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>salute to america
can we deport this bitch to france so she can die of heat stroke?

We are more important than France.
Job done.
Fuck you.

Defend what? Celebrating the fourth of july when it's hot in France?

[kvetching intensifies]

Sounds like france's problem, what does this have to do with the USA?
they are a sovereign nation right?

And what the fuck is America supposed to do about the heat in fucking Europe? It's July, faggots, of course it's hot outside.

>Muh global warming

I guess the europoors better turn off all their factories and power plants then! Or you all could stop being babies about summer weather in fucking summer.

>earth is boiling the frogs for us

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>Caring about kvetching

>we should put tanks in France to fight Muh climate change

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Why isn't Trump using the weather machine to cool down France?

Shitskins are refusing to work while I, a pure Norman rapebaby, sweat my ass off. Black privilege is real.

Le mot juste

>defend this
Trump isn't Chinese.

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Because you are the wind beneath my wings.

>It gets hot in the summer
Oy Vey!!

>import Africans
>African climate also arrives in France
I'm a climate scientist. Complaining about the heat is racist. Give me shekels for this revelation.

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not politics

She’s jewish.

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July 4th is the birthday of the greatest country ever. Who is bette midler.

Does she think Trump is able to change the weather in a country on a different continent or something?


I love France, I hope you guys kickout the africans/muslims.

Remember the little ice age. This is the little heatwave.

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Won't happen until people stop watching the TV

When does the big ice age happen? I still love you, Winterchan.

It already happened. Were waiting for the big heatwave, maybe self inflicted.

well, the Little Ice Age happened after 200 years of the Medieval Warm Period


She's senile?

Trump should have stopped global warming. Until he does that we cannot feel patriotic.

ya shit happens

Support and spread alt media to redpill normies. I know Jared Taylor does stuff in France, which is good.

>1980s summer
>Hot weather
"Wow it's hot"
>2019 summer
>Hot weather
"Climate change reeeeeeeeeee"

You'll drink out of a paper straw and like it!

Maybe we can bomb global warming and install centralized banking in the climate. I'm sure that would go a long way towards solving the problem.

Why are lefties complaining about climate change when they want the most ideal living standards for Africans and goatfuckers? Especially in Françistan

Censorship is huge despite what fellow frogs say. I already got my loved ones into opening their eyes but media is bashing people's head in so hard they'd rather import refugees or simply "becomes" commies instead of voting for evil nazi right wingers

Well I'm sure it'll turn around in time, just have to keep fighting. Spread alt media everywhere possible.

You need to do everything you can to keep France from descending in to this dystopian nightmare again.

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An unheard of 40% of wealth in the hands of 2%.

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Already happened tbf, now to wait for people to wake up
I have a comfy job, waiting on my second kid. Can't risk it aside from mouth to ear

Fucking Trump and his... weather in France?

It's because they had a military parade that Trump liked.

Weather is hot in summer. Sacré bleu!

Second part meant for Already at work,brain not working

This bitch is crazy.
> Drumpf do something, fire your tanks at the sun to save the migrants
Geriatric confirmed

The replies are fucking gold. There's still hope lads, just because they're the loudest doesn't mean they're the majority

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He could.

>Liberals when the weather is cold

>Liberals when weather is hot

hope paris burns
live love

The fuck do these literal retards want us to do? Now I understand the kvetching about us not joining the stupidass Paris climate suicide pact, but these morons actually think "if only the USA gave a few billion dollars, it wouldn't be so hot!"
What the fuck, do they want us to install wind turbines but use them as fans or something, I seriously don't understand. Are climatefags even coherent beings?

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So what? Who the fuck is Brent Midland?

>France confirmed for third world African shithole that desperately needs American donations to buy fans and AC

What's he supposed to do? Send them air conditioners? Would that shut her up?


Bette Midler was born in Honolulu,[8][9] where her family was one of the few Jewish families in a mostly Asian neighborhood.

>Defend what? Celebrating the fourth of july when it's hot in France?
Do you suppose on the 14th of July the French will be celebrating Bastille Day? I bet they will be...

It could be 1000 degrees in France I wouldn't give a shit

Remember a while back when it snowed in hawaii and the climate cultists were all saying "but weather ain't climate"?

Checked and lefty-hypocrisy pilled

This. Checked

I mean, sure, he could nuke all the Chinks and fix it overnight, but that's a little extreme, don't you think, Bette?

>maybe self inflicted.
Not fucking hardly. The climate has always changed the climate WILL always change that's like starting a movement to stop the moon from orbiting the planet.

I bet they had block parties when she made it and moved the fuck out.

*rubs hands*

i think it would be hot in france right now if Trump had a parade or not. what is wrong with these people

I actually kind of enjoy paper straws

Trump wanting to celebrate the 4th is directly related to the heatwave in Europe you bigot.

There is 12C in Moscow this morning.
About 10 degrees lower than it should be in July.

licking a wooden popsickle stick is like fingers down a chalkboard for me for some reason. The paper straw gives me the same sensation so I bought like 10000 plastic ones from the dollar store to hopefully last me my lifetime.

>they're the majority
They aren't, it's about 8 percent of the left making all the noise. A very loud and unfortunately influential eight percent.

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Get insulation and put the AC on you stupid eurotards.

That's not environmentally friendly though

lol what a dumb cunt -- of course she blames Trump for climate change

Why don't you guys in Europe have air conditioning you twats

Global warming... Is a myth.
Volcanoes are the cause of warming. Not man.

That's why, love him or hate him, he's been the living embodiment of the glasses from They Live, showing the whole world how fucking truly insane some of these people are. He deserves two more terms for that alone.

Yes, Trump should be using his Level 12 Breath of Frost spell to cool down France instead of put on his petty parade! Fucking sorcerers do nothing to help global warming, and frankly I'm fed up.

fucking amerimutts and your dumb Farenheit scale make it look like it's 70 degrees.
keep pleasing the kike with pushing the fucking climate change scam, as if america doesn't suck their cock enough by dying in their wars, bunch of cucks

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>fag flag
>has to mention sucking cock somewhere in the post

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Lurk moar

I'm talking about a Nuke

>Trump can control the weather in France


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Why do you think we had HAARP in Alaska for all of these years? It was to make it hot in Europe in the summer time so we could have a static display of Tanks in DC for the 4th while Trump gave Israel money and tried to buy immigrant children beds despite the wishes of the liberals who work for Wayfare.

She's right tho. Why didn't Trump write an executive order against the heat in France?

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What are these people gonna do if Trump wins again?

If we didn't have their support during the Revolutionary War then we would never have won they're our oldest ally

Mass suicide is always an option.
Would kill two birds with one stone. Lower the population, and would be a huge entertainment factor to run on PPV, and put the money towards the National Dept.

Why would Trump help people who hate him and want him dead or in jail? Why would anyone?

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Wtf is he supposed to do about the heat in France?

Turn the temperature down obviously.

Isn't it just the perfect climate for refugees?

> stopping the moon from orbiting the planet
If everyone just pays more in taxes

I bought a Tesla so my car is now coal powered. I don't wash or use deodorant and keep my a/c set to 25C. Am I now virtuous?

It's 115 in France because the Solar Minimum is messing up the climate in the northern hemisphere, which you would know if you did 3 mins of research tops

no one ever talks about the environmental damage caused by either the military in "defending" shitskins and israel and the environmental damage of hosting social media servers. sending warplanes, ships and tanks to desert countries should be priority number 1 for climate change protesters, and closing the air conditioned data centres of facebook and twitter number 2. these 2 things are not required for life, they are both luxuries the west can do without.