Where were you when you realized the bible is a lie, climate change one of the greatest threats to humanity, Trump is a terrible president, the workers should control production, Hitler was a piece of shit who deserved to die, it's okay to be gay, there's nothing wrong with interracial relationships, Zen Buddhism is the truest religion, Quakerism is the best form of Christianity, Baroque music, bebop jazz, traditional folk, hardcore punk, extreme metal, and EDM are the best music genres, the Republican Party is destructive and full of fear-driven morons, weed is bad for you, travel and education are good, women deserve equal rights, reading is important, and helping refugees is moral?
Most kikey thing I read all day.
>Where were you
Fucking your daughter
I wonder where this person lives who made this. I really do.
I live in the United States. That's my flag, right there. Look.
Yeah but like where? what the fuck is wrong with you? Zen Buddhism? Fucking ignorant westerner, imagine not knowing the whole purpose of Buddhism or Zen in particular was to stop rice farmers blowing their brains out because of the sheer mindless repetition their peasant existence afford them.
Its not meant for the likes of you and your kind. Go eat a whopper you brain moron
someone went to great lengths in checking off every box.
this is the standard questionnaire presented when applying for an apartment in most brooklyin neighborhoods.
all of those things are opinions; and very few of them fully formed or thoughtfully developed. OP is in a didactic phase.
this kind of rigid and doctrinaire thinking is what's cast all creative fields into a morbid perdition. it's sad. everything sucks. and the reason is the inflexibility and religious like ardor of those who hold such opinions.
it was a mistake to invite persons normally disinclined to world affairs/politics/ideas into these arenas -- for they invariably adopt the points of view imputed from on high -- never stopping to think about matters involving thought itself. these fields should be reserved for those naturally disposed to such thinking.
>t. tragically hip
Inflexibility is what you get when you have people who are naturally disposed towards megalomania. "There must be something to this! and I have found it!"
>to it
to what
>Bible is a lie
Stopped right here.
Be gone merchant
>larping as a weak jew2.0
Many yike
I wish I was a jew. Instead I'm a mongol, tatar, turk rapebaby.
2 kinds of people in the world
>wanna be jews
>the workers should control production
Workers shouldn't even control their own lives. Most people are idiots.
When I went to school, I mass murdered 88 niggers on my first day. It caused a few arguments amongst the teachers, as some were for, and others were against my actions. My punishment was 1,000 lines where I had to write out that "I would not mass murder niggers." This didn't last too long though, as a visiting basketball team pulled up to the school, and I threw 7 live grenades at their bus, killing most of the niggers immediately, and I used a full-auto long gun military style assault machine gun to mop up the rest. I was sent to the principles office for that, and given a letter to take home for my parents to sign. I don't know why people talk about niggers bullying white kids in schools, they never gave me any problems. If niggers were talking too loudly in the hallways, I'd just fire the sawed-off shotgun at them which I always kept in my backpack. While it was annoying to be forced to clean up the bits of dead nigger off the floor, I did notice a marked improvement in the general nigger population.
must be from jew york
A day will come when you see God in all His glory. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that He is God.
Jesus loves you very much. Seek Him out and ask Him to come into your heart. He's coming back very soon. Don't wait until it's too late.
Trump is a wonderful President because he does fuck all. Nobody from either party, and I mean nobody, wanted him elected.
That other subjective bundle of faggotry only exists because you're not lying dead in a ditch somewhere because rich men wanted war.
>Where were you when you realized the bible is a lie
why just the bible? bait.
>climate change one of the greatest threats to humanity
So are the green energy cabals, exploiting irrational fear for billions of dollars
>Trump is a terrible president
better than fucking hillary
>the workers should control production
you don't know how to set up an international supply chain for just BEEF because you flip burgers at McD's, yes, wages should increase to keep pace with purchasing power of the dollar, but that's it
>Hitler was a piece of shit who deserved to die
maybe, but I have been lied to before by my government so I will retain my skepticism and withhold final judgement
>it's okay to be gay, there's nothing wrong with interracial relationships
yep, but making that one aspect of your life the sole root of your identity is not.
>Zen Buddhism is the truest religion
every religion and every cult has particular wisdoms as well as faults. decide for yourself which one holds true for you, and do not force your identity on another
>Quakerism is the best form of Christianity, Baroque music, bebop jazz, traditional folk, hardcore punk, extreme metal, and EDM are the best music genres
This is all subjective nonsense
>the Republican Party is destructive and full of fear-driven morons
so is the other side, another facet of the corporate party of america
>weed is bad for you
If you use it habitually, no shit
>travel and education are good
not inherently but they can be, anyone can go to hawaii, but can they appreciate the differences of european and american culture by traveling to Spain or France? Did blind regurgitation of facts make you grow as a person?
>women deserve equal rights
yes, EQUAL. Not more, not less.
>reading is important
what are you reading? the classics? the communist manifesto? are you blindly accepting everything as incontrovertible truth?
>and helping refugees is moral
Not if you destroy yourself so you both die
Everyone realizes these when they're 15 because there are the beliefs pushed in school. It takes at least 10 more yeqrs to realize most of these are the opposite.
Being leftist literqlly means being childish.
listening to npr on my drive to my govt job while quietly seething at the guy who just passed me by in a nicer car