Remember folks please be courteous to the brave men that served

Remember folks please be courteous to the brave men that served.

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PTSD is a dumb meme that isn't real at all. It's something this whiny millennial generation made up after they came home from Iraq so they could claim disabilitybux. If you see some faggot with this sign in his yard it is your obligation to shoot the loudest fireworks you can get right in front of his house.

It would be a shame if some kind of polish ceramics online forum convinced Antifa to do exactly the opposite. It could even cause great animosity between conflicting and stressed ideologies. Good thing this would never happen

My husband is literally hiding in our den with our dog right now because of the fireworks. Fuck off

Be kind around those with seizures.

Please shoot of fireworks near my house so I can feel like a normal human being again for just a moment. The closer and louder the better.

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t. POG

Reminder that while Obama is having a barbecue for veterans on the white house lawn with concerts and games, Trump is yanking thousands of military personnel away from their families for a 90 million dollar military parade that you're helping pay for. Trump dodged the draft for Vietnam. Dude doesn't give a shit about veterans, just wants to stroke his undeniable ego.

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>hear thunder first time after deployment
>subconsciously calculate risk of mortars
>immediately calculate range and generate map with likely origin of enemy fire
>call in all clear, no way they can range our current location
and with that, i paid for my gas and left.

Boo hoo. Trudeau is a cuck ponce commie. The queen murders babies and drinks their blood. Canada is a repository for street-shitters and opioid addicts.

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Okay, I don't really see what that has to do with any of the points I made. Even if you don't like Obama he's clearly one-upping the president on this one.

By the way, Canadians don't give a shit about the queen, and most of us don't like Trudeau either.

I was in for the better part of a decade; I only got to do a few parades though — I actually liked them.

What you probably don't realize is that parades are a great way for the military to both show-off and bond with the people. I mean it's not like most people interact with military-types very often, so there's a bit of otherness that happens there, and parades are a way to decrease that.

Parades are also a way to welcome returning soldiers, to begin re-integrating them into society. I mean just look at how the spit-on reception impacted the Viet Nam vets.

based and earplugpilled

anyone that's ever heard a battle can attest that the 4th of july is a celebration of killing your enemy with a high volume of concentrated firepower, which makes it pretty frickin sweet. combine some beer and grilled meat, girls in small clothes, it's literally the best holiday ever invented by mankind.

My neighbor left this afternoon and is staying at some hotel in the city to hide

I'm not going to refrain from shooting off fireworks because some Zogbot made the mistake of deciding to fight for Israel.

Press F for Uncle Cliff

were can I buy one of these not a vet but neither are the real vets...most were just playing toy soldiers

>hotel in the city to hide

If you want to get away from the fireworks you go out into the forest/mountains/desert.

remember to throw acid milkshakes at them so they can stand strongly beside their burned goyim brothers

That's where people are shooting them off. Nobody is dumb enough to shoot off fireworks in the middle of a city

I can't imagine most members of the military turning down a family barbecue with their friends to slowly drive a FV4034 Challenger 2 for three hours. I'm not knocking on parades in general, I'm knocking on Trump's.

>meanie drumpf is making soldiers be away from their family on a holiday!
This is one of the most retarded libfag complaints. Every single president has had soldiers away from their family during holidays, it's part of the job and everyone who enlists knows it. I don't know what bases are sending their soldiers for this but at most it's 2-3 days on the road and it's for something fun in the nation's capital that their families can attend if they want, not a deployment to some Middle East shithole.

Launch ‘em all. Fuck people who fight for Israel.

i'd rather drive a tank than go to a family barbecue that shit is fucking gay

>I can't imagine most members of the military turning down a family barbecue with their friends to slowly drive a FV4034 Challenger 2 for three hours. I'm not knocking on parades in general, I'm knocking on Trump's
It usually wasn't so bad in the parades we were in, and usually there would be something like said barbecue at the end of the parade [location and time] or after the equipment was staged for reprocessing (i.e. put everything in the motorpool and do all the final return-to-duty of the equipment the next day).

Day of the rake when?
- t. Coniferous

we arent doing fireworks because a third of the county burned down last year

>parades aren't necessarily bad
>except when le orange man does it!

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Reminder that BHO had a great big military parade during his inauguration

>my husband
Fuck off faggot


Trump doesn't need to take thousands of military members away from their families to do a parade. There have been plenty of military parades in the past that did not cost 90 million dollars, and in fact cost far less. He could just make a 90 million dollar donation to veteran benefits, or veteran mental health causes, or veteran help institutions, or any other better source that isn't a giant ego stroke.

Yes, that is what I'm saying. The 90 million dollar partially tax payer funded parade that needs thousands of participants is bad. Call me an NPC all you want.


First they sacrifice her to moloch and then they raid threads about her making vulgar and disrespectful comments REEEEEEE

Or cancel the parade at the last minute and redirect it to the wall while explaining that he didn't want to waste the money on frivolities. Watch the left completely change direction and scream how we needed the parade for national pride and unity.

shut up faggot

Anyone have the count donk meme of trump as the band leader?

Great argument

this, too bad you're from Canada

And women you fucking bigot

This is the nicest thing anyone's said to me on this god forsaken website

Any transgender lesbian is 1000x braver than a US Marine

jesus christ take him to a fucking hospital you stupid bitch, not be bitching on here

>Soldier who signed up for shit gets shit
thanks for the freedoms B-)

Die scum. My cousin served in Iraq. He was basically one of the guys from the Hurt Locker. You can't imagine the way PTSD has destroyed his life.

His fault for signing up to die for Israel :^)

I won't deny that. My father was an anti-war activist during nam. He told him he would die if he went but his stupid boomer mother convinced him to go. He is lucky to still be here with us.

0/10 bait

Thank him for protecting CIA poppy fields from sand niggers, err, I mean, protecting our freedoms in another continent in an invasive, err, I mean, peaceful force

I live in military retirement central and I have never seen one of those.

You have the wrong idea. Veterans don't deserve reverence, they deserve pity. They are the greasiest victims of the American imperialist war machine.

I should tell my neighbor who was in desert storm and Afghanistan that he shouldn't be setting them off.

PTSD is real you fucking idiot. Kys

Oh bullshit. I served, this isn't nothing other than REMF's trying to get people to thank them for their service. Motherfucker I didn't do it for you. I did it for the benefits plain and simple. Schooling, GI bill, free health care for the rest of my life just to name 3. Don't thank me, thank you! hahaha

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>No its not

PTSD is an excuse to act like an asshole. Motherfucker was crazy when he went in the service. If he went through the shit and is fucked up about it now he is a weak bitch plain and simple. "Oh, Mommy, let me suck your titty" Stand up you weak fuckers.