Why doesn't Japan accept shitskins into their country?

Why doesn't Japan accept shitskins into their country?

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Read about the fall of the Shogun, they literally overthrow the most important figure in Japan just because he opened some ports for the Americans to trade, imagine if they were to live there and be muslim

because they're shit
nobody wants shit in their house


We are full brown shitskin.
But hey you retard, I am going to teach you how is leggit country turing into shitohole.

take shitskins
they are opressed by majority which is concervertive
they swam in particular city
create liberalism or lean to liberal party and unite
create radical violent org like Antifa
generate degenerated shit culture and oppose tradition
poo in the loo
generate weakest goverment
threated by other country
spies are everywhre
you lose job because you are against shitskins
you wont prtect by constitution or police
literaly become like shithole like san fran and portland

aside from the language barrier is it hard to get into japan and raise the birthrate?

Abe literally just signed a bill to allow more labor migrants into Japan last year.

They didn’t let kikes in

Japan is a ethno state.
It is run by and for the ethnic japanese, fullstop.
(Also population decline in a modern economy is a globalist meme, less people just means all your resources are worth more per person.)

because they don't want a flood of anime posting faggot weebs flooding the country, they already got enough to deal with

but we do

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>Why doesn't Japan accept shitskins into their country?
Because they already have you, user!

>Jap Traditional culture

What the fuck has your tiny shit stain island contributed to the world except for being a parasite off the west by commercializing animated degeneracy and making people sitting on their asses staring at a radiation screen all day... what your failed empire that made everyone in East Asia fucking hate you?

Common sense.

>what your failed empire that made everyone in East Asia fucking hate you?

In east Asia, educated ones love and respect savior of asia Japan. Only poor and uneducated fags politically brainwased by commies and gays hate us.

>What the fuck has your tiny shit stain island contributed to the world

You do not have internet?
Do some research how much have we done to the third worlders.
What do you big fatass wate of oxgen contribute to the world?
Generate towel heads by killing from hellicoptor and letting them, and mass flooded all over the world.

can confirm. korean right wing are weebs.

David the English teacher needs to fuck off

They do

That means you are gook. I got you gook.
You gook are less than coward lesbean to pretend like big american and spat us like this.
This is why you gaygookmake-upgays gook cowards never will be a real American.
Go back to Sanfran liberal nest. Your protection is only secured by liberal nest, and go eat rotten cabage there forever. fucking pathetic gook dispora.

Imagine being an amerimutt talking down to other nations that are far older than your mongrelized shithole. May I remind you that your government has allowed two million shitskins to come here yearly? I rather let my children consume anime than watch anything made from this nigger loving nightmare.

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terrible larp.

Welcome to 4chin, go back to red/dit if you do not like to hear it.

They already are shitskins.

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They dont accept finns either they are fucking racists

>Kill Jews
Great idea OP

What is wrong with being racist?
Choose Korea if you wanted to migrate to the East asia. They worship white.

blacks attack passengers as a bus driver, and attack customers as a supermarket security guard. I think they're always looking for violence or something

You dont breed your girls need breeding you are dying out pls let us in

Fucking whitey
We will take over your white countries and impregnate your females
while you play dress up

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Mind your own business. It is our choice whether we die or not.

There are already plain niggers, curry niggers, jungle niggers, sand and snow niggers here stop this ignorant nonsense.

I get so fucking tired of people asking stupid shit like this. Japan isn’t some country that women will just flock to you because you’re white or a foreigner. The reason they don’t have kids is because everyone is focused on their careers, not because their men don’t want them. Furthermore, what makes Japan so unique is it’s basically one giant ethnicity of Japanese people, so you’d be niggering it up, and watering down the purity of Japanese genes.

I’d love to marry a racist traditional Japanese girl.
Wouldn’t race mix though.

Guys, I’ve got a serious question. If someone say wanted to join politics, and genuinely make Japan better; ie improving birth rate, and getting all the niggers and shitskins out; would it even be possible to do it without causing a shitshow like the US?

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Yea, but you have to give up citizenship to get Japanese citizenship, after many years in country too.

An Indian guy just got elected in Tokyo. Some white guy is in the diet too.

This ChinkMutt is causing a big problem in okinawa already. Can not imagine more mutts coming into my country.

Tamaki was born in Uruma, Okinawa[2] to an Okinawan waitress and a U.S. Marine father named William, a Chinese Immigrant

Attached: tamakidenny.jpg (400x320, 55K)

Based Japan

Hail the Rising Sun

Japan for the Japanese!

Japbros need to rise to power and become more isolationist. Japan is away from certain influences, they still have time

I’ve posted about it several times before, but I don’t wanna be directly involved. I want to find a party with similar interests, and help the party grow to rival LDP. Like making speeches and shit. Basically the face of the party. That’s what I plan to do. If this could be accomplished, then get these people in office, then get all non Japanese out of the diet, put our people in every level of government, and make a plan deport all niggers, and browns. Keep the other Asians for now, till the birth rate can get boosted, then remove them.

If someone doesn’t rise up soon, and do shit like what I’m talkin about, then Japan’ll be globo in no time.