Why can American children purchase weapons of war?

Honest question: America isn't under attack. Why do we allow kids to buy them? All these school shootings hasn't even changed anything.

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America is a fortress nation, all hands must have proper weapons training.

Listen to this limp-waisted fag. Bet hammers shouldn’t be allowed by kids either? Sage, no one reply to this slide thread

Because background checks are reliable most of the time and most dealers aren't stupid so they won't sell firearms to anyone who looks unstable.

at least pick a better 'weapons of war' like a ar-15 for your shitty bait thread not a hunting rifle


Kids can't buy guns, they get them off the streets or from irresponsible parents.

nigger that's an air rifle, even bongs can have those

>America isn't under attack
...from the outside

We have hoards of Invaders pouring across the border, text book definition of a country under attack, yet the jew will tell you otherwise

Yeah after extensive background checks and training. I bought my first AR at 18 and the whole process took 10 minutes

USA is literally under attack from a bunch of sides.

Because they have a based constitution and kids need to learn how to safely handle a gun.

Because there was a time before this country was overrun with life-loving panzies.

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What an astute observation user, be a shame if no one actually gave a fuck, besides us.

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Kek its a Walmart air rifle

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To defend themselves you giant faggot.

That's a pellet gun, dickface.

Worthless Chi-Com shit.

>All these school shootings

All of them?
How many?

Thats an airgun you nuguns faggot

Its an air rifle, doode.

You don't know rifles

I get your point, but it's hard to get snot-nosed and teary-eyed over the BDs. Imagine Hillary Clinton and John Podesta holed up with a bunch of kids in some creepy compound. What would you do?

>weapons of war

Benjamin Nitroyahu

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Standard issue for the Global War on Varmints. I proudly served in Operation Enduring Groundhog.

Because of the way your 2A is constructed. It was designed to have an armed populace for self defense and in case your government because authoritarian shitheads like the (((Democrats))) and (((Republicans))) are becoming.

School shootings usually happen in gun free zones and usually when some idiot isn't stopped from carrying out.

But why do we give them to kids? Shouldn't we keep kids from owning or operating something that can cause death?

Pick one

so they can start shooting commies like you early

That's a fucking bb gun. No legitimate place of business would sell that to minor. Poor bait

>wait until you are at war to prepare
Wasn't there a saying about this?

High school's a bitch. You'll get through it kid.

Based leaf how has sense

>America isn't under attack.
you are doing it right now

>America isn't under attack

It is. But the weapons aren't guns.

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that pellet gun isn't going to do much damage even if someone gets shot in the head. Also, gun crime has gun down despite what the media will tell you, commie.

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This is soooo wrong. Global warming is causing a surge of gun violence. The only solution is to make guns illegal and raise taxes.

Being a pussy is Un-American. Stop being such a pussy.

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I don't know if you're braindead or if you actually mean this?

>Why can American children purchase weapons of war?

They can't

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I just bought my 5 year old a fully automatic assault rifle. It’s baby blue and he runs around the house saying pew pew. If he offs himself it’s ok, we have another baby on the way

You sir are a boyscout and are to good for this board.

A weak attempt humor I guess.

Shit dude, that's almost a poem.

The white man is always holding back people of color.

Wtf I’m willing to bet most kids don’t go buy guns I’m guessing they take their parents’ guns

I bought my first gun, a CETME, at an auction when I was 18.

Laws made me wait and pick it up the next day, but it was easy.