My idea to save white race

All white americans should go back to Europe. America is fucked and blacked.
But most of european countries are still 95%+ white, you guys can make it even whiter.

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So a few humdred million more people to Europe?

Better to have all the European whites come to America.

America is on a fucked location. Too near from Mexico. Europe is harder to be invaded.

By "america" I mean USA, of course


im game, which country and when do i move. get both governments on board and get me some sort of compensation for the house that I own and we gucci

Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, even UK. Just avoid big cities.

Go back to Europe

America is OUR land

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Already planning that amigo. I did my ancestry, I found I'm as pure as fresh snow. I plan on marrying a man from Denmark, since that's the majority I am.

only if you promise me a red headed wife

Nice larp Juan


>All white americans should go back to Europe.
Yeah, nah. Keep your school shootings, opioid addictions and medical bankruptcies where they belong.

QRD on Ireland in current year anybody? Been seriously considering it within the next few years

I'm about 50% British (probably a mix of the regional groups), so I guess I'd belong in England.

How much do you think it'd cost to move there? Do they even let Euromutts like myself in?

It could be. You'll have to wrestle it from the Jews.

>I plan on marrying a man from Denmark
You're saying this as a female, rrrriiight?

>Tell spain to fuck off
>Instantly lose 52% of own land
You did this to yourselves.

Yeah, why?

>It could be. You'll have to wrestle it from the Jews.
The jew fears the latino

Give me back my gold

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You make it sound like moving to Europe is easy as hell
Can you give me a rundown?

>all American whites give their up their arsenals and ammunition stockpiles to go to Europe
Nice thinking, retard.

>gib gold )_: muh reparaishuns
Poor thing is retarded.

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Where in Europe is the "closest" to the U.S. culturally? Where would I feel most at home?

>America is fucked and blacked
OP, we're going to expand the mission of the indian reservations to cover blacks
the blacks are going to live on indian reservations

toplël, amerimutts should stay the fuck out of Europe, literally everyone on the planet hates them.

It ultimately depends on the country you're moving to. You need to apply for a citizenship for a country, obviously and the rules vary. Usually it can be attained by living there legally for a certain amount of time. It is easier to get a citizenship if you have a grandparent or parent from one of those countries, but that depends on that too.


Que dices tonto.
Disimula un poco el autismo.


You're right, but you've never met a Slav, have you?

>Europe is harder to be invaded

either bait or just fucking retarded

You guys could really use us in order to infuse some testosterone back into European culture.

We beat the world's greatest empire in a war over mild taxation and gained out independence. Beta Euro countries like Scotland are too pussified to even VOTE for their independence.

Most of you bootlickers are way too far gone. I'll keep my shitty health insurance and my guns if it means not being subject the whims of unelected continental shadow committees.


I'm gunless.

Bongland I’d imagine

Eurocucks have no guns.


I have but I'll admit it's been probably close to a decade. What are you getting at anyway?

Your grand grand parents fought those wars.
Not the current +35 BMI, diabetic basedboys americans like to call themselves. Not to mention half your people would die of cancer if they get too much sun, for fuck sake's your people are afraid of spiders.

>Leave Mexitrash, niggers and kikes with 1600 nuke
Fuck off. America should launch all their nukes towards russia and china and then gun down every nigger down to Brazil.

Then they can go back.

Are you fucking retarded? America is defended by ocean on half it's borders, Europe is straight up a walk away from the middle East and Spain and Italy basically connect with all of Africa

Stand and fight faggots.

>the American says unironically as his pudgy obese fingers switch tabs over to as gunshots and screams ring out in the background as his neighbors get home Invaded by Tyrone and Jamal
>he takes a sip from his Mountain Dew (tm) while watching Donald trump bend over backwards for his Jewish overlords on his second monitor and leans back on his pro-gaming-chair (made in China like the rest of his houses appliances) and begins jerking off his circumcised penis to videos of miscegenation brought to him by shekleberg productions.
>”i sure owned that euro, heh” he says as he orgasms , relieving himself in the process as he lost the use of his legs to diabetes.

Yes. Send all these racist losers to Europe. I'm sure they'll 100% definitely 10/10 propagate their genes. They are the superior race, after all.

Cerra el culo negro

Fuck off kike. America has a realistic and cheap chance of getting rid of niggers forever, you would have to cleanse a still largely unexplored (by humans) continent to prevent them from eventually wandering around for gibs.

Chupamela pija, trolo esclavo español. El loro le pertenece a América estos godos ladrones la van a pagar

Fuck you, kike, “were full” is not a racist thing.
All you faggot whites can die in your homeland just like your ancestors intended. I don’t want the degenerate descendants of fags to scared to come to America before it was great over here any more than I want these niggers and spics.

>We beat the world's greatest empire
You did fuck all, son. Fuck all.

Get out of here with your reddit arguments, Slopey-Muhammad.

Western Europe stopped blood right citizenship

Sucks to suck.

Happy 4th of July, ya janky-toothed loser. Have a kebab on me.

At least I'm not piggybanking on someone elses success, everything I'm proud of I did myself you lazy piece of shit.

Imagine how dirty and impoverished America would be after a single generation of eagle warrior rule. You people destroy home values. Stay home in Mexico with your pirated Looney Tunes themed zapateria, Pedro.

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Concentrate millions of right-wing white Americans into a single European country and take over the political landscape by overwhelming numbers.

Have a shit load of babies too, and then vote and go on benefits

>Concentrate millions of right-wing white Americans into a single European country and take over the political landscape by overwhelming numbers.
In all fairness, fleeing the US due to life in impoverished conditions might be a legit asylum claim..

