Jews and Progressives

What is it with the modern progressive left and their attitudes toward the Jews? On one hand, they obviously oppose Israel but on the other they call everybody who they dislike Nazis. I get the sense that the majority of progressives have no master plan and are generally being manipulated by the content they consume, but why are those content creators not filling their heads with pro-Israel narratives? Are they failing to do so by accident or is it something deeper?

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>Jews and Progressives
Same thing.

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I agree with you when it comes to the ones who have a following, but their followers (antifa types and normie feminists) appear to just be mindless drones with no will of their own.

>the majority of progressives have no master plan and are generally being manipulated by the content they consume
The make up less than 37% of whites. Jews = the cancer, white NPCs = the cancer symptoms.

"The left" means jews, blacks, browns and radicals (with a few brainwashed boomers thrown in).

Hillary only got 37% of the overall white vote.


We are at a point now where it's white people vs everyone else (jews, immigrants, blacks, radicals etc.)

Just look at the demographics vs counties won.

It's time for any of that 37% out there to wake the fuck up as to what is really going on.

Time is short.




The country can easily be saved if we do just those 3 things.

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Because they're anarchists for hire and craigslists opportunists; literally footsoldiers of the Jew. If you try to discuss anything with them, they track down their sponsor and ignore you or continue to yell their scripted protest.

>their followers (antifa types and normie feminists) appear to just be mindless drones with no will of their own
That would be accurate. It's a trick jews pull on goyim to feel "enlightened" by hating their own people. It's where virtue signaling comes from. Jews use things like the holohoax and slavery (one a lie, the other in reality a jew endeavor) to manipulate weak minds.

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This just proves that Whites are not the master race. They are morons.

Fuck off, JIDF.

White Moron confirmed

It's just brainwashing/conditioning mate. I worked with a bunch of normies who would go on and on about the "banking elite" being the cause of all the world's problems.
Yet would still "muh holocaust" if you said anything good about the krauts in the 30s.
It's this one little hangup that they all have - Nazi is the worlds worst thing to be.

I am a progressive. There's nothing wrong with Jews. We don't like the far right government in Israel. There, you moron. Was that hard to figure out?

This. The rest are just dupes working against their own interests.

When you think intelligence means communist indoctrination, what do you expect?

Regardless of this LARP, it's interesting that most criticism of Israel (despite the usual "you can criticize the government but not their right to exist!" line that boomers keep shilling) falls under the category of anti-semitism.

Modern day liberals are basically a fascist unification of grassroots former left, dems, and corporations led by big tech. If they were advocating for whites instead of destroying them, they would be pols dream team. Instead they are pushing for globalization. They are totally in line with fascist ideals in an economic and authoritarian sense, and only lapse on social issues, which will likely come to be rewritten. And is some sort of bizarro world reflection now.

YUP, both Democrats and Republicans will call you anti Semitic for criticizing Israel, because Republicans sold you out and Democrats are just moderate Republicans.

I thought this was supposed to be a serious political discussion board. Modern day Liberals are just the middle ground between Capitalism and Socialism, while today's Conservatives are a balance of Capitalism and Feudalism. Fascism is a far Right ideology. If anything you can charge both Neo Cons and Liberals with Imperialism not Fascism.

Its a senseless materialistic based religion they adopted to fill their sad empty lives. They are corporate slaves and don't even realize it. Many of them stay drugged up to keep from realizing it even.

Modern day liberals are arguing for nazi style economic and market marriage to benefit minorities. Read a book you fucking mong and get over your dumb burger education that made everything dualist. The hubris of your fat country is astounding.

Yeah moron, it's called capitalism and consumerism.

Nazi style economics? You mean Capitalism with social programs? Nazis look inward while neoliberal Capitalism look to globalize, and have presence in expanding markets. You Anime pansy ass incel nation is astounding.