4th of July Hate Thread

Why are mutts so obsessed with such an irrelevant piece of history? The mass chimpout they embark on every year on this date is literal cult like behaviour, and they unironically think other people give a fuck. Absolutely brainwashed.

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buttplug hurt bong

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>Butthurt Bong
Its working just as intended

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"Why are mutts so obsessed with such an irrelevant piece of history?" he says to himself, using technology (mostly) created by American ingenuity.

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its the american belief that the US can't be defeated, even by britain which arguably has had the largest historical impact in the world today *cough 1812* *cough they speak fucking english and use english law, and still use governors* *cough most of them are still anglo*

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>Anything thread I don't like is bait

You do realise the objective of every OP is to get replies and start a discussion, otherwise they wouldn't make the thread in the first place. Retarded underage fuckface.

>American ingenuity
Cringe, the internet was invented by Sir Tim Berners Lee

Jealous bong play with your wong. Happy fourth nigger and thanks for surrendering.

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an american is basically an extreme brit, loves freedom, loves destroying enemies, loves innovation, loves ruling the world

>fireworks intensify unrelated to this post

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and LOVES the middle east

You spelled Al Gore wrong, stupid.

It seems like you have some other issues to deal with, man.

Talk to me. Are you upset about something in your personal life, are you unhappy in general, or something else? If that's not the case, what's the purpose of such outward lashing anger? It doesn't seem like you're coming from a healthy place bro, talk to me.

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you'll get it when you overthrow Abdul and Ngubu

Daily reminder: George Washington was the British officer who sparked the 7yrs war bankrupting the British and driving most of france out of north America that led to Britian forcing high taxes on the colonies which led to the revolution. George Washington won that with help from the french which bankrupted them leading to the french revolution which was helped along by thomas jefferson.

A bunch of backwoods colony boys messed up two of europes greatest superpowers

>fourth of July

Wait I thought the day came after the month in muttspeak?

This m8 gets it.

yeah but true americans are really just extreme brits

Why Do britbongs dress up a scarecrow and burn him? Fuxking dumb tradition, no one else cares.

'Cause I like fireworks and alcohol

British rebels. my ancestors fought in the revolutionary war. first ancestor to come to America was in the 1500's from England and was a founding member of some town in Connecticut. 13 original colonies. then my ancestors moved south and fought for the confederacy in the civil war.

Babby's first gaslighting attempt

Butthurt bong is mad because his former greatest empire on earth is now reduced to such a state that when the US says "jump" you say "how high"

flag absolutely checks out

I personally will be burning the American flag, being primary of Anglo stock from East Anglia I find this whole celebration redundant and immature. I will instead celebrate my own English heritage by walking around the firework festivals with the Union Jack presented proudly on my t-shirt. All these worthless mutts seam to forget that our founding fathers were entirely from the United Kingdom. I am extremely embarrassed and would like to extend an apology to the people of my ancestral homeland and say this is not who we are or who we ought to be. Fuck America and fuck the mutts who proudly fly their flag.

Cool post, bro.

hahahahahaha cry more paki faggot

>AmEricAns Are BraiNWashED
>still has parliamentary government

It's half the reason we left.

britain is an ethnostate compared to what america is today, at least we're around 80% white

Canadian militia burnt down the white house retard

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not irrelevant at all.
The British Empire lost what once was its "crown jewel," forcing them to look elsewhere for new colonies, eventually leading to India becoming the new "crown jewel" and the creation of the "second" British Empire

>why do other nations celebrate some sort of national day

>they unironically think other people give a fuck

no one thinks this, so I'm going to get back to my Pre-4th fireworks and you can go back to cutting your food up with a spoon, muhammad

lmao youre stuck on a tiny island with a bunch of imported browns, youve given your governance to them you should probably have a revolution yourselves

And now, you've got an openly homosexual leader who sold your nation out to the Chinks. Good work, Canada!

the empire still exists though, and the sun still doesn't set on it

>80% white

Try again, fucko

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I don't know what gaslighting is, you just seem angry, friend

it was british soldiers and native mercenaries

britain is 87% white, america is about to go below 70%, and hey im scottish u fuck, were 97% scottish - london ISNT britain cunt

>You were right, my sons were better man.

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97% white that is

This. We won the war.

is that why everyone in it is black

even more of a reason you should revolt against london you retard

>a bong who doesn't have any sense of national identity, pride, or patriotism
imagine my shock


Suck it dad.

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Stay mad you fucking redcoat fuck

National pride confuses and enrages the Britbong who would get put on an anti-terror watchlist if he said he liked England on facebook

Because we escaped an oppressive empire and became the most powerful, richest, and threatening force on the planet. Your county couldn't oppress others and was so scared you started giving independence to other countries, we changed the world and ended your shit tier empire. All your nation is good for now is harboring leeches and chicks with dicks.

most of scotland is brainwashed, the SNP aren't even governing scotland - they're reusing old labour policies pre 2005 - scotland is still in the union, that says enough, we'd be fucked if we left and thats a harsh reality

"oppressive", more like inherited

Kek pissed off bong if not for us you would ve been a world empire. No taxation without representation red coat cuck

Dear USA

Great job on getting your independence. Happy 4th of July.

Some kiwianon.

PS: is a baguette.

Please tell me you're not actually this retarded

>fucked if we leave

so youre pussy lil faggots?
got it

>this is now a US/Canada/Australia/Ireland fren thread.
Limeys BTFO.

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lmao shut the fuck up you limey fag, you're just made because you have nothing to be proud of anymore

the only good thing to come out of Britain were its colonies, and they've all surpassed you


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i dont think you understand the scale of what would happen, we wouldn't have a currency since westminster denied us the right to keep the sterling, we'd loose a lot on trade and would be barred from entering the EU as we'd contribute fuck all, leading to me being poorer than i am already

The point is that the revolution changed the course of the Empire

>your fantasy

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>fucked op's ass so hard they would be fags for generations to come
sorry about that we didn't know crushing you that soundly would make you cucks for life

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you sound like a loyalist here in the 1700s


Based and Dixie pilled

pretty sure the OP is an american, as in my 36 years ive never heard a peep out of anyone about being the 4th of july being a point of contention.

posted this on the other thread
>The United States was the first former colony to go in 1776 and has been followed by a further 59 territories that have become independent states
youre just 1/60, theres 59 independence days around the world from the uk (2 are on the same day), its just not something people even think about.

true, but it would've happened eventually - it would have been impossible to hold onto a colony that promised so much

Because we didn't end up like you Muhammad #nosharia

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We'll continue blowing shit up and occupying free real estate in your mongbong mind

It’s a day off in summer you dickhead. Don’t overthink it




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England should have never created the state of Israel with the Balfour declaration. They basically committed suicided with a peace of paper... not knowing what it would mean that from now on they have opened the flood gates of muslims and jews to conquer Europe and with it ... great Britain. It is no coincidence London's mayor is a muslim. As the old saying goes... Whoever rules London, rules the world. There's a lot of damage control to be done.

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>this shill

Someone is angry my ancestor kicked your ancestor’s ass.


Based britbong

Only reason we won the Revolutionary War was because France practically bankrupted itself in a last attempt to fuck over Britain.
Also, our taxes increased by almost twice the amount than what they were originally when we were still a British colony.

All the New England WASPs have died out thanks to the kikes in Washington allowing Ellis island niggers (Irish and Italians) into the U.S.


We do way more than that but it's very private. Try asking a bong what really happens out in the countryside on november the 5th and watch him clam up and try to change the subject.

Has we stayed under the Union Jack, maybe the colonists wouldn’t have been mongrelized into the 10% McDonald’s grease goblinos we are today.

it was the league of nations that granted the lines to be drawn in the middle east and be governed by france and the uk, and who created the league of nations? woodrow wilson

britains original intent was to have the arab states govern themselves


Cry more British swine

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Go suck your queen's clit, you freedom hating island inbred.

Ey yo! Ban dat Betsy Ross flag from dat movie yo!

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He looks like what my fart would look like

The way Britain is today, is why our Founding Fathers originally BTFO them so long ago.

not being biased but the film was a bit cringey

>hm i wonder who could be behind this post

this nigger isn't even black he looks like a fuckin porta reekan or somethin

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he's a traitor.... send him to London. I'm sure he would like it there.

It isn't "4th of July," you faggots, it's Independence Day. It pisses me off that there are people trying to hide and obscure that.

Some very brave men in 1776 were successful at getting the most oppressive government of its time, the British, to fuck off. They gained INDEPENDENCE from that government and guaranteed for each other the promise of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." This is what we should remember and work towards in our lives and should very well be remembered as such.

GOVERNMENT BOOTLICKERS don't want you to be independent, so they're ruining this holiday. "It isn't about Independence, it's Le national fireworks day! :>" FUCK YOU

My based home state of Rhode Island was the last colony to declare independence.



looks like a jewish nigger

So much this. We dodged a major bullet. No pun intended.

it is a bit though, i liked the line battles and whatnot, but the actual plot was shit - especially when the british ambushed the american ambush, and especially the antagonist, whos also very cringy

Wasn't Canada Day just a few days ago?