They are globalist miners . They are based in Canada for low corporate tax

Sorry, I’d much rather deal with spics than Muslims. Also no right to bear arms in Europe

Fuck off, were full.

America isn’t “blacked.” They are only 13% of our population. America is spic’d. There is no such thing as a white spic and we need to rid America or their kind.

you wish you had wholesome food locals instead of soulles massive fast food corporations, nigger

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The sad part is that this thread will die, the idea forgotten, and the dystopian hell that we live in will go on as usual, someone needs to start a real life movement of people.

get a life brazilian monkey

Come home fellow yankee brothers

true. do you know that 55% of the "mexican-americans" consider themselves white?

they really can't read or are blind. real mexico is 10-15% white MAXIMUM. and this considering the elites that live there. with private security

>I'm pure
>that's the majority
I dont think you understand purity

"According to James P. Smith of the Research and Development Corporation, the children and grandchildren of Latino immigrants tend to lessen educational and income gaps with White American. Immigrant Latino men earn about half of what whites make, while second generation US-born Latinos make about 78 percent of the salaries of their white counterparts and by the third generation US-born Latinos make on average identical wages to their US-born white counterparts.[79] However, the number of Mexican American professionals have been growing in size since 2010.[80]"

a little of spanish semen makes significant difference compared to africa it seems

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Was considering moving to Dordogne. Is it still safe?

>from Denmark, since that's the majority I am.
>I'm about 50% British
This is honestly why people from the European diaspora should, for the most part, stay out of Europe. We're a mix of European heritage and so, are ethnically 'white'. Whereas Europeans have distinct and unique ethnicities and bloodlines, if there were to be a mass return it'd destroy a lot of their ethnic heritage. This American obsession with glomming onto whatever ancestry you happen to be most of and claiming them as your own people isn't healthy.

This is how jews spread

>you guys
Nice try pajeet

>you wish you had wholesome food locals instead of soulles massive fast food corporations, nigger

Is that the one where Consuela doesn't wash her hands, leaves food out in the open for flies to lay eggs, and does not follow sanitary food practices?

Yeah nah, cunt.

>You guys could really use us in order to infuse some testosterone back into European culture

>80 + million hispanic immigrants in 50 years
>137 + million non whites in less than 50 years
>more blacks than South Africa
>more interracial rapes every year than South Africa
>3 states majority non white
>8 major cities majority non white
>zoomers minority white generation

Can you name a single thing white America has done with their guns in the last fifty years that has in any capacity improved their situation? Hell, even without their guns what have high testosterone white Americans done that has improved their situation?

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>All white americans should go back to Europe.

and abandon the greatest chunk of arable land on the planet?

How about you go fuck yourself, Brazil?

>I'll keep my shitty health insurance and my guns if it means not being subject the whims of unelected continental shadow committees.

You do realize not all European countries are socialist commie shitholes, don't you?

>and abandon the greatest chunk of arable land on the planet?
What has this got to do with Africa?

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>more blacks than South Africa
>more interracial rapes every year than South Africa

This is incredibly potent redpill material.

Please sauce.

Ack, I auto-ignored the word interracial through sheer habit of being a pornhound.

Still good info if you have it.

>we should leave the greatest country on earth
dont tell me what to do faggot

yes pls leave so i can drive south and purchase all your fast foods and marry a mex slampig

I would love to live out the rest of my days in the motherland. I plan on dying there. If only it was easier to actually move there. They only want slimes.

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Fucking based, AmeriMongrels blown the absolute fuck out.

Must be why Europa is 40% Muslims oh wait it's not and American is 40% Latin American.

Lol somebody's malaria pills are leaving him a little testy

>immigration rates mean a country is geographically more secure

You'll need to go to the FBI stats for this one, but multiple years America has had tens of thousands of black on white rapes, most years it's more than SA. But it's hard to draw a direct comparison because the police and government in SA don't record racial stats with crimes, but it seems to be worse in America since whites in SA tend to do their best to wall themselves off from the rest of Africa. I'm also fairly certain that if you were to go into just hard numbers more white Americans would've been killed by blacks than white South Africans, because you guys have been doing the diversity shit since the 60's and there's a lot more of you than us. It'd take a project to sift through the numbers though and I honestly don't have the motivation.

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Africa does have some of the best farmland on the planet. The soil is rich in minerals, particularly iron, hence the red colour, it's some of the most fertile land on the planet. I'm not testy, it's just a fact.

Please no, the American tourists alone here disgust me. I don't give a fuck about American „whites“ either, an American is subhuman regardless of racial background

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We had a lot of jews here once too, not an unsolvable Situation.
What did YOU do when Germany tried to get rid of the problem?

>mfw lmao @ the absolute state of SA

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>be a good goy and give up your guns, your country, and just run away

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>What has this got to do with Africa?

if you watched the video I provided, you would know the answer to this question is "The largest navigable river system on the planet" (A.K.A. the Mississippi)

you should really watch the video, I think it will be right up your ally.




What should we call the new Chinese master race with the body of an Aryan god and the brain of a Han?

fuck off, stay in america. no-one in europe wants to deal with entitled ignorants

fuck you this clay is ours. we'll balkanize and retain some of it but hopefully we can grow from there on

> All white should go back to Europe.

Heck! We have to build the wall again.

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with all the whites from europe we could easily take all the way down to the panama canal
we don't have to worry about the north because brown people hate the cold
'cept eskimos of course, but we can just feed them liquor and they'll keep quiet