ± 3.4 mm; p
Yikes, that cunt is like that because everyone always gave her everything she wanted to get in her pussy